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Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 00:26:56 GMT
Reply-To: Rich Winkel <>
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
From: Rich Winkel <>
Organization: PACH
Subject: NACLA: Latin America in the Global Economy
Latin America in the Global Economy: Running Faster to Stay in Place
By Gary Gereffi and Lynn Hempel,
in NACLA's Report on the Americas, 10:02 AM Apr 2, 1996
During the latter half of the twentieth century, the
organization of the world economy has changed in fundamental
ways. Until the end of World War II, the advanced industrial
countries of western Europe and the United States controlled
most of the world's trade and industrial production. Since
the 1950s, however, the industrialization gap between
developed and developing countries has been narrowing.
Industrial production has shifted out of the West, initially
to Japan, then to the newly industrialized countries (NICs)
of Latin America (Mexico, Brazil and Argentina) and East Asia
(Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore), and now to
virtually every country of the world. As developed economies
shift toward high-value-added manufacturing and services, the
center of gravity for production activities in many global
industries has moved to the developing world.
Industrialization itself, however, may be losing the key
status it once had as a definitive hallmark of national
development.1 There are two reasons for this. First,
industrialization and development are not synonymous. This is
apparent in the disparate social and economic consequences of
industrial growth in the Latin American and East Asian NICs
over the past several decades. In addition, authoritarian
rather than democratic political regimes have been associated
with high economic growth rates in many countries. Second,
while industrialization may be a necessary condition for core
status in the world system, it no longer is sufficient.
Mobility from the semiperiphery to the core, or from the
periphery to the semiperiphery, cannot be defined simply in
terms of a country's degree of industrialization. More
important is a nation's success in upgrading its mix of
economic activities toward products and techniques that
require skilled workers, rising wages, and higher levels of
value added. Continued innovations by the most developed
countries tend to make core status an ever receding frontier.
Thus, developing nations have to run faster just to stay in
The new manufacturing by developing nations is largely
export-oriented. Third World exports encompass a broad range
of traditional items (such as coffee, bananas and tin) as
well as nontraditional ones (such as snow peas, blue jeans
and cars). These exports go disproportionately to developed
country markets. This pattern of diversified, export-oriented
industrialization requires a more sophisticated explanation
than the "cheap labor" hypothesis that views low-wage workers
located in export-processing zones as the catalyst for the
surge of manufactured exports from the Third World. These
assembly-oriented export activities have frequently
characterized only the initial stage of export-oriented
industrialization in many nations.
Economic globalization is not a frictionless web of arm's-
length market transactions. Countries are incorporated in the
global economy through international production, trade, and
financial networks which are dominated by foreign capital.
Latin America's involvement in these networks is quite
different from that of Asia, and as a result Latin America
has exploited only some of the opportunities that are
presented by economic globalization. This has limited the
ability of Latin America to move toward the high-value-added
niches in the global production hierarchy, and to develop a
more integrated pattern of industrial development with
substantial local ownership and domestic linkages.
In global capitalism, economic activity is not only
international in scope, it is also global in organization.
"Internationalization" refers to the geographic spread of
economic activities across national boundaries. As such, it
is not a new phenomenon; indeed, it has been a prominent
feature of the world economy since at least the seventeenth
century, when colonial empires began to carve up the globe in
search of raw materials and new markets for their
manufactured exports. "Globalization" is much more recent
than internationalization and implies functional integration
between internationally dispersed activities.
Globalization requires the agency of three kinds of
international capital: (1) industrial capital--i.e.,
vertically integrated transnational corporations that
establish international production and trade networks through
the activities of overseas subsidiaries; (2) commercial
capital--i.e., large retailers, merchandisers of brand-named
products, and trading companies that create and control
global sourcing networks typically headquartered in developed
countries, coordinated from semiperipheral locations (the
NICs), and with production concentrated in the low-wage
periphery; and (3) finance capital--i.e., commercial banks,
official international lending institutions (such as the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund), and, to a
lesser degree, portfolio investors that supply the short-term
funds used to finance global production and trade.
