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Latin America & Caribbean Resource Guide
October 1994
Reprinted from the Jan/Feb 1995 issue of NACLA Report on the
Americas. For subscription information, E-Mail to
This guide, reprinted here by NACLA, is produced as a
public service by Third World Resources. It includes
information on organizations whose principal concerns are
the nations and people of Latin America and the
Caribbean. Organizations for whom this region is just one
among many concerns are not included. This resource guide
is divided into three regional sections: (1) Latin
America, (2) Andean, and (3) Caribbean and Central
America. Following these regional sections the listings
are by country. Organizations are included in the country
sections either because they are located there or because
their institutional focus is that particular country.
Additional information is provided on: educational
centers, reference guides, and periodicals. The staff of
Third World Resources welcome notices of corrections,
updates, and recommended additions to this guide. Tel:
(510) 835-4692, ext. 113. Fax: (510) 835-3017. Write: 464
19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612-2297 USA.
- American Friends Service Committee, International
Division, Latin America and Caribbean Program, 1501
Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 USA. Tel: (215) 241-
Americas Resistance Network, 129 Seven Sisters Rd.,
London N7 7QG England. Tel: (44-71) 272-4580.
Aquelarre: Latin American Women's Cultural Society, P.O.
Box 21508, Vancouver, BC V5L 2Y6 Canada. Tel: (604) 251-
6678. Fax: (604) 731-5279. Aquelarre: Latin American
Women's Magazine.
Canada Latin America Resource Centre, 603 1/2 Parliament
St., Toronto, Ontario M4X 1P9 Canada. Americas Update.
Center for the Study of the Americas, 2288 Fulton St.,
Rm. 103, Berkeley, CA 94704 USA. Tel: (510) 540-5006.
Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation,
Keizersgracht 395-397, Amsterdam 1016 EK Netherlands.
Children of the Americas, P.O. Drawer 21707, Santa
Barbara, CA 93121 USA. Tel: (805) 687-0849. Fax: (805)
Committee for Human Rights in South America, Fenner
Brockway House, 37-39 Great Guilford St., London N16 5PL
England. Tel: (44-71) 401 2225.
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, Callao 875,
piso 3, 1023 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: (541) 811-
7313. Fax: (54-1) 812-8459. E-mail: Bitnet:
Council for Human Rights in Latin America, P.O. Box 3239,
University Post Office, Eugene, OR 97403-0239 USA. Tel:
(503) 484-5867.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs, 724 Ninth St. NW, Ste.
401, Washington, DC 20001 USA. Tel: (202) 393-3322. Fax:
(202) 393-3423. Washington Report on the Hemisphere.
Documentation Exchange, P.O. Box 2327, Austin, TX 78768
USA. Tel: (512) 476-9841. Fax: (512) 476-0130. E-mail:
carc@igc.apc. org. Central America NewsPak.
Ecumenical Center for Systematic Documentation on Latin
America, Yosemite No. 45, Colonia Napoles, 03810 Mexico
D.F., Mexico. Tel: (52-5) 536-9321. Boletin
Bibliogra'fico Documental CEDOLASI.
Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA), Task Force on Latin
America and the Caribbean, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA
95060 USA. Tel: (408) 423-1626. Fax: (408) 423-8716. E-
mail: Panama Update.
Human Rights Resources Office for Latin America, c/o
World Council of Churches, 150 route de Ferney, Geneva
20, Switzerland.
Human Rights Watch/Americas, 1522 K St., NW, Ste. 910,
Washington, DC 20005 USA. Tel: (202) 371-6592. Fax: (202)
371-0124. E-mail: News from
Americas Watch. // 485 Fifth Ave., 3rd floor, New York,
NY 10017-6104 USA. Tel: (212) 972-8400. Fax: (212) 972-
0905. E-mail: // 90 Borough High
St., London SE1 1LL England. Tel: (44-71) 378-8008. Fax:
(44-71) 378-8029. E-mail:
Info-South: Latin American Information System, North-
South Center, 1500 Monza Ave., P.O. Box 248014, Coral
Gables, FL 33124-3027 USA. Tel (305) 284-4414. Fax:
(305) 284-5089.
Informationstelle Lateinamerika = Latin America
Information Center, Heerstrasse 205, D-5300, Bonn 1,
Germany. Tel: (49) 228-65 86 13. ILA.
