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Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 23:02:00 GMT
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9th SACP Congress April 1995
From Nkosikhulule Nyembezi 1 May 1995
Resolution on migration
The issue of migration has emerged as on of the problems in
South Africa and the attitude that was adopted by the apartheid
government was totally unacceptable to the progresive forces in
the country. The presence of immigrants have created tensions in the
workers and in other parts of the country the communities have chased
the immigrants away because they say they are taking away the jobs
which are already scarce.
The congress noted that there is a continuing relatively large-scale
clandestine migration of people into South Africa from neighbouring
countries as well as from elsewhere in the continent and that unscupulous
bosses have taken advantage of this influx of vulnerable people to
undercut wages and conditions of South African workers.
It was also noted that there is a growing hostility bodering on
xenophobia towards 'illegal immigrants' and that this diverts
attention from the real source of unemployment, poverty,
homelessness and crime in South africa which does not result from
'illegal immigrants' but is caused by the nature and effect of
capitalism in South Africa.
It was also recognised that there is an abnormal movement of persons in
the Southern African region that is udesirable from the point of view of
the individuals and the countries from which migrants are coming as well
as for our own country but it was recognised equally that this movement
is a consequence of the uneven development of capitalism in Southern Africa,
crises in neigbouring countries, worsened by the continuing effect of
massive armed agression and destabilisation policies directed by the
previous South African regime against countries giving support to the
liberation struggle of the South african people.
The congrss took a resloution to use its influence to ensure that on this
issue must be based on a recognition of casual factors and South Africa's
historical role in the creation of factors giving rise to clandestine
migration to South Africa and that any policy must include concrete
proposals for the cooperation in addressing the causes of migration.
The policy must also distinguish between different categories of
'illegal immigrants' and must allow those who are in fact permanent
residents or have family in this country the opportunity to regulirise
thier position as residents of South Africa. It must also be sensitive
to the impact on neighbouring countries of any measures taken and avoid
any action, including mass depotation, which might worsen crises in the
neighbouring countries.
Any polict that is adopted must not deprive suspected 'illegal aliens'
of the rights guarantted under the constitution, including the right to
legal advice and to contact family members.
We can discuss the situation and other issues that influenced the debate
and the resolution.