Industrial and commercial capital has promoted globalization
by establishing two distinct types of international economic
networks, which may be called "producer-driven" and "buyer-driven"
commodity chains.2 Producer-driven commodity chains
refer to those industries in which transnational corporations
or other large integrated industrial enterprises play the
central role in controlling the production system (including
its backward and forward linkages). This is most
characteristic of capital- and technology-intensive
industries like automobiles, computers, aircraft and heavy
machinery. What distinguishes producer-driven systems is the
control exercised by the administrative headquarters of
transnational corporations.
Buyer-driven commodity chains refer to those industries in
which large retailers, designers, and trading companies play
the pivotal role in setting up decentralized production
networks in a variety of exporting countries, typically
located in the Third World. This pattern of trade-led
industrialization has become common in labor-intensive,
consumer-goods industries such as garments, footwear, toys,
houseware, consumer electronics, and a variety of
hand-crafted items (e.g., furniture, ornaments). Production
is generally carried out by tiered networks of Third World
contractors that make finished goods for foreign buyers. The
specifications are supplied by the large retailers or
designers that order the goods.
One of the main characteristics of the firms that fit the
buyer-driven model, including retailers like Wal-Mart, Sears
Roebuck, and J.C. Penney, athletic footwear companies like
Nike and Reebok, and fashion-oriented apparel companies like
Liz Claiborne and The Limited, is that these firms design
and/or market, but do not make, the brand-named products they
order. They are part of a new breed of "manufacturers without
factories" that separate the physical production of goods
from the design and marketing stages of the production
process. Profits in buyer-driven chains derive not from
scale, volume, and technological advances as in producer-driven
chains, but rather from unique combinations of high-value
research, design, sales, marketing, and financial
services that allow the retailers, designers and traders to
act as strategic brokers in linking overseas factories and
traders with evolving product niches in their main consumer
Profitability is greatest in the relatively concentrated
segments of global commodity chains characterized by high
barriers to the entry of new firms. In producer-driven
chains, manufacturers making advanced products like aircraft,
automobiles and computers are the key economic agents not
only in terms of their earnings, but also in their ability to
exert control over backward linkages with raw material and
component suppliers, and forward linkages into distribution
and retailing. The transnational corporations in producer-
driven chains therefore frequently participate in global
oligopolies. Buyer-driven commodity chains, by contrast, are
characterized by highly competitive and globally
decentralized factory systems. The companies that develop and
sell brand-named products exert substantial control over how,
when and where manufacturing will take place, and over how
much profit accrues at each stage of the chain. Thus, whereas
producer-driven commodity chains are controlled by industrial
firms at the point of production, the main leverage in buyer-driven
industries is exercised by retailers and brand-name
merchandisers at the marketing and retail end of the chain.
For nearly five decades until the 1970s, Latin America
followed a strategy of import-substituting industrialization
(ISI). This strategy, originally geared towards consumer-goods
production for the domestic market, came to be based on
producer-driven commodity chains. Transnational corporations,
which have actively exploited Latin America's oil, mineral,
and agricultural resources since the nineteenth century,
began to establish automobile assembly plants in large
countries like Mexico, Brazil and Argentina in the 1920s. By
the 1960s, a range of advanced ISI factories were spread
throughout the region in diverse industries such as
petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, machinery and
computers. Buyer-driven commodity chains, by contrast, have
been virtually absent in Latin America. This is because
transnational corporations that originally invested in the
ISI context were more interested in gaining access to Latin
America's domestic markets than in production for export. The
goal set by Latin American domestic elites was national
economic development based on growth via industrial
deepening. Meanwhile, the local exporters in the East Asian
NICs concentrated on gaining the lion's share of U.S. and
European markets for consumer goods, which could be
profitably supplied through buyer-driven chains.3
In the 1970s, the main source of external financing for ISI
in Latin America shifted from foreign direct investment to
increasingly heavy amounts of foreign debt, which culminated
in the debt crisis of 1982. The 1980s was labeled the "lost
decade" for many Latin American nations, as they suffered
through economic recession, spiraling inflation, severe
budget cuts in social expenditures, high levels of
unemployment and underemployment, and pervasive poverty.