Instituto del Tercer Mundo, Juan D. Jackson 1136,
Montevideo 11200 Uruguay. Tel: (598-2) 496-192. Fax:
(598-2) 419-222.
Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America,
129 St. Clair Ave. West, Rm. 201, Toronto, Ontario M4V
1N5 Canada. Tel: (416) 921-0801. Fax: (416) 921-3843.
Alerta: Canadian Churches Reporting on Human Rights in
Latin America.
Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, P.O. Box
4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196-4506 USA. Tel: (505) 842-
8288. Fax: (505) 246-1601. E-mail: Resource Center Bulletin.
Isis Internacional, Casilla 2067, Correo Central,
Santiago, Chile. Tel: (56-2) 633 4582. Fax: (562) 638
3142. E-mail: Isis International Women's
Latin America Bureau, 1 Amwell St., London EC1R 1UL
England. Tel: (44-71) 278-2829. Fax: (44-71) 278-0165. E-
Latin America Bureau, U.S. Catholic Conference, 3211
Fourth St., NE, Washington, DC 20017 USA. Tel: (202) 541-
Latin America Data Base, Latin American Institute,
University of New Mexico, 801 Yale, NE, Albuquerque, NM
87131-1016 USA. Tel: (505) 277-6839. Fax: (505) 277-5989.
Latin America Information Centre, P.O. Box 24, Manchester
M7 England. Tel: (44-61) 839 7050. Fax: (44-61) 839 7051.
Latin American Newsline.
Latin American Working Group, 603 1/2 Parliament St.,
Toronto, Ontario M4X 1P9 Canada. Tel: (416) 966-4773.
Fax: (416) 921-0071. LAWG Letter; Americas Update.
NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America, 475
Riverside Dr., Rm. 454, New York, NY 10115 USA. Tel:
(212) 870-3146. Fax: (212) 870-2055. NACLA Report on the
New York CIRCUS, P.O. Box 37, Times Square Sta., New
York, NY 10108 USA. Tel: (212) 475-3816. Fax: (212) 928-
2757. Lucha/Struggle / Amanecer/The Dawn.
Office of the Americas, 8124 W. Third St., Rm. 202, Los
Angeles, CA 90048 USA. Tel: (213) 852-9808. Fax: (213)
852-0655. Focus.
Pueblo to People, 2105 Silber Rd., Ste. 101-54, Houston,
TX 77055 USA. Tel: (713) 956-1172. Fax: (713) 956-8443.
Quixote Center, P.O. Box 5206, Hyattsville, MD 20782 USA.
Tel: (301) 699-0042. Fax: (301) 864-2182.
Resource Center of the Americas, 317 17 Ave., SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55414-2077 USA. Tel: (612) 627-9445. Fax:
(612) 627-9450. Centroame'rica: The Month in Review.
SAGO Latjins-Amerikacentrum v.z.w., Lange Lozanastraat
14, B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium. Tel: (32-3) 237 56 30. Fax:
(32-3) 237 55 62.
South American Peace Commission, P.O. Box 16085, Correo
9, Providencia, Santiago, Chile. Tel: (56-2) 235-7117.
Fax: (562) 236-0279.
South and Meso American Indian Information Center, P.O.
Box 28703, Oakland, CA 94604 USA. Tel: (510) 834-4263.
Fax: (510) 834-4264. E-mail: SAIIC
Tucson Committee on Human Rights, 646 S. Third Ave.,
Tucson, AZ 85701-2807 USA. Tel: (602) 628-7254. TCHRLA
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Latin America
Desk, 130 Prospect St., Cambridge, MA 02139-1813 USA.
Tel: (617) 868-6600. Fax: (617) 868-7102.
Washington Office on Latin America, 110 Maryland Ave.,
NE, Ste. 404, Washington, DC 20002 USA. Tel: (202) 544-
8045. Fax: (202) 546-5288. Enlace.
Return to the top.
- Accio'n Andina, Apartado Postal 18-1296, Lima 18, Peru.
- Andean Information Network, Casilla 4817, Cochabamba,
Bolivia. Tel: (591-42) 21707. Fax: (591-42) 51086. E-
mail: cedib@unbol. bo. // c/o Latin American Studies, 190
Uris Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA. Tel: (607) 255-3345. E-
Fundacio'n Andina, Tizo'n y Bueno 847, Jesu's Maria,
Lima, Peru.
Return to the top.
