The social history of
the Republic of South Africa

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General social history of the Republic of South Africa

The Coloureds
By David Adams, an opinion piece in Mayibuye, July 1995. The unique and difficult history of coloured people in South Africa means that special efforts are needed to cement their commitment to the non-racial vision of the ANC.
ABC Agrees with Drug Industry: Affordable Medicine for Africans is Dangerous
From BRC-NEWS: Black Radical Congress, 18 jul 1999. South Africa, which is in the midst of an AIDS epidemic, claims the right to license local pharmaceutical manufacturers to produce cheap generic versions of AIDS drugs that would otherwise be unaffordable for poor South Africans. The U.S. has taken the side of American pharmaceutical companies, who are trying to put a stop to the practice, known as "compulsory licensing."
SA wage gap is lower than world`s largest
By Frank Nxumalo, Business Report 23 May 2000. The gap between South Africa`s highest and lowest paid wage and salary earners was lower than those in the UK and US, both rated to be among the fastest growing economies. This flies in the face of strongly held perceptions that the wage gap in South Africa is too great. The large apartheid wage gap was a direct consequence of discrimination in the workplace, but this gap has been largely eliminated.
E Cape farm evictions decrease, but threats continue
By Thamsanqa Sesmani, News24, 5 June 2000. There had been a decrease in the number of actual Eastern Cape farm evictions over the last six months but an increase in the number of threatened evictions. Women and children feel the brunt. None of the evictions were executed with a court order.
Unemployment brings with it the stench of xenophobia
By Terry Bell, in Business Report, 9 June 2000. The turbulence of unemployment is stirring the social waters, causing a poisonous scum of xenophobia to rise to the surface. It threatens to suffocate the still delicate shoots of human rights which have begun to consign the rubbish of apartheid to the deeper recesses of our section of the global pond.

The history of children and youth in the Republic of South Africa

Child Sex Industry Booms In South Africa
From LaborNews, 23 July, 1996.
Struggling to survive: At least a quarter of Cape Town's 2000 street children are selling themselves
By Gustav Thiel, Electronic Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg), 21 March 1997. The kids have no say in what they do because they are controlled by pimps.

The history of women and gender in the Republic of South Africa

African National Congress Women's League message
on the occasion of March 8 1996, International Women's Day.
Virgin tests make a comeback
By Chris McGreal, in Daily Mail & Guardian, (Johannesburg), 29 September 1999. Critics fear children pronounced 'pure' in traditional virginity tests could become sexual prizes as Aids wracks KwaZulu-Natal.