![]() Date: Fri, 30 Dec 1994 15:20:05 -0500 (EST) From: "Jose A. Briones" <brioneja@ttown.apci.com> Subject: For Fee Mexican/Latam Internet News Services (1/2) Message-Id: <Pine.ULT.3.91.941230151554.21296B-100000@ttown.apci.com> Sender: owner-chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx For Fee Mexican/Latam Internet News ServicesBy Jose A. Briones, 30 December 1994Latin America Data BaseBackground/Operations. The Latin America Data Base (LADB) was created in 1985 with the objective of generating timely, comprehensive information on the region easily accessible and affordable to scholars, businesspeople, activists, and government officials. In 1986, LADB began distributing two electronic publications, Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs and Central America Update. In 1990, LADB--together with University of Miami and University of California at Los Angeles--formed a database consortium on Latin America. Since then, LADB has added SourceMex - Economic News & Analysis on Mexico and expanded and renamed the Central America Update to NotiSur - Latin American Political Affairs. LADB is an invaluable source of current information on Latin America, tapped by hundreds of users via academic, commercial, and non-profit data communications networks throughout the world. A sampling of users includes Clark University, Duke University, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Georgia State University, Martin Marietta Corporation, Michigan State University, Morgan Guarantee Trust, New Mexico State University, North American Congress on Latin America, Ontario Municipality, Organization of American States, Perryman Consultants, San Diego State University, Stanford University, Texas Christian University, United Nations Development Programme, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, University of Calgary, University of California at San Diego, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, University of Denver, University of Florida, University of Kentucky, University of Texas at Austin, University of Utah, University of Western Ontario, US Agency for International Development, US Institute for Peace, US Senate Finance Committee, and the World Bank. LADB's authoritative quality derives largely from the organization's affiliation with the University of New Mexico (UNM). As one of the first schools in the nation to offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in Latin American studies, the University has cultivated considerable institutional and research support for programs and projects pertaining to the region. UNM's Latin American Institute (LAI) is nationally renowned for the innovative quality of its academic programs, publications, library resources, outreach activities, and cooperative relationships with Latin American universities. As the only academic database utilizing print media, radio, telecommunications and satellite technologies to report on Latin American events and developments, LADB reflects this innovation at its best. LADB publications. LADB produces three publications, each containing incisive articles on topics not readily covered by US media. SourceMex - Economic News & Analysis on Mexico focuses on Mexican economic issues such as investment, agriculture, policy revisions and initiatives, debt, petroleum industry, the environment, macro-level political developments and social issues. Published on Thursdays, SourceMex places particular emphasis on developments and analysis of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other trade issues, including matters related to the U.S.-Mexico border such as transportation and the maquiladora industry. Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs monitors economic issues and events in Latin American and Caribbean nations, focusing particularly on regional economic integration and trade. Published on Thursdays, the Chronicle specializes in news and analysis on the formation of multilateral trade blocs and bilateral trade agreements, and includes reports on macro-economic performance, foreign and domestic debt, inflation, foreign investment, policy initiatives and results, privatization, monetary policy, social consequences of government economic strategies and other topics. NotiSur - Latin American Political Affairs contains news, summaries and analysis on a variety of political issues. Published on Fridays, the publication includes coverage of events in Central America, South America and the Caribbean. NotiSur's primary focus is on regional peace processes and "democratization," including topics such as political parties and elections, governmental reform and judicial issues, political violence and human rights, military issues, and Inter-american affairs. Publication content comes from five main categories, most of which are monitored on a daily basis: 1) international wire services--ACAN-EFE, Agence France Presse, Spanish News Service EFE, Associated Press, Canadian Press, Central News Agency-Taiwan, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Knight-Ridder Financial News, Kyodo, Inter Press Service, OPECNA, Notimex, Reuter, United Press International and Xinhua; 2) international radio broadcasts from Latin America, including Prensa Latina (Cuba) and TELAM (Argentina); 3) official reports, including those issued by BANAMEX, Banco de Mexico, ECLAC, IMF, and INEGI; 4) selected non-U.S. newspapers, including Mexico's El Financiero and La Jornada; and 5) special reports from non-governmental organizations, including America's Watch, Amnesty International, Inter-Hemispheric Resource Center, World Health Organization, Pan-American Health Organization and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), among others. LADB writers digest source materials to produce original articles, a process that consists of translating; checking sources for accuracy; rewriting, combining, and interpreting source articles. Subject: Subscription information for LADB Subscription Options. LADB publications are accessible via three basic subscription options:
Direct database subscription: All back and current issues are available, in full-text format, in an online database searchable by topic, country, event, name, date, and other variables. There are institutional and individual subscription options: To obtain a trial subscription, please contact Roma Arellano, LADB program manager, at 800-472-0888, or via electronic mail, roma@ladb.unm.edu.