- Canada-Caribbean-Central America Policy Alternatives, 947
Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J9 Canada. Tel:
(416) 469-1123. Fax: (416) 469-3579. E-mail: CAPA Occasional Papers.
- Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action,
P.O. Bag 442, Tunapuna Post Office, Trinidad and Tobago.
Tel: (809) 663-8670. Fax: (809) 663-6482. CAFRA News.
- Caribbean Community, Women's Desk, CARICOM Secretariat,
P.O. Box 10827, Georgetown, Guyana.
- Caribbean Conference of Churches, P.O. Box 616,
Bridgetown, Barbados West Indies. Tel: (809) 42-72681.
Fax: (809) 42-92075. Caribbean Contact.
- Caribbean Labour Solidarity, 138 Southgate Rd., London N1
England. Tel: (44-71) 992 7587.
- Caribbean Research Center, Medgar Evers College of The
City University of New York, 1150 Carroll St., Brooklyn,
NY 11225 USA. Tel: (718) 270-6421. C.R.C. Focus.
- Caribbean Rights/Caribbean Human Rights Network, No. 3
Third Ave., Belleville St. Michael, Barbados. Tel: (809)
- Center for Human Rights Legal Action, 1601 Connecticut
Ave., NW, Ste. 612, Washington, DC 20009 USA. Tel: (202)
- Central America Association of Relatives of the Detained
and Disappeared, Apartado Postal 8188-1000, San Jose',
Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 337-850. Fax: (506) 552-160.
- Central America Human Rights Committee, 83 Margaret St.,
London W1N 7HB England. Tel: (44-71) 631-4200. Fax: (44-
71) 436-1129. E-mail: Central America
- Central America Information Center, P.O. Box 50211, San
Diego, CA 92105 USA. Tel: (619) 583-2925. CAIC Update.
- Central America Media Monitoring Project, c/o Media
Alliance Central America Committee, 3891 26 St., San
Francisco, CA 94131 USA. Tel: (415) 641-7271.
- Central American Mission Partners, P.O. Box 10206,
Oakland, CA 94610 USA. Tel: (510) 644-2267. Fax: (510)
849-4082. Campesino.
- Central American Monitoring Group, c/o Canadian Council
for International Cooperation, One Nicholas St., Ste.
300, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7 Canada. Tel: (613) 236-4547. Fax:
(613) 236-2188.
- Church Action for Central America, c/o Mike Walling, 23
S. Canterbury Rd., Canterbury CT1 3LH England. Tel: (44-
227) 463-180.
- Commission for the Defense of Human Rights in Central
America, Apartado 189 Paseo de los Estudiantes, San
Jose', Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 25-0634. Fax: (506) 34-
2935. Brecha.
- Committee for Health Rights in Central America, 347
Dolores St., Rm. 210, San Francisco, CA 94110 USA. Tel:
(415) 431-7760.
- EPICA: Ecumenical Program on Central America and the
Caribbean, 1470 Irving St., NW, Washington, DC 20010 USA.
Tel: (202) 332-0292. Fax: (202) 332-1184. Challenge:
Faith and Action in Central America.
- El Rescate Human Rights Department, 2675 W. Olympic
Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006 USA. Tel: (213) 387-3284.
Fax: (213) 387-9189.
- Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of
the West Indies, P.O. Box 64, Bridgetown, Barbados.
- Instituto Histo'rico Centroamericano, c/o Universidad
Centroamericana, Apartado A-194, Managua, Nicaragua.
- National Central America Health Rights Network, 11 Maiden
Lane, Apt. 10D, New York, NY 10038 USA. Tel: (212) 732-
4790. Fax: (212) 732-5098. Links: Health and Development
- National Labor Committee in Support of Worker and Human
Rights in Central America, c/o ACTWU, 15 Union Square
West, Ste. 524, New York, NY 10003 USA. Tel: (212) 242-
0700. Fax: (212) 255-7230.
- Policy Alternatives for the Caribbean and Central
America, 1506 19 St., NW, Ste. 2, Washington, DC 20036
USA. Tel: (202) 332-6333. Fax: (202) 332-1865.
- Religious Task Force on Central America, 1747 Connecticut
Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009 USA. Tel: (202) 387-7652.
Fax: (202) 328-3369. Central America Report.