Under pressure from the international lending institutions,
one Latin American country after another was forced to opt
for "neoliberal" policies. As the state abruptly withdrew
from many of its traditional activities, faith in the market
came to replace faith in government as the ideological basis
for these regimes.
The new economic policies in Latin America and the Caribbean
rest on the conviction that the region's future depends on an
improvement in its international competitiveness, along with
further integration into the world economy. This integration
includes not only trade, but also foreign capital, especially
foreign direct investment. The current policy orthodoxy is
composed of a familiar trilogy: liberalization--open up
economies to international trade; privatization--reduce the
role of the state; and deregulation--increase the space for
foreign capital to operate in the region. While this "market
friendly" orientation reputedly underlies the economic
success of the nations in East and Southeast Asia, the
implications for Latin America are far less clear.4
Unlike Latin America, most Asian economies have experienced
high economic growth rates, substantial gains in industrial
competitiveness, and rising per capita incomes since 1980
[see Table 1]. Export growth within Asia has accelerated
since 1970. East and Southeast Asia have increased their
exports at an average annual rate of 9% during the 1970s, and
almost 11% since 1980. In Latin America and the Caribbean,
exports were nearly stagnant during the 1970s (an annual
growth rate of 0.9%). Between 1980 and 1993, they grew at an
average annual rate of 3.4%.5
Whereas Latin America and the Caribbean remain primarily a
raw-material exporting region, Asia has shifted dramatically
away from primary commodities and toward manufactured exports
in a strategy of continuous industrial upgrading. This broad
generalization, however, obscures pronounced development
hierarchies within these regions, which are highly correlated
with industrial diversification and export performance.
Asia's development hierarchy has Japan at the core, followed
by the East Asian NICs, then in descending order of
industrial capacity by China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and
formerly socialist economies such as Vietnam, Cambodia and
Laos at the bottom. There is an equally distinct regional
division of labor within the Americas, with the United States
at the core, followed by Canada, Brazil and Mexico in a
second tier, then the Southern Cone countries, the Andean
countries, and finally the small Central American and
Caribbean economies.
Latin America's development hierarchy is evident in the
divergent export profiles of individual countries [see Table
2]. Central American and Caribbean nations mainly export
agricultural goods and apparel. The Andean countries are
almost exclusively primary-product exporters (with the
exception of Colombia, where manufactured exports are one-
third of the total). Southern Cone countries such as
Argentina and Chile also emphasize primary products, but they
have somewhat higher levels of manufactured exports than is
found in the Andean subregion. Finally, in the region's two
largest economies--Brazil and Mexico--manufactured goods
account for more than half of total exports.
Manufactured exports are thus highly concentrated in a few
countries. Brazil and Mexico accounted for 77% of the
regional total in 1992; these countries, plus Argentina,
Colombia and Venezuela, represented 90% of all manufactured
exports in Latin America. The relative weight of Brazil and
Mexico increases in proportion to the technological
complexity of goods; the two countries accounted for 60% of
traditional exports, 77% of basic intermediate inputs, and
85% of regional exports of advanced industrial products.6
Countries are connected to the global economy through a
variety of export roles, each with distinct implications for
development. Within Latin America, the main types of
exporting are: raw material supplies, including processed
"industrial commodities" and nontraditional agricultural
exports; the export-oriented assembly of traditional
manufactured goods, such as apparel and electronics items,
using imported components; and the manufacture of advanced
industrial products, such as automobiles and computers,
within the integrated production and trade networks of
transnational corporations.
In most Latin American nations, raw materials still make up
80% or more of total exports. A number of countries, however,
have been quite successful in upgrading primary-product
exports, either by shifting to nontraditional agricultural
and other primary goods or by processing raw materials more
before selling them as "industrial commodities" (for example,
paper, plastics, petrochemicals and steel). Chile and Costa
Rica provide good illustrations of the dynamics and dilemmas
of the nontraditional export strategy.
