Date: Wed, 24 Sep 97 15:24:01 CDT
Subject: TANZANIA NEWS ONLINE-No.6 9/23/97
Article: 18637
Police Inspector General Omar Mahita will soon issue a statement on what police discovered when investigating claims that there were armed groups organised by two main opposition parties in the country, a spokesman for the police, Assistant Commissioner of Aden Mwamunyange, said in an interview recently.
Opponents to the main leadership in NCCR-Mageuzi and the Civic United Front (CUF), have in recent months alleged that the two parties run bodies of paramilitary groups. NCCR-Mageuzi and CUF are the two main opposition parties to the ruling CCM (Chama Cya Mapinduzi). The NCCR dissidents claim "Black Mamba," the group loyal to party Chairman Augustine Mrema exists, while CUF dissidents claim that the "Blue Guards" militia had been set up by the Isles-based dominant section of the party leadership under vice-chairman Seif Sharif Hamad. Officials of both have dismissed the allegations.