- Tools for Peace and Justice in Central America and the
Eastern Caribbean, c/o Oxfam America, 26 West St.,
Boston, MA 02116 USA. Tel: (617) 728-2505. Fax: (617)
- Travel Programs in Central America, c/o San Diego
Interfaith Task Force, P.O. Box 3843, La Mesa, CA 91944-
3843 USA. Tel: (619) 698-1150.
- Washington Area Labor Committee on Central America and
the Caribbean, P.O. Box 53407, Temple Heights Sta.,
Washington, DC 20009 USA. Tel: (301) 270-0135.
- Witness for Peace, 2201 P St., NW, Ste. 109, Washington,
DC 20037 USA. Tel: (202) 797-1160. Fax: (202) 797-1164.
E-mail: Witness for Peace
- Women and Development Unit, University of the West
Indies, School of Continuing Studies, Pinelands, St.
Michael, Barbados, West Indies. Tel: (809) 436-6312. Fax:
(809) 427-4397. WomanSpeak! / New Woman Struggle /
Occasional Papers.
Return to the top.
- Argentine Information Service Center, c/o Dr. Victor
Penshaszadeh, 32 W. 82 St., Ste. 7-B, New York, NY 10024
USA. Tel: (212) 420-4179.
- Center for European-Latin American Research, Corrientes
2554, 3 piso A, 1046 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: (54-1)
953-4326. Fax: (54-1) 953-1539.
- Center on Transnational Economy, Casilla de Correo 86,
Sucursal 26 B, 1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: (54-1)
- Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Rodriguez Pen~a
286, 1er piso, Buenos Aires 1020 Argentina. Tel: (54-1)
40-996. Sintesis.
- Instituto para America Latina Centro de Economia
Transnacional, Casilla de Correo 89 Sucursal 26-B, Buenos
Aires 1426 Argentina.
- Lugar de Mujer (Women's Place), Corrientes 2817, Piso 5B,
1193 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: (54-1) 961-8081.
- Women, Health, and Development Program, Defensa 120-4
piso, of. 4080, Buenos Aires 1345 Argentina.
- Bolivia Support Group, 70 Merton Rd., Liverpool L20 7AT
- Bolivian Solidarity Committee, 12-14 Thornton St., London
SW9 0BL England.
- Centro de Documentacio'n e Informacio'n, Casilla 11595,
Av. Montes, #710, 3rd floor, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: (591-
2) 372-940. E-mail:
- Centro de Documentacio'n/Informacio'n Bolivia, Casilla
3302, Calle Ollantay, #961, 3rd floor, Cochabamba,
Bolivia. Tel: (591-42) 21707. Fax: (591-42) 51086. E-
- Coordinadora de Mujeres Indigenas de Bolivia, Casilla
2315, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: (591-2) 369963. Fax: (591-2)
- Brazil Network (UK), P.O. Box 1325, London SW9 0RA
England. Tel: (44-71) 435 0716.
- Brazil Network (USA), 815 15 St., NW, Ste. 426,
Washington, DC 20005 USA. Tel: (202) 783-5293. Fax: (202)
783-5644. E-mail: Brazil Network
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era,
Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro,
Rua Paulino Fernandes no. 32, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- Institute for International Relations, Pontifica
Universidade Catolica, Rua Marqus de S^Ko Vicente 225,
Vila dos Direto'rios, Casa XIX e XX, 22 453 Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Tel: (55-21) 274-1296. Contexto
- Instituto Brasileiro de Ana'lisis Sociais e Econmicas,
Rua Vicente de Souza, 29, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
22251 Brazil. Tel: (55-21) 286-0348. Fax: (55-21) 286-
0541. E-mail: (Internet). Boletim
Politicas Governamentais.
- Movimiento de Mujeres 8 de Marzo, Rua Esmeraldino
Bandeira 120, 20961 Estacao de Riachuelo, Rio de Janeiro,
RJ Brazil.
- Service for Peace and Justice in Latin America, Caixa
Postal 2321, 20001 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tel: (55-21)
232-8535. Carta Informativa.
- Centro de Estudia y Atencio'n del Nin~o y la Mujer,
Enrique Foster Sur 24, Dpto. 10, Santiago, Chile.
- Chile Democra'tico, 5a Waldenshaw Rd., London SE23
England. Tel: (44-71) 608-1920.
- FEMPRESS, Casilla 16-637, Correo 9, Santiago, Chile. Tel:
(56-2) 232-2557. Fax: (562) 232-5000.
- Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Programa
Santiago de Chile, Leopoldo Urrutia 1950, Casilla 3213,
Correo Central, Santiago, Chile. Tel: (56-2) 225-7357.