Chile, which enjoyed a solid decade of economic growth
averaging 6% per year since 1983, supplemented its market-
based economic reforms with a sharp turn towards export-
oriented industrialization based on the country's abundant
supply of natural resources. Exports as a percentage of gross
domestic product (GDP) rose from 10% in the 1960s to 29% in
1985 and 37% in 1993. While copper remained Chile's most
important single export (over one-third of total exports),
three groups of nontraditional items--fruits, fish products
and forestry products--accounted for an additional one-third
of the export total in the early 1990s. Foreign direct
investment, attracted to these traditional and new export
industries by Chile's debt-equity conversion scheme known as
Chapter XIX, was one of the pillars of the country's export-
based strategy.7 In the case of fresh fruits, whose share in
total exports rose to 10% by the early 1990s (from 1% in the
mid-1970s) and with annual export revenues approaching $1
billion, four of the five fresh fruit firms were owned by
transnational corporations. A similar pattern of foreign
dominance exists in the forestry and salmon sectors.8 Chile's
natural resource-based model also has profound environmental
costs. Meanwhile, neoliberal economic policies decimated the
country's domestic industrial framework, built up under ISI.
Costa Rica has also experienced a dramatic nontraditional
export boom.9 The share of Costa Rica's total export earnings
that are derived from nontraditional products jumped from 12%
in 1984 to 43% by 1990. The portfolio is quite balanced among
agricultural products, fish and seafood, and some light
manufactured products. As in Chile, there is a pronounced
"multinationalization" of Costa Rica's nontraditional
agricultural export sector, with Del Monte dominating fresh
pineapple exports, and foreign firms also controlling the
export of flowers and ornamental plants.10 Export subsidies
are an important source of political conflict in the
nontraditional export sector, however. Costa Rica, a heavily
indebted country with the fourth highest per capita debt in
the world, has been disbursing a significant portion of
central government funds (8% of the national budget in 1990)
as export tax credits to nontraditional exporters. A few
large exporters, mainly foreign firms such as Del Monte's
pineapple subsidiary, PINDECO, that are supposed to be
helping to shore up national finances, have received the
biggest tax credits. Substantial fiscal deficits, documented
cases of corruption, growing labor strife, and concerns over
large-firm dominance have led to cutbacks in the export
subsidy program. The resulting uncertainty in fiscal
incentive policy has caused a serious downturn in export
performance and threatens the future of Costa Rica's
nontraditional export strategy.
The most common form of export activity in developing
countries is the labor-intensive assembly of manufactured
goods from imported components in export processing zones
(EPZs). Over 200 EPZs currently employ nearly two million
workers in more than 50 countries.11 Around 80% of the
workforce in EPZs are women, the majority between 16 and 25
years of age. Working hours in EPZs are 25% longer than
elsewhere, and the wages paid women are from 20 to 50% lower
than those of men working in the same zones.12 Women also
make up a large share of the total informal-sector workforce
in developing countries (39% in Latin America), which places
them at the very end of the subcontracting networks of
transnational corporations, where they are paid on the basis
of piece rates, rather than working days, and they are
unprotected by labor legislation.
