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SAMWU Biwater campaign targets Dutch firm NUON
SAWU press statement 27 March 2000
Report by Anna Weekes (SAMWU Media Unit) Published: 27/03/00
Dear Comrades
South African Municipal Workers Union: Reporting back from
the World Water Forum in the Hague last week
As you are probably aware, this was a 130 governments-big
business-World Bank sponsored conference where NGOs and Labour
were sidelined. The event did not go off without protests though -
from Spanish anarchists protesting building of dams and others.
Two SAMWU comrades attended - Lance Veotte (national water
co-ordinator) and Xolile Nxu (first vice-president). They had some
success in that they were able to get a platform to make a
presentation on the public alternatives to privatisation. Apparently a
major French transnational, Lyonnaise des Eaux walked out in disgust.
Another mission for SAMWU was to meet with NUON. This is a
Dutch municipal water company - kind of a corporatised public entity
but still completely in the hands of the public sector. A few weeks
ago, SAMWU heard that NUON had invested US$ 130 million in
Biwater. This is a 50% stake in the company!
You may remember that this was a hotly contested privatisation which
eventually went ahead in October 1999 under protest from the
unions. Already Biwater has contracted out meter reading to Mann &
Mann, peoples water bills have gone up although they have never
seen a meter reader in their community, and both companies refuse to
comment to the press when asked about these problems.
There are also international problems everywhere Biwater is found,
especially in the developing world. They are detailed in the draft
letter below.
SAMWU was very angry that NUON, a public company, had invested in a
privatisation like this. The union called on NUON to disinvest and set
up public-public twinning between them and Nelspruit municipality -
twins on an equal basis both in the public sector,
according to the Dutch model, with neither making a profit out of the
other. (Terry Bell wrote about this in Inside Labour 17/3/00).
However, NUON dismissed all SAMWUs concerns in the meeting last
week saying that Biwater was a good company and that our allegations
were only rumours. They acted more like private company execs. Staring
blankly and smugly at SAMWU, they said that nothing would stop them
from investing in Biwater.
This means that we are left with no choice but to flood NUON with
e-mails and faxes from all over the world. SAMWU is also hoping that
Dutch public sector union, Abvakabo
( will call
on NUON to disinvest.
Please assist! Send an e-mail of protest to NUON and a copy to the
press. If you are in Europe and you can fax, please do so. The
details, including a draft letter (if you dont feel like writing
your own) are below. Please send SAMWU a copy. The union will really
appreciate this gesture of solidarity. Please copy to the press in
your country.
Any queries, contact the Media Unit at
To NUON Executives
Frans Duynstee, Director: Human Resources
Tob Swelheim, CEO Fax +31 35 543 44 99
Jos C. van Winkelen, Director of Water Division
CC: Ismail S. Jinnah, Senior SABC Producer
Dear Sirs,
It has been brought to my attention that you, as managers of a
Dutch municipal water company, have made a very bad judgement in
deciding to invest millions in a controversial South African
privatisation deal concluded by British Biwater, in Nelspruit South
It is abundantly clear that you are not aware of Biwater's track
record and the suffering they have caused to millions of people around
the world. For example, in January 1999 Biwater was given a water
supply contract for Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka, southern
India. The contract was rushed through the day before the state
elections! A member of the legislative assembly uncovered bribery in
the tender process and called for the suspension of the contract. It
was later discovered that Biwater did not have the money it had
promised to invest when it won the tender and was looking for 75% of
the money from local equity partners! The new government said on 19th
Feb 2000 that it would also investigate allegations of bio-waste
pollution by Biwater and possibly scrap the contracts.
In April 1999,12 months after winning the concession to provide water
to Laguna Alta, Aguas de Panama - a subsidiary of Biwater - sought
changes to the contract it signed, in potential violation of
the national law on public procurement. Meanwhile, as of July 1999, no
work had begun on the project despite the fact that, according to the
contract, 70% of the project should have been completed by the end of
In Panama, Biwater subsidiary Aguas de Panama stands to earn $55
million guaranteed profit over the period of the 30 year
concession. Despite opposition from the director of the state water
company IDAAN (Institute of National Aquaducts and Sewer Systems), and
from two consultants who contested Aguas De Panamas figures, the
contract was awarded.
In Britain, Biwaters Bournemouth Water was ordered legally in
January 1997 to construct a new disinfectant plant to prevent further
breaches in water quality standards, and to protect the public
drinking the water in the local area. They finally complied with this
order only two years later.
These are but a few of the examples of Biwater bad practice around the
world. For NUON to be investing public money in a company which
specialises in contested and clearly risky privatisation ventures all
over the developing world is nothing less than colonialism of the 21st
We demand that you disinvest immediately otherwise an international
campaign will be taken up against NUON.
Yours sincerely,