Fax: (56-2) 460433.
- Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales,
Callao 3461, Santiago, Chile. Tel: (56-2) 231-4387.
- Colombia Committee for Human Rights, Fenner Brockway
House, 37-39 Great Guildford St., London SE1 0ES England.
Tel: (44-71) 401 2225.
- Colombia Human Rights Committee, P.O. Box 3130,
Washington, DC 20010 USA. Tel: (202) 462-8176. Colombia
- Colombia Human Rights Information Committee, P.O. Box
40155, San Francisco, CA 94140 USA. Tel: (415) 206-1326.
- Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales
Alternativos, P.O. Box 077844, Bogota', Colombia. Human
Rights Working Paper.
- Intercongregational Commission for Justice and Peace,
A.A. 52332, Bogota', Colombia. Tel: (57-1) 245-5526.
Colombia Bulletin.
- Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Calle 36,
Avenidas 1 y 3, Casa No. 119, P.O. Box 8-6410, San Jose'
1000 Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 552-955. Fax: (506) 552-244.
- Asociacio'n de Desarrollo Integral de la Reserva Indigena
Cocles/Ke'koLdi, Apartado 170-2070, Sabanilla, Montes de
Oca, San Jose', Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 24-60-90. Fax:
(506) 53-75-24.
- Cefemina: Centro Feminista de Informacio'n y Accio'n,
Apartado 5355, San Jose' 1000 Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 24-
46-20. Fax: (506) 34-68-75.
- Friends Peace Center, Apartado Postal 1507, San Jose'
1000 Costa Rica. Tel: (506) 336-168. Building Peace in
Costa Rica.
- Programa de Informacio'n para la Mujer, Apto. 1009,
Centro Colon, San Jose', Costa Rica.
- Center for Cuban Studies, 124 W. 23 St., New York, NY
10011 USA. Tel: (212) 242-0559. Fax: (212) 242-1937. Cuba
- Center for Studies of the Americas, Calle 18 No. 316,
3era y 5ta Avenida, Miramar Playa, Havana 13 Cuba. Tel:
296-745. Cuadernos de Nuestra Ame'rica.
- Cuba Information Project, 198 Broadway, Ste. 800, New
York, NY 10038 USA. Tel: (212) 227-3422. Fax: (212) 227-
4859. E-mail: Cuba Action.
- Cuba Solidarity Campaign, 129 Seven Sisters Rd., London
N7 7QT England. Tel: (44-71) 263 6452. B.C.R.C. Bulletin.
- Global Exchange, Cuba Project, 2017 Mission St., Ste.
303, San Francisco, CA 94110 USA. Tel: (415) 255-7296.
Fax: (415) 255-7498.
- National Venceremos Brigade, P.O. Box 673, New York, NY
10035 USA. Tel: (212) 246-3811.
- Radio Habana Cuba, Aptdo. de Correos 70-26, Havana, Cuba.
Tel: 7-4954.
- U.S.-Cuba Medical Project, 1173-A Second Ave., Ste. 232,
New York, NY 10021 USA. Tel: (212) 751-0672. Fax: (212)
- Coalition for the Abolition of Slavery in the Dominican
Republic, 2000, Alexandre de Seve, Montreal, PQ H2L 2W4
Canada. Tel: (514) 521-0095.
- Instituto de Investigacio'n, Documentacio'n Derechos
Humanos de la Republica Dominicana, C/Arzobispo Nouel No.
2, Zona Colonial, Apartado de Correos No. 21424, Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic.
- International Research and Training Institute for the
Advancement of Women, Avenida Cesar Nicolas Penson 102-A,
P.O. Box 21747, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel:
(809) 685-2111. Fax: (809) 685-2117. INSTRAW News: Women
and Development.
- Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacio'n, Av. 12 de
Octubre 622 y Patria, of. 503, Casilla 17-12-877, Quito,
Ecuador. ALAI Servicio Informativo.
- Latin American Association for Human Rights, Av.
Rumipamba 862 y Repu'blica Apartado 17-07-9296, Quito,
Ecuador. Tel: (5932) 242472. Fax: (593-2) 549274.
- Union Nacional de Mujeres del Ecuador, c/o Dr. Irene
Paredes, Versalles 1103, Quito, Ecuador.