Export-oriented assembly in Latin America is centered in
Mexico and the Caribbean Basin because of this area's low
wages and proximity to the U.S. market, where over 90% of
their exports are sold. Virtually all of the EPZ production
in the region is of a very low value-added nature, which is a
direct result of U.S. policy. Under U.S. tariff schedule
provision HTS 9802.00.80 (formerly clause 807), enterprises
operating in EPZs have an incentive to minimize locally
purchased inputs because only U.S.-made components are exempt
from import duties when the finished product is shipped back
to the United States. This constitutes a major impediment to
increasing the integration between the activities in the
zones and the local economy, and it limits the usefulness of
EPZs as stepping stones to higher stages of
Mexico's maquiladora industry, which was established in 1965,
is made up of assembly plants (known as "maquilas") that
mainly use U.S. components to make goods for export to the
U.S. market. In 1994, the maquiladora industry generated
nearly $6 billion in foreign revenue and employed 600,000
Mexicans.13 Until the past decade, Mexico's maquiladora
plants typified low value-added assembly, with virtually no
backward linkages (local materials typically accounted for
only 2-4% of total inputs). In the 1980s, a new wave of
maquiladora plants began to push beyond this enclave model to
a more advanced type of production, making components for
complex products like automobiles and computers.14 Despite
the predominance of more technologically sophisticated and
higher value-added assembly operations in the new
maquiladoras, the passage of the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) is likely to further increase the
attractiveness of old-style apparel and textile assembly
operations in Mexico over those in the Caribbean Basin, whose
countries don't enjoy the tariff benefits NAFTA accords to
Caribbean Basin venues are now the favored locales for
export-oriented assembly in Latin America. By the early
1990s, EPZs had become a leading source of exports and
manufacturing employment in various Caribbean nations. The
Dominican Republic is a prime example. There are 430
companies employing 164,000 workers in the country's 30 free-trade
zones; three-quarters of the firms are involved in
textiles and apparel.15 In terms of employment, the Dominican
Republic is the fourth-largest EPZ economy in the world (the
fifth if China's Special Economic Zones are included). The
Dominican Republic has an especially large dependence on
EPZs, whose share of official manufacturing employment on the
island increased from 23% in 1981 to 56% in 1989; by this
latter year, EPZs also generated over 20% of the Dominican
Republic's total foreign-exchange earnings.16 U.S. investors
account for more than half (54%) of the companies operating
in the zones, followed by firms from the Dominican Republic
itself (22%), South Korea (11%), and Taiwan (3%).17
Caribbean EPZs often have highly specialized export niches.
For example, the Dominican Republic, along with Costa Rica,
Honduras and El Salvador, supply over 40% of all U.S.
underwear imports, and are viewed by U.S. transnational
corporations like Fruit of the Loom and Sara Lee Corporation
(the world's leading hosiery supplier, with brands like Hanes
and L'Eggs) as part of "a trans-American alliance to take on
Asian underwear manufacturers in world markets."18 This is
part of a new logic of regional integration introduced by a
stricter enforcement of the national rules-of-origin clauses
in NAFTA and the Caribbean Basin initiative. These clauses
restrict duty-free access to the U.S. market only to products
that originate within the region, thereby reducing the impact
of Asian imports of intermediate as well as finished goods.
While EPZs in Mexico and the Caribbean have been associated
with undeniable gains in employment and foreign-exchange
earnings, these benefits are offset by a picture of
employment growth which is contingent on falling real wages
and a decline in local purchasing power. In Mexico, the real
minimum wage in 1989 was less than one-half (47%) of its 1980
level, and in El Salvador, workers in 1989 earned just 36% of
what they did at the beginning of the decade.19
The rivalry among neighboring EPZs to offer transnational
corporations the lowest wages fosters a perverse strategy of
"competitive devaluations," whereby currency depreciations
are viewed as a major means to increase international
competitiveness.20 Initial results look impressive. Export
growth in the Dominican Republic's EPZs skyrocketed after a
very sharp depreciation of its currency against the dollar in
1985; similarly, Mexico's export expansion was facilitated by
recurrent devaluations of the Mexican peso, most recently in
1994-95. Devaluations, however, heighten already substantial
wage differences in the region. Hourly compensation rates for
apparel workers in the early 1990s were $1.08 in Mexico,
$0.88 in Costa Rica, $0.64 in the Dominican Republic, and
$0.48 in Honduras, compared to $8.13 in the United States.21
Although it may make sense for a single country to devalue
its currency in order to attract users of unskilled labor to
their production sites, the advantages of this strategy
evaporate quickly when other nations simultaneously engage in
wage-depressing competitive devaluations, which lower local
standards of living while doing nothing to improve
Mexico is taking another tack to link up with buyer-driven
commodity chains. Despite its current recession, the lure of
Mexico's nearly 100 million consumers, half of whom are under
the age of 20, has proved irresistible for U.S. retailers.
