From Tue Nov 20 18:29:43 2001
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 00:31:23 -0600 (CST)
From: Weekly News Update <>
Subject: Weekly News Update #616, 11/18/01
Article: 130491
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
X-UIDL: O-pzr9HkIcxLWwE
On Nov. 12, some 4,500 Paez indigenous people from six reservations
intervened to halt an attack by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC) on the police station in the town of Caldono in Cauca
department. Armed only with traditional staffs of
--wooden sticks which symbolize authority--the Paez arrived
about an hour after some 150 fighters from the FARC's Sixth Front
and its Jacobo Arenas column began shooting at 15 police agents holed
up in the station. The indigenous came in response to a plea for help
from reservation governor Luis Omar Rivera, made through the church
speakers. The Paez men, women and children placed themselves between
the rebels and police and demanded that both sides stop shooting.
The Paez say they are prepared to expel
any armed groups
operating in their ancestral territory, whether they be rebels,
police, army or paramilitaries. We won't endure any more
attacks against indigenous people and civilians,
said Margarita
Pena, an indigenous council member from Caldono. We want them to
leave us in peace and we will pay whatever price is necessary to clear
the violent ones from our reservations.
[El Tiempo (Bogota)