The debt of the Republic of South Africa

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Scrap the odious apartheid debt!
By Linda Ensor, Business Day, 29 July 1998. Legislation to increase state debt by R936m to relieve provinces of their apartheid debt legacy was tabled in Parliament. A cabinet decision last year to relieve affected provinces of their inherited debt, mainly bank overdrafts, outstanding liabilities and amounts owed certain pension funds.
International Campaign against Apartheid Foreign Debt and Apartheid-caused Debt From Jubilee 2000 South Africa
 30 November 1998. Findings at a Jubilee 2000 seminar on Apartheid-caused debt held at Khotso House on Thursday 26 November: The debt is larger than previously thought, and Apartheid destabilisation of the Southern Africa region is estimated to have caused US$117 physical destruction and to have claimed over 2 million victims.
Apartheid-Caused Debt: The Role of Swiss & German Finance
 Media Conference, 11h00, 2nd March 1999, Bishopscourt. Includes: Document profile, The document in brief, Statement by Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane, "Apartheid Caused Debt: The role of Swiss and German Finance", by Mascha Madoerin and Gottfried Wellmer, with a contribution by Martina Egli (summary of the Research Document excerpts).
Scrap foreign debt used by apartheid to prop up the public sector
SAMWU Press Statement, 2 March 1999. The South African Municipal Workers Union supports the call by the Jubilee 2000 campaign to scrap the internal and foreign apartheid debt, in the light of the research report detailing the illegal role of Swiss and German banks into funding apartheid.