Spurred by NAFTA, the Americanization of Mexican retailing is
in full swing. Sears Roebuck, for years the largest
department store chain in Mexico, is being joined by other
prominent U.S. department stores (such as J.C. Penney,
Dillards, and Saks Fifth Avenue). More significant is the
incursion of giant U.S. discount chains which augment retail
consolidation by establishing joint ventures with Mexican
partners: Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the United
States, and Cifra, Mexico's biggest retailing organization,
have announced a 50-50 partnership; strategic alliances have
also been formed between Kmart and Liverpool, and Price Club
and Commercial Mexicana.22
Although the ambitious expansion plans of the U.S. retailers
may be put on hold or slowed somewhat because of Mexico's
current slump, two longer-term implications of the U.S.
retail invasion are likely to be quite significant. First,
Mexico's informal distribution networks, made up primarily of
street markets, have been the dominant retail outlet for many
consumer items, including about one-third of all apparel
sales. Giant U.S. discount chains, like Wal-Mart or Price
Club, are likely to erode sales first and foremost in the
informal sector, with negative consequences for employment
and income among these small vendors. Second, the relocation
of U.S. retailers to Mexico may increase the incentive to
establish local supplier networks for buyer-driven commodity
chains. By 1994, the Mexican government had already
established vendor-certification schemes that issued quality
ratings and made recommendations for improvement to small and
medium-sized manufacturers that hoped to supply large foreign
retailers in Mexico and eventually the United States.
Producer-driven commodity chains like automobiles and
computers offer numerous insights into how the Latin American
NICs are making the transition from import-substituting to
export-oriented development strategies. Under ISI, the
state's strongest bargaining chip with transnational
corporations was negotiating access to the domestic market.
The Latin American NICs were quite successful from the 1950s
through the 1970s in moving from the assembly stage of
manufacturing to the promotion of higher levels of local
content, joint ventures with foreign partners, and sectoral
export initiatives. After 1980, under pressure from
multilateral financial institutions, this old pattern of
internationalization was replaced by a new
internationalization, which involved a strong commitment to
exports, substantial amounts of vertically integrated local
manufacturing, and a growing number of alliances between
transnational corporations and domestic firms. The state's
role in export-oriented industrialization shifted from
industrial policy to macroeconomic policy, and from favoring
domestic linkages to facilitating international ones. In many
ways, the new internationalization built on the foundations
laid by ISI strategies, since many domestic industries were
established through joint-venture and local-content
In the automotive sector, the transition from ISI to export-
oriented industrialization resulted in a dual economy, with
two largely separate industries existing side-by-side. Level
one consisted mainly of old plants, severely dated
technologies, and inefficient production processes making
large and obsolete vehicles for the domestic market. Level
two consisted of new factories and equipment installed by
transnational corporations in the 1980s and 1990s; the
primary objective was to export cars and components to
regional and global markets. These two industries are
generally in different geographical locations. In Mexico, the
new export plants are found in the northern part of the
country, close to the U.S. market and far from the old ISI
factories near Mexico City; in Argentina, the more recent and
smaller industry that exports components to Brazil and the
global market has developed near the city of Cordoba.
In order to attain the economies of scale needed for world-
class manufacturing, these export industries tend to be
highly specialized. Mexico, for example, is one of the
world's largest exporters of 4 and 6 cylinder engines; it
also makes 60% to 80% of U.S. imports of windshield wipers,
insulated ignition wiring sets, seat belts, and seats for
motor vehicles.23 Argentina has become one of the world's
premier exporters of transmissions.
Automotive exports in Latin American NICs have risen
dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s. Mexican exports
soared from 4% (18,000 vehicles) to 44% (472,000) of output
from 1980 to 1993, Brazilian exports grew from 13% (157,000
vehicles) to 24% of production (330,000), and even Argentina
went from 1% of production (3,600 vehicles) to 9% (30,000).
These export surges had different destinations. Ninety
percent of Mexico's exports went to the United States and
Canada, while 80% of Brazilian exports went to South America.
