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Cosatu speaks up for women
Business Day 10 July 2000
THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) has criticised the
government's macroeconomic policy for neglecting political, social and
economic issues affecting the development of women in the
At the union movement's fourth national gender conference held in
Johannesburg last week, delegates put forward a number of resolutions
to be discussed at Cosatu's national congress in September.
Cosatu national organiser Bheki Ntshalintshali said that calls were
made for the intensification of the job losses campaign, focusing on
the creation of better quality jobs and the extension of social
services to women.
A rigid adherence to budget deficit targets could not be justified in
the face of poverty endured by black women, he said.
The conference called for the implementation of job summit resolutions
and the evaluation of the conference's agreements within the next six
The gender policy, aimed at creating equality within the leadership
and activities of trade unions, received strong support.
Cosatu's congress will be held from September 18 to 21 at the
Gallagher Estate in Midrand.