- CISPES National Office, P.O. Box 12156, Washington, DC
20005 USA. Tel: (202) 265-0895. Fax: (202) 265-7843.
- Cristianos por la Paz en El Salvador, 1135 Mission Rd.,
San Antonio, TX 78210 USA. Tel: (512) 534-6996.
Crispaz/Letter to the Churches.
- El Salvador Solidarity Campaign, 129 Seven Sisters Rd.,
London N7 7QG England. Tel: (44-71) 272 4580.
- Federation of Independent Associations and Unions of El
Salvador, U.S. Office, 1377 K St., NW, Rm. 114,
Washington, DC 20005 USA. Tel: (202) 232-8539. Fax: (202)
- MADRE, 121 W. 27 St., Rm. 301, New York, NY 10001 USA.
Tel: (212) 627-0444. MADRE.
- Medical Aid for El Salvador, P.O. Box 3282, Los Angeles,
CA 90078 USA. Tel: (213) 937-3596.
- National Federation of Salvadoran Workers, 1300
Connecticut Ave., NW, Rm. 808, Washington, D.C. 20036
- Guatemala Health Rights Support Project, 1747 Connecticut
Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009 USA. Tel: (202) 332-7678.
Fax: (202) 328-3369.
- Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA, 3321 12 St., NE,
Washington, DC 20017 USA. Tel: (202) 529-6599. Fax: (202)
526-4611. E-mail: Guatemala Bulletin.
- Guatemala News and Information Bureau, P.O. Box 28594,
Oakland, CA 94604 USA. Tel: (510) 835-0810. Fax: (510)
835-0810. E-mail: Report on Guatemala.
- Guatemalan News Agency, Apartado Postal 74-206,
Delegacio'n Iztapalapa, CP 09080 Mexico D.F., Mexico.
Cerigua Weekly Briefs.
- Ixoquib, P.O. Box 24, Chilmark, MA 02535 USA. TELAR: A
Guatemalan Women's Magazine/Una Revista de la Mujer
- National Coordinating Office on Refugees and Displaced of
Guatemala, 59 E. Van Buren, Ste. 1400, Chicago, IL 60605
USA. Tel: (312) 360-1705.
- Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, 1500
Massachusetts Ave., NW, Ste. 241, Washington, DC 20005
USA. Tel: (202) 223-6474. Fax: (202) 223-8221. E-mail: Report on Guatemala.
- Project Balam for the Defence of the Environment through
Peace and Justice, c/o Guatemalan Community Network, 427
Bloor St., Toronto, ON M5S 1X7 Canada. Tel: (416) 929-
8601. Fax: (416) 929-8601.
- U.S.-Guatemala Labor Education Project, c/o ACTWU-Chicago
Joint Board, 333 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60607 USA.
Tel: (312) 262-6502. Fax: (312) 262-6602. E-mail:
- Committee against Repression in Haiti, 1398 Flatbush
Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11210 USA. Tel: (718) 434-3940. Haiti
- Friends of Haiti, 1398 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11210
USA. Tel: (718) 434-8100.
- Haiti Communications Project, 11 Inman St., Cambridge, MA
02139 USA.
- Haiti News, 131 N. Main St., Sharon, MA 02067 USA. Tel:
(617) 784-8067. Haiti News.
- Haiti Reborn, c/o Quixote Center, P.O. Box 5206,
Hyattsville, MD 20782 USA. Tel: (301) 699-0042. Fax:
(301) 699-0042.
- Haiti Support Group, Trinity Church, Hodford Rd., London
NW11 8NG England. Tel: (44-81) 201 9878.
- Haitian Information Bureau, c/o Lynx Air, Box 407139,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33340 USA. E-mail:
Haiti Info.
- National Coalition for Haitian Refugees, 275 Seventh
Ave., 25th floor, New York, NY 10001-6708 USA. Tel: (212)
337-0005. Fax: (212) 337-0028. HAITI Insight: A Bulletin
on Refugee and Human Rights Affairs.
- Washington Office on Haiti, 110 Maryland Ave., NE, Ste.
310, Washington, DC 20002 USA. Tel: (202) 543-7095. Fax:
(202) 547-9382. E-mail: Haitian News and
Resource Service.
- Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Honduras,
Plaza Los Dolores, Edificio 447, A. Postal 21-477,
Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., Honduras.