Almost all of Argentina's auto exports go to Brazil.24
Automotive exports are controlled by transnational
corporations. In Mexico, while foreign firms accounted for
two-thirds of all manufactured exports in the early 1990s,
they supplied 99% of automotive exports.25 Brazil's half-
dozen vehicle-assembly companies are subsidiaries of
transnational corporations from the United States, Germany,
Italy and Sweden. Although three-quarters of the 750 firms in
the autoparts industry in Brazil are of national origin, the
largest and most dynamic of the autoparts firms are foreign-owned.26
The economic hardships of the 1980s and 1990s in both Mexico
and Brazil paved the way for an important policy initiative,
the "popular car" regime. This policy, driven by the concern
to make cheap and fuel-efficient no-frills automobiles widely
available for domestic consumption, consisted of providing
tax deductions and tariff breaks for small cars (less than
1,000 cc engines) that could be sold cheaply (currently,
around $7,500). Mexico introduced this policy in 1989, and by
1990 popular cars accounted for 25% of all automobile sales.
In Brazil, popular cars had an even more dramatic impact on
the market. The program was officially established in April,
1993, and by September, 1994, these compact models accounted
for over 50% of all domestic car sales. Each transnational
corporation assembler in Brazil has its own popular-car
model. The popular-car boom represents a striking contrast
with the past, when auto producers focused on luxury models
with higher profit margins for a restricted market. With the
turn to more austere vehicles, the assemblers are pursuing a
two-pronged strategy: a mass-production logic for the
domestic market and high levels of specialization for export
The computer industry is a clear case of assertive
industrialization in Latin America, where state policy was
used to try to promote domestic technological development and
enhance the capabilities of local firms. Brazil's "market
reserve" policy in the late 1970s and early 1980s succeeded
in giving Brazilian-owned firms the lion's share of the
country's rapidly growing minicomputer market. More
generally, between 1979 and 1989, local capital's portion of
computer-industry revenues in Brazil grew from 23% to 59%,
and locally owned firms expanded their share of university-trained
employees in the industry from one-third to more than
two-thirds.27 Nonetheless, the biggest computer companies in
the country remained foreign-owned. In addition, Brazil's
computer-industry policy privileged hardware and, as a
result, the country was unable to develop local software
applications based on prevailing international standards.
Brazil was also slow in developing a local semiconductor
Mexico followed a similar policy of emphasizing joint
ventures and local production in the 1970s, but in 1984 the
country shifted from ISI to export-oriented industrialization
in computers. IBM, which earlier was refused admission to the
Mexican market because it would not set up a joint venture
with a local partner, was allowed to establish a wholly owned
subsidiary in Mexico. In return, IBM agreed to export a
substantial portion of its computer production. Mexico's
computer decree of 1990 dropped local-content requirements to
30%; the onset of NAFTA is expected to abolish the local-
content policy entirely and allow computer firms established
in the country to import finished computers and parts duty
free. Thus, if local computer companies in Mexico and Brazil
are to survive, they will have to become more tightly tied to
the supply chain of the transnational computer corporations,
especially if they seek to expand their exports.
Third World countries have responded to economic
globalization in several ways. The most ambitious approach is
the internationalization of national industries, led by local
firms seeking to conquer foreign markets. Perhaps the best
illustration of this are Korean automobile companies,
although all of the East Asian NICs, following the example of
Japan, have utilized export-oriented development strategies
to move to relatively autonomous, high-value-added niches in
both producer-driven and buyer-driven commodity chains [see
"The Keys to East Asia's Export Success," p. TK]. Unlike the
East Asian NICs, however, Latin American countries largely
lack a solid, autonomous domestic base for generating and
accumulating a national stock of capital for investment in
locally driven export-oriented development. The severely
truncated Latin American state--the legacy of structural
adjustment--in no way resembles the strong proactive states
that devised and executed the East Asian development
An alternative arrangement, more typical of Latin America, is
integrated international production, where transnational
corporations are key actors. Regional and global strategies
by transnational corporations are replacing those geared to
maximizing profits in individual countries. Integrated
international production networks were reinforced by ISI
development strategies in Latin America and elsewhere during
the 1960s and 1970s. For Third World nations that choose this
particular strategy, the challenge is to try to harness the
productive potential of transnational corporations, and to
carve out more profitable positions in the global production
chains of these companies, which supply export as well as
domestic markets.