PeaceNet World News Service**FREE OFFER** Try it for one month free! **FREE OFFER** PeaceNet World News Service (PWN) is a electronic mail delivered news publication covering either a specific area of the world or an issue of global importance. Each day, three to ten articles along with a table of contents is delivered to you as a single e-mail message. PeaceNet World News Service brings relevant news not found elsewhere. PeaceNet World News Service is a non-profit, non-commercial service dedicated to a free and balanced flow of multi-sourced news featuring first hand international news about the environment, human rights, development, the United Nations process, and the work of non- government organizations. The anchor of the PeaceNet World News Service is the Inter Press Service (IPS). IPS is ranked the world's fifth largest in terms of media clients. Virtually invisible in the United States, IPS aims to improve South->South and South->North news flows. While western news agencies tend to focus on political affairs, coups, crises and conflicts, IPS delivers news that is analytical and contextualized, news that stresses global interdependence. IPS's writers are all local people covering the areas in which they live. IPS articles appear three days after copyright. In addition to IPS, PWN includes sample articles from the PeaceNet and EcoNet computer networks. Sources include the Pacific News Service, the United Nation Information Centre, Third World Network Features and others. Why IPS? At a time when monopoly control of information is increasing, IPS represents a diverse, multi-national source of information the kind which should be of interest to all news media organizations, as well as serious students of international affairs.Larry Bensky ISSUE DIGESTS: REGIONAL DIGESTS: The cost is of the PeaceNet World News Service is $4 per month for the one digest, $2 per month for each additional digest. ** Try it free for one month. ** After that free month we will confirm your subscription. If you do not want to subscribe after that month pay nothing. If PWN fails to meet your needs, simply call or e-mail us to cancel. If (as we expect) you find PWN provides the timely and informative news you cannot get anywhere else, we will continue your subscription and bill you in advance every three months until you tell us otherwise. Cancel at any time. There is no risk! The cost is $4/month ($12 for three months) for the first digest, and $2/month ($6 for three months) for each additional digest. If you choose to pay by credit card, the amount will appear on your statement automatically every three months. Institute for Global Communications You may also [...] e-mail to pwn@igc.apc.org, or fax it to (415) 546-1794. The signature is not required for e-mail or fax credit card subscriptions. New York Transfer News CollectiveThe NYT Central America newsfeed contains Mexico news, along with other central american nations. Here's how to join us and subscribe to e-mailed newsfeeds of your choice: Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit NY TRANSFER: A MOVEMENT RESOURCE Since 1985, NY Transfer has been an information resource for researchers, writers, students and activists. The system is a a non-profit operation and run entirely by volunteers. We provide our members with alternative news, and we help them distribute their news, notices and educational material worldwide. Our news reports are also taped by an alternative radio newscaster for distribution to community and college radio outlets, shortwave stations, and the National Public Radio satellite. We use our political expertise and technical skills to provide alternative news, and to expose and challenge pro-war, pro-imperialist propaganda disseminated through the mainstream media by the US Government, lobbying groups and intelligence organizations. We are a network clearinghouse for environmental, peace and justice groups and are their counterpropaganda outlet. NY TRANSFER FOLLOWS NO PARTY LINE All progressive groups are welcome on NY Transfer; we distribute material from dozens of diverse organizations. We do not necessarily endorse, or even agree with, any of the views we distribute, but we believe these voices should be heard. NY Transfer has a wide reach -- we provide a simple, inexpensive and very effective platform for your ideas. ANNOUNCING NEW INTERNET SERVICES: 1994 will bring new improvements to NY Transfer. We will offer access to Blythe Systems' full range of Internet services, including Usenet newsgroups, gopher, telnet and ftp. Basic no-frills internet accounts begin at $8 a month. Send e-mail to accounts@blythe.org for more information. LOG ON TO NY TRANSFER, OR LET US DELIVER There are three different types of membership availble:
