The history of health and nutrition in Kenya

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One in Five HIV Positive
The Nation (Nairobi), 18 October 2000. One in every five people in Nairobi is HIV positive. Statement that one could not die if he/she abstained from sex or stayed faithful to one partner caused laughter. The spread of HIV was very fast at the area due to high levels of poverty.
Officials Worried By Rising Alcoholism
Panafrican News Agency (Dakar), 3 March 2001. Alcohol abuse affects 70 percent of families in Kenya. Government plans to formulate a comprehensive alcohol policy. Alcohol has became an important public health problem in Kenya arising from over consumption, intoxication and dangerous behaviour upon consumption of alcohol.
Health Coalition Campaigns for Affordable Drugs
UN Integrated Regional Information Network (Nairobi), 12 May 2001. The Kenya Coalition for Access to Essential Medicines asks parliament to give public health precedence over private financial interest to make essential medicines affordable. Parliament will debate the Industrial Property Bill that allows importation and manufacture of generic versions of patented medicines.
Drinks That Promise to Give You the Wings to Fly
By Dan Teng'o, The Nation (Nairobi), 21 July 2001. Many people are turning to Red Bull after being stirred by word of mouth, friends, advertisement and funky packaging designs. They are bad for your health and provide no more energy than a cup of coffee.