Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 08:39:29 -0700
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To: Indigenous Appeal <>
Subject: OMCT attack on indigeneous persons/mexico
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 1997 5:34 AM

Case MEX 060597

OMCT attack on indigeneous persons/mexico

From l'Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture.
20 May, 1997

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Mexico.

Brief description of the situation :

The International Secretariat has been informed of various acts which constitute grave violations of human rights in Mexico.

1. According to the Independent National Committee, affiliated to the FEDEFAM, an organisation member of the network, on May 5th 1997 police agents violently detained JOSE DE MOLINA (a singer well known for his solidarity with all indigenous, peasant and social sectors), DARIO AGUILAR and MARTIN HERNANDEZ. They were taken to the commissariat of Xochimilco. It is not known if they are still being detained and the reasons behind their detention remain unknown.

Moreover, since the same 5th of May up to the date of this appeal, agents of the police and of the army have targeted and harassed many teachers engaged in a demonstration demanding the recognition of their rights, (especially an increase in salary and better social benefits) as well as the release of some 80 professors and other political prisoners and an end to militarisation.

The teachers, from Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacan, Tlaxcala, Mexico and sections 9,10 and 11 of the Federal District, members of the National Co-ordination of Educational Workers (CNTE) carried out a march to the capital of approximately 500 kilometres. At present they are stationed in front of the offices of the Ministry of Education as a permanent protest.

According to the same reports the authorities have issued or are about to issue orders of detention against various persons, presumed to be leaders or activists of teachers' organisations or other social sectors.

2. According to the same organisation (CNI), the Organisation of Ethnic Peoples of Veracruz, has reported that a member of the Otomi indigenous community, ROGELIO GABRIEL MORONES was apparently summarily executed on April 16th 1997. During this event a peasant, BALDOMERO MENDOZA, was injured. Both men were from the community of Plan del Encimal, municipality of Ixhuatlan de Madero, Veracruz.

At the time of the event, both men were on their way to the offices of the Governor, Sr. Patricio Chirinos Calero. The Governor summoned them in order to attempt to resolve problems of the land from which they had been violently evicted on September 8th 1994. During the eviction Rolando and Atanacio Hernandez Hernandez, both indigenous persons were killed.

The members of the Organisation of Ethnic Peoples fear for the life of other indigenous persons. The roads along which they have to travel are apparently guarded by heavily armed persons (their faces covered). It is believed that these armed men are under the control of the cattle rancher Tranquilino Hernandez Reyna.

Action requested
Please write to the Mexican authorities urging them to :

i. guarantee in all circumstances the respect of the physical and psychological integrity of JOSE DE MOLINA, DARIO AGUILAR and MARTIN HERNANDEZ and order their immediate release( If they are still being detained) in the absence of valid judicial charges or, if such charges exist, bring them before a competent and impartial civil court which will rule on the case according to due process of law;

ii. carry out a thorough and impartial investigation into the presumed summary execution of ROGELIO GABRIEL MORONES, in order to identify and bring to trial those responsible and impose upon them the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;

iii. ensure appropriate medical assistance for BALDOMERO MENDOZA and guarantee his physical and psychological integrity as well as that of the other residents of the indigenous community of Plan del Encinal;

iv. ensure the right of the family of ROGELIO GABARIEL MORONES to an adequate compensation and reparation;

v. put an end to the violence and other grave violations committed against the indigenous population;

vi. guarantee the full respect of human rights and fundamental liberties in the country in accordance with national laws and international standards.

Addresses :
S.E. Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Presidente de la Republica, Palacio Nacional, C.P. 06065, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Fax (+ 52 5) 271 17 64 o/or 515 47 83 o/or 516 57 62

Lic. Esteban Moctezuma Barragan, Secretario de Gobernacion, Secretaria de Gobernacion, Bucareli 99, 2 piso, Col. Juarez, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Fax (+ 52 5) 546 73 88 o/or 547 03 21 o/or 546 51 33

Dr. Jorge Madrazo Cuellar, Procurador General de Justicia, Procuraduria General, Violeta y Reforma s/n 2 piso, Col. Guerrero, Mexico, D.F. CP 06300 Mexico. Fax: (+ 52 5) 626 44 26

Dra. Mireille Rocatti, Presidenta Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos, Periferico sur 3469, Col. San Jeronimo Lidice, Deleg. Magdalena Contreras, C.P. 10200, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Fax.: (+ 52 5) 631 26 33

The Mexican embassy in your respective countries.

Geneva, May 7th 1997

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal in your reply.
Ben Schonveld
Projects Manager
Fax 4122 733 1051
Ph 4122 733 3140
OMCT is: l'Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture
The World Organisation Against Torture


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