From: (Gonzalez, Francisco)
Subject: Modern-day Tainos
Date: Tue, 27 May 97 13:48:28 -0400
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Precedence: bulk
Tau Taino,
As some of you may know, I am a historian by training, and I have decided to write a paper for publication (hopefully!) on the history of the current reawakening of the Taino people.
I sent an email to various lists requesting information (please see below), and I would also appreciate any contributions from the members of the Taino-L list and from the Taino Intertribal Council, specially regarding how you became interested in the Taino. I will respect all requests for anonymity.
I want to stress that I intend to write an objective, respectful and non-partisan study of the history of the various Taino organizations and the people involved, and I will most definitively welcome any comments and suggestions on how to conduct this research.
Taino Ti!
Francisco J. Gonzalez
Dear co-listeros:
I am researching the origins of the various Taino 'revivalist' movements among the modern day peoples of Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic that work to recreate the culture of the Taino (the Native American people that inhabited these islands at the time of the Spanish conquest).
Most historical accounts indicate that the Taino were exterminated or assimilated into the Spanish colonial societies by the end of the 16th century. However, strong cultural, linguistic and (in isolated enclaves) ethnic Taino traits remain to this day specially in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
There are currently several organizations and individuals, both in the
Caribbean and in the US, involved in reasserting their Taino heritage,
as well as preserving the environment, protecting archaeological sites
and developing a Taino identity among the general population. On the
other hand, there are others who look at this Taino revival
a business opportunity, selling reproduction (and even illegally
obtained original) artifacts, and marketing Taino culture as another
exotic attraction for tourists. Lastly, for some individuals of mixed
racial background, it is more palatable to attribute their non-White
ethnicity to Indians
than to African slaves.
I will greatly appreciate any information regarding all aspects
(economic, political, social, environmental) dealing with the Taino
movement, in both English or Spanish. Please send any
information to my direct address (below). Also, please let me know if
you want to have a copy of my conclusions.
Thank you!- Muchas gracias!
Francisco J. Gonzalez
620 N. 5th Street
Mankato, MN 56001
ph (507) 389-8147
ph (507)388-1082
Estimados colegas:
Les solicito su cooperacion con un estudio que estoy realizando sobre el origen del movimiento 'nuevo Taino' ahora en crecimiento entre los pueblos actuales de Puerto Rico, Cuba y la Republica Dominicana, y que trata de revivir la cultura de los indios Tainos (indigenas que habitaban estas islas al momento de la llegada de los espanoles).
La mayoria de las cronicas historicas indican que los Tainos fueron exterminados o asimilados a la sociedad colonial espanola para finales del siglo XVI. Sin embargo, hasta el dia de hoy todavia quedan fuertes razgos culturales, linguisticos y (en algunos lugares aislados) etnicos de los Tainos, especialmente en Cuba y Puerto Rico.
Existen en la actualidad varias organizaciones e individous, tanto en
las islas del Caribe como en los Estados Unidos, dedicadas a rescatar
su herencia Taina, ademas de defender el medioambiente, proteger
yacimientos arqueologicos y desarrollar una identidad Taina en la
comunidad. Por otro lado, nos encontramos con otras personas que ven
este resurgimiento Taino como una oportunidad para hacer negocio,
vendiendo mercancias con temas indigenas o utilizando la cultura Taina
como una atraccion exotica mas para los turistas. Por ultimo, para
algunos individuos mestizos o mulatos, les es mas aceptable atribuir
su piel oscura a presuntos ancestros indigenas
que el admitir
tener herencia etnica de esclavos africanos.
Apreciare grandemente toda informacion que me pudiesen facilitar sobre cualquier aspecto (economic, politico, social, ambientalista. etc..) referente al movimientot 'nuevo Taino'. Dicha informacion puede ser en espanol o ingles, y por favor envienla a mi direccion particular (abajo). Por ultimo, con mucho gusto le suministrare copia de mi trabajo si lo desean, al igual que respetare toda solicitud de anonimato de ser requerida.
Muchisimas gracias,
Francisco J. Gonzalez
620 N. 5th street
Mankato, MN 56001
(USA-Estados Unidos)
tel, (507) 389-8147
tel (507) 388-1082