Separately, the indigenous movement led by Felip Quispe Huanca is
threatening a blockade of the capital La Paz to take the city.
This is what the Inca rebellion against the Spaniards in the year 1781
under Tupac Katari also did. At a conference on Monday the indigenous
leaders decided to extend their blockade to the roads to Oruro, to
Laja, Chuquiaguillo and Rio Abajo. The conference demanded that the
government drop its charges of armed uprising
against Felipe
Quispe. They stated they would demand the government cabinet of
President Hugo Banzer be put on trial for the two deaths that have
taken place in the antiplano.
The entry of the military in Huarina
and the forced lifting of the blockade has enraged the peasants.
According to peasants on the pampa, more than 12,000 are waiting
for a reply from the government. If there is no answer they will
throw out the military and continue the blockade of roads.
In La
Paz the red ponchos
have arrived, that is the peasants of
Ancoraimes and Warisata to reinforce the movement. Each new
recruit is being trained up in the hills to fight hand to hand.
The secretary of The Confederation of Peasant Workers of
(CSUTB), Lucio Huanca, informed that as part of the
inter-union agreement, the rural teachers, and transport workers are
supporting the movement.