You can connect with our system 24 hours a day by calling 212-675-9690 or 212-675-9663. Set your modem to dial at no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. For an additional charge, you can host your own Internet Mailing List. We can also provide private online conferences or discussion groups; send e-mail to accounts@blythe.org for more information. E-MAIL: If you prefer, we'll deliver newsfeeds of your choice to your "door," via e-mail, to the Internet address you specify. Our ftpmail facility makes access to our Online Library easy via e-mail. SUSTAINER: If you subscribe to NY Transfer for one year or longer, you can enjoy both e-mail and direct logon access to NY Transfer's excellent services, for no additional charge.NEWS COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIPS:
We'll also extend your membership for an extra month free for every new member you refer. * Organizational memberships include multiple logon IDs. Support the NY Transfer News Collective, and have uncensored information delivered to your mailbox. Join us! Here's how: NY TRANSFER NEWSFEEDS BY E-MAIL TERMS:MINIMUM MEMBERSHIP PERIOD: 3 Months. NO-RISK 2-WEEK TRIAL: Try our services for two weeks. If you aren't satisfied for any reason, you can cancel your subscription during the first two weeks for a full refund. Thereafter, subscription fees are non-refundable. Bank charges for checks returned for insufficient funds will be charged to your account. All funds in US currency only. (If you live outside the US, send an International Money Order in US Dollars.) REDISTRIBUTION of entire NY Transfer newsfeeds in electronic form is prohibited. Quotation and reproduction of the information is encouraged, provided that credit is given to the NY Transfer News Collective and the original news source. Individual articles may be redistributed with prior permission only. We reserve the right to add or change newsfeeds with one month's notice to members. We cannot guarantee the volume of news in each newsfeed, which varies with national and international events. GET ALL THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT:
Inter Press Serviceips.english, ips.espanol The Inter Press Service (IPS) is the backbone of IGC's news service. IPS is the Third World's largest news agency. Founded in 1964, IPS is a non-profit cooperative and is ranked by UNESCO as the world's fifth largest news agency based on its number of clients. IPS has more than 900 media outlets around the world. With 200 journalists-- including full-time correspondents and regular stringers-- IPS distributes about 200,000 words daily in eleven languages from its headquarters in Rome and regional centers in Costa Rica, Philippines, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, Netherlands and at the United Nations. IGC features news from IPS in English and Spanish. United Nations Information Centre Newsunic.news The United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) assembles and distributes news summaries and documents direct from the Security Council and General Assembly. The Centre promotes the understanding of the work and purposes of the UN. Information Centre activities are guided and coordinated by the Department of Public Information in United Nations headquarters in New York. Peace Media Servicegn.peacemedia Peace Media Service (PMS), an independent foundation based in Holland, provides news and articles about movements and people seeking to build a just society through nonviolent methods. PMS also reports on the response of religious communities to issues of justice, peace and the protection of the environment. PMS seeks to stimulate a sense of responsibility among journalists to report and encourage nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution. Third World Network Featurestwn.features, twn.notas Third World Network is an international network of groups and individuals involved in efforts to bring about a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in Third World; a fair distribution of world resources and forms of development which are ecologically sustainable and fulfill human needs. Third World Network presents TWN Features (in English); Revista del Sur, Tercer Mundo Economic y la conferencia (in Spanish). The Nationnation.samples, nation.talk The Nation is the oldest weekly magazine in America and has been published since 1865, covering national affairs, politics, women's issues, the environment and other topics. Regular contributors include Alexander Cockburn, Katha Pollitt, Christopher Hitchens, Molly Ivins, Gore Vidal, Calvin Trillin, and Kirpatrick Sale. Occasional contributors include the likes of Gloria Steinem and Ralph Nader. The Nation also features regular book reviews and Departments on Film, Music, Theater, etc. Sample articles and the editorial are posted when Mother Jonesmotherjones Mother Jones is the general interest magazine for progressive-minded people, providing exclusive investigative reports, news, and fresh perspectives on politics, culture, and current controversies to socially conscious readers not satisfied with sound-bite TV news and celebrity-based magazine journalism. Mother Jones covers such topics