- Instituto de Investigaciones Socioecono'micas de
Honduras, Apartado Postal 20-057, Colonia San Angel,
01000 Mexico D.F., Mexico. INSEH News Briefs.
- Friends for Jamaica, P.O. Box 20392, Park West Sta., New
York, NY 10025 USA. Caribbean Newsletter.
- Joint Trade Unions Research Development Centre, 1A Hope
Blvd., Kingston 6, Jamaica, West Indies. Tel: (809) 92-
- Sistren Theatre Collective, 20 Kensington Crescent,
Kingston 5 Jamaica, West Indies. Tel: (809) 92-92457.
- American Friends Service Committee, Mexico-U.S. Border
Program, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 USA.
Tel: (215) 241-7132.
- Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of
California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA
92093-0510 USA. Tel: (619) 534-4503. Fax: (619) 534-6447.
- Mexico Solidarity Group, 83 Margaret St., London W1N 7HB
- Other Side of Mexico, Apartado Postal 27-467, Mexico D.F.
06760 Mexico. The Other Side of Mexico: Alternative News
and Analysis for the International Community.
- Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Econo'micas y
Sociales, A.P. 3516, Managua, Nicaragua. Tel: 25137.
Pensamiento Proprio.
- National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan
People, 2025 I St., NE, Ste. 1117, Washington, DC 20006
USA. Tel: (202) 223-2328.
- Nicaragua Center for Community Action, 2140 Shattuck
Ave., P.O. Box 2063, Berkeley, CA 94704 USA. Tel: (510)
832-4959. Fax: (510) 654-8635. E-mail:
NICCA Bulletin.
- Nicaragua Interfaith Committee for Action, 942 Market
St., Ste. 706, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA. Tel: (415)
433-6057. Nicaragua Update.
- Nicaragua Network Education Fund, 1247 E St., NW,
Washington, DC 20003 USA. Tel: (202) 544-9355. Fax: (202)
544-9359. Nicaragua Monitor.
- Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, c/o Red Rose Club, 129
Seven Sisters Rd., London N7 7QG England. Tel: (44-71)
272 9619. Fax: (44-71) 272 5476. E-mail:
Nicaragua Today.
- South-North Communication Network, P.O. Box 410150, San
Francisco, CA 94141 USA. Barricada International.
- Organizacio'n Panamena de Mujeres, c/o Celia Gilbert
Estafeta, Universitaria Panama, Panama City, Republic of
- Panama Information Clearinghouse, c/o Lamoin Welein-Jaen,
P.O. Box 1245, Madison, WI 53701-1245 USA.
- Union Nacional de Mujeres Panamenas, c/o Marta Matamoros,
UNAMUP Apartado 2817, Panana 3, Republic of Panama.
- Union de Mujeres Paraguayas, c/o Elba Benitez de Goiburu,
14 de Mayo 1375, Casi 2-Asuncion, Paraguay.
- Centro de la Mujer Peruana "Flora Tristan," Parque Hernan
Velarde No. 42, Lima, Peru. Tel: 248008. La revista VIVA.
- DESCO, Leo'n de la Fuente 110 Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17,
- FEDEFAM Support Network, 198 Broadway, Rm. 305, New York,
NY 10038 USA.
- Grupo de Apoyo Peruano, 298 Fifth Ave., Ste. 136, New
York, NY 10001-4592 USA. Tel: (212) 932-7615.
- Indian Council of South America, Apartado Postal 2054,
Correo Central, Lima 100, Peru. Boletin Informativo CISA;
Pueblo Indio.
- Peru Peace Network, USA, P.O. Box 551, Jefferson City, MO
65102-0551 USA. Tel: (314) 636-8979. Fax: (313) 635-2286.
- Peru Solidarity Forum, Apartado Postal 18-1655, Lima 18,
- Peru Support Group, Fenner Brockway House, 37-39 Great
Guildford St., London SE1 0ES USA. Tel: (44-71) 620 1103.
Peru Update.
- Centro de Informacio'n y Servicios a la Mujer RE-UNION,
Box 22025 UPR, Sta. Rita, Rio Piedras 00931 Puerto Rico.
- New Movement in Solidarity with Puerto Rican and Mexican
Revolutions, 3543 18 St., No. 17, San Francisco, CA 94110
USA. Tel: (415) 561-9055.
- GRECMU, Miguel del Corro 1474, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay.
Tel: (598-2) 41-64-15. E-mail: Geonet: CHASQUE.
- Consejo de Educacio'n de Adultos de Ame'rica Latina, c/o
Rosa Paredes, Apartado 17676, Caracas 1015-A, Venezuela.
