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Alliance Strengthened or Diminished? Relationships between Labor & African Nationalist/Liberation
Movements in Southern Africa
By Peter Limb, University of Western Australia 18-20 May, 1992
A paper from the conference on "The Dynamics of Change in Southern Africa," University of
Melbourne 18-20 May 1992.
The image of the ANC amongst black workers in South Africa is poorly
understood. Either the ANC is seen as being in unshakable alliance with "the masses," or
as an elite distantly removed from the concerns of "real" workers. Such stereotypes have
not helped much to explain either the remarkable resilience of the "old" Congress, or the
resurgence of today's ANC. This paper critically surveys past and present assumptions
about the ANC, suggests reasons for the underestimation of the organisation's revival,
and proposes a more integrated theoretical view of Congress which takes into account its
historical heritage or image, and its links with black labour movements that have been
largely neglected in the historiography. The "model" has some relevance for African
nationalist and labour movements in neighbouring countries, such as Zimbabwe,
Swaziland and Namibia, where there have also been theoretical misconceptions about the
nature of African nationalism/(national) liberation movements, that tended to
underestimate the mass nature and support for these forces, and secondly, exaggerate the
"independence" and strength of working class organisation. Given the general paucity of
comparative regional labour history, paralleled by the undeveloped nature of regional
links by labour movements, a clarification of these relationships is overdue. African
nationalist/liberation movements forged various loose links with workers during the
struggles for independence in many parts of the continent. What is the state of these links
in Southern Africa today? Have latter-day liberation movements supplanted nationalist
groups as the champions of workers? Is the enduring ANC an exception, in that it is
technically still fighting a "nationalist" struggle, and what are the prospects for the
continuation of ANC-worker alliances in a post- or non-apartheid South Africa?
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