as the environment, the family, individual liberties, personal choices, and corporate and government power. Lies of our Timesloot.stories Lies of Our Times (LOOT) is published by the Institute for Media Analysis in New York. LOOT exposes falsehoods, distortions and misinformation of the press, especially the New York Times. LOOT is edited by Edward Herman, Ellen Ray, William Schaap and others. Insight Featuresnfd.ifeatures Insight Features is a monthly compendium of progressive opinion pieces and feature articles published through Networking for Democracy, a non-profit educational association working to renew the practice and spirit of broad-minded, consistent, grass-roots democracy. Articles cover such topics as racial and sexual discrimination, foreign affairs, abuse of natural resources, accountability of leaders, defense of individual liberties and problems of the poor. Green Left Weeklygreenleft.news Articles and letters from Australia's Green Left Weekly, cover environment, politics, labor, movement socialism, women, gay/lesbian concerns, international news, and progressive movements and causes. PRN Network Radioprn.radionews PRN (Public Radio News Service) is the only independent production house making current affairs and specialist programs for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The conference features highlights from PRN, covering daily international and national news from an independent, community-based perspective and it also covers specialist issues on a weekly basis, this includes media and communications, the environment, Third World and development issues and consumer economics. Latin America Specific Publications and ServicesReport on the Americas nacla.report Report on the Americas is the bimonthly publication of the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), an independent non-profit research and education organization which provides information and insight to policy makers, activists, analysts, teachers, journalists and religious and community groups. Since its creation in 1966, NACLA has become the most respected source of alternative research and analysis on Latin America and the Caribbean. Each issue provides an in-depth look at a topic of central concern to US - Latin America relations. Shorter articles provide timely analysis of news-breaking issues. For more information e-mail to nacla-info@igc.apc.org. Central AmericaCentral America Update, Albuquerque carnet.ladb Central America Update is produced twice weekly by the Latin America Data Base (LADB), at the Latin America Institute, University of New Mexico. It is an authoritative summary of events in Central America. Access requires LADB membership. For more information e- mail ladb@igc.apc.org. Proceso reg.elsalvador Published weekly in English and Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI), Central American University (UCA) San Salvador, El Salvador. Proceso includes news, analysis and commentary on El Salvador. El Rescate reg.elsalvador, info.elsalvador The El Rescate Human Rights Department features an El Salvador chronology and weekly news report, covering political, military, social and economic developments in El Salvador as they are reported primarily in the local newspapers, radio and television. NicaNet Weekly News Update reg.nicaragua The Nicanet Weekly News Update contains news collected from a variety of sources and analysis of the latest developments in Nicaragua from the Nicaragua Solidarity Network. Enfoprensa Weekly News Report reg.guatemala Agencia Centroamericana de Noticias Enfoprensa, a non-profit, independent news agency based in Mexico city, covers events in Guatemala, and publishes reports in English and Spanish. Noticias de Guatemala reg.guatemala Noticias de Guatemala contains weekly reports on developments in Guatemala covering human rights, politics, the military, indigenous peoples and other topics. Published in English by the Guatemala News Service, London Ontario, Canada. Cerigua Weekly Briefs reg.guatemala These weekly bulletins contain up to date information in English published by the Guatemalan news agency Cerigua. HonduNet News Bulletin reg.honduras This weekly news bulletin covers events in Honduras. Stories are collected and translated in to English by CHISA, the Canada Honduras Information & Support Association. South AmericaAGEN ax.agen.eng News from Brazil in English supplied by AGEN, Agencia Ecumenica de Noticias and Servico Espiritano de Justica e Paz. The CaribbeanCubaNews from Radio Havana, Cuba reg.cuba Find here English-language transcripts Radio Havana Cuba's International Short-wave Service. Also includes news about events in Cuba and international events that pertain to Cuba. Haiti Bulletin reg.carib Haiti Bulletin features timely reports on the situation in Haiti, excerpted from "Haiti: Resistance and Democracy". Haiti Bulletin is published clandestinely from Port-au-Prince Haiti, and is Translated by Haiti Communications Project - Boston. |