- FEDEFAM, A.P. 2444, Carmelitas 1010A, Caracas, Venezuela.
Return to the top.
- Center for Latin America, University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA. Tel:
(414) 229-4401. E-mail: cla@csd4.esd.uwmedu. Discussion
- Center for Latin American Studies, University of
California, Berkeley, 2334 Bowditch St., Berkeley, CA
94720 USA. Tel: (510) 642-2088. Fax: (510) 642-3260. CLAS
- Educators' Committee on Central America, P.O. Box 873,
Times Sq. Sta., New York, NY 10108 USA. Tel: (212) 927-
- Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University, 190
Uris Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA. Tel: (607) 255-3345. E-
- Network of Educators on the Americas: Teaching for Social
and Economic Justice, 1118 22 St., NW, Washington, DC
20037 USA. Tel: (202)429-0137. Fax: (202) 429-0137. NECA
- Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural
Education (SPICE), Latin America Program, Stanford
University, Littlefield Center, Rm. 14, Stanford, CA
94305-5013 USA. Tel: (415) 723-4581. Fax: (415) 723-6784.
- University of Miami, Graduate School of International
Studies, Institute of Inter-American Studies, P.O. Box
24-8134, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA.
Return to the top.
- Canada's Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean,
1970-1990. Toronto: Canada-Latin America Resource Centre,
- Directory of Central America Classroom Resources K-12,
compiled by Mary A. Swenson et al. St. Paul, Minn.:
Resource Center of the Americas, 1990. 172pp. $12.95.
- Handbook of Latin American Studies: Social Sciences,
edited by Dolores Moyano Martin. Austin: University of
Texas Press, 1992. Vol. 51. xx + 901pp. $65. Cloth.
- Human Rights Directory: Latin America and the Caribbean,
edited by Laurie S. Wiseberg, Guadalupe Lopez, and Sarah
Meselson. Human Rights Internet (Ottawa) and Programa de
Derechos Humanos de la Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
(Chile). Ottawa: Human Rights Internet, 1990. 528pp.
- A Journey to Understanding: A Study Action Guide, edited
by Linda Gray MacKay. Boston: Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee, 1987. Rev. ed. 315pp. $8.
- Latin America: A Political Dictionary, by Ernest E. Rossi
and Jack C. Plano. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1992.
ix + 242pp. Cloth.
- Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to
Research Sources, edited by Paula H. Covington, et al.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1992. xvi + 924pp.
$115. Cloth.
- Libraries and Special Collections on Latin America and
the Caribbean: A Directory of European Resources,
compiled and edited by Roger MacDonald and Carole Travis.
London and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: The Athlone Press,
1988. 339pp.
- National Directory of Latin Americanists, edited by
Jacqueline M. Nickel. Dallas: Taylor Publishing, 1992. x
+ 188pp. Cloth.
- Scholar's Guide to Washington, D.C. for Latin American
and Caribbean Studies, by Michael Grow. Washington, D.C.:
The Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1992. 2nd ed. xxv +
- Third World Resource Directory 1994-1995, compiled and
edited by Thomas P. Fenton and Mary J. Heffron. Oakland:
Third World Resources, 1994. xiv + 786pp.
- Who's Who in Latin America: Government, Politics, Banking
and Industry, edited by Bettina Corke. New York: Norman
Ross Publishing, 1993. 3rd ed. Cloth.
Return to the top.
Many organizations listed above have note-worthy
periodicals with regional coverage. See also:
- BorderLines, P.O. Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196 USA.
- Caribbean Contact, P.O. Box 616, Bridgetown, Barbados,
- ISLA: Information Services on Latin America, 464 19 St.,
Oakland, CA 94612-2297 USA.
- LADOC, Latin America Documentation, Apartado 18-0964,
Lima 18, Peru.
- Latin American Labor News, Florida International
University, Center for Labor Research and Studies,
University Park Campus-W MO TR #3, Miami, FL 33199 USA.
- Latin American Newsletters, 61 Old St., London EC1V 9HX
- Latin American Perspectives: A Journal on Capitalism and
Socialism, Sage Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller Rd.,
Newbury Park, CA 91320 USA.
- Latinamerica Press, Noticias Aliadas, Apartado 18-0964,
Lima 18, Peru.
- Third World Resources, 464 19 St., Oakland, CA 94612-2297
October, 1994