A third possibility is autarchy or exclusion from global
trade and production networks. Autarchy, however, is
generally not considered a desirable--or feasible--option in
an interdependent world. For most countries, delinking means
Latin America's experience with globalization in the 1980s
and 1990s has several problematic features. First, Latin
America's exports are heavily concentrated in resource-based
and traditional manufacturing industries. With the partial
exception of the automotive and computer industries, Latin
America's technology-intensive exports to global markets are
low. The legacy of failed ISI remains strong. Second, the
region continues to be characterized by profound national and
regional economic asymmetries. Only Brazil and Mexico have
significant advanced manufacturing sectors; they account for
one-half of the region's total exports and over three-
quarters of its manufactured exports. High and growing levels
of inequality in income distribution limit domestic markets
and generate an over-reliance on exports. Third,
transnational corporations have reasserted their importance
in the region. By the early 1990s, portfolio investment and
foreign direct investment had replaced international
commercial bank loans as the primary source of foreign
capital. Transnational corporations are now the dominant
force in each of Latin America's three main export roles:
resource-based sectors, traditional manufacturing industries,
and advanced manufactured goods. In addition, given the
neoliberal emphasis on privatization in Latin America,
transnational corporations have added to their dominance by
recapturing strategic positions in Latin America's extractive
and intermediate goods industries, as well as in the
burgeoning new service sectors like telecommunications and
There are, however, some positive signs. Latin American
exports have expanded in dramatic fashion, and at least some
industrial upgrading has occurred in each of the region's
main export roles. Although national industrial policy has
been sharply curtailed, local capital seems to be holding its
own and in some cases is becoming more important, especially
as producers in nontraditional export activities, as
assemblers in the EPZs, and as component suppliers in the
advanced manufacturing sectors. Furthermore, regional
integration schemes like NAFTA and Mercosur (which links
Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay) are creating
incentives for a regionalization of commodity chains, with
greater potential for backward and forward linkages.
Globalization has improved the international competitiveness
of many parts of the region, but not everyone is in a
position to take advantage of global links. Globalization
thus perpetuates uneven development in Latin America. While
Mexico and Brazil, at the pinnacle of the region's
development hierarchy, may reap some rewards, the vast
majority of Latin American countries will be hard-pressed to
keep pace with globalization, running faster just to stay in
Moreover, only certain groups are likely to benefit from
globalization: large firms that can assimilate new technology
and adopt international marketing strategies, and thereby
move to more profitable niches in producer-driven and buyer-
driven commodity chains; medium and small-sized enterprises
that can join the region-based supplier networks of
transnational corporations, whether those of giant retailers
like Wal-Mart or J.C. Penney in Mexico or of advanced
manufacturers such as General Motors and IBM; and workers who
are able to acquire new skills and receive higher pay because
of the investment in human capital and local technology
development in selected sectors.
For the majority in the region--workers in low-paying and
low-skill jobs, peasants in subsistence or traditional export
sectors, consumers hurt by devaluations and eroding standards
of living, and firms unable to compete in increasingly open
markets--globalization appears to have more costs than
benefits. While the state's ability to define and defend
national economic interests is shrinking, the demands placed
on it for social programs to handle those who are
marginalized or unable to compete in the global economy will
undoubtedly grow.
1. This discussion is adapted from Gary Gereffi, "Global
Production Systems and Third World Development," in Barbara
Stallings, ed., Global Change, Regional Response: The New
International Context of Development (New York: Cambridge
Topic 244 The Global Economy and Latin Americ
nacla NACLA's "Report on the Americas" 10:02 AM Apr 2, 1996
Reprinted from the Jan/Feb 1996 issue of NACLA Report on the
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Latin America in the Global Economy: Running Faster to Stay
in Place by Gary Gereffi and Lynn Hempel
Gary Gereffi is professor of sociology at Duke University.
Lynn Hempel is a doctoral candidate in sociology at Duke