![[World History Archives]](../bin/title-c.png)
The retrospective history of Central Africa as a whole
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World History Archives and does not
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Bunyoro-Kitara Empire, Buganda and other petty kingdoms
- African Monarchies and Kingdoms of
- By Prof. Emmanuel K. Twesigye, 23 February 1995. The history
of the kingdoms in context of British colonialism. Suggests a
federation of monarchies for Uganda.
- Uganda's ‘true’ religious
history after 20 years
- By Bwanika Daniel, 31 July 1995. The diffusion of
Christianity from the Sudan; the marriage customs of the
kings of the Bunyoro-Kitara Empire, extent of the ancient
kingdoms, political symbols, Hamites/Nilotes, war of
1862-1899. List of citations.
- Another Bachwezi Dynasty
- By Bwanika Daniel, 31 July 1995. Earthenworks and tumuli
of Western Uganda associated with the Bachwezi kings. The
historical issues.
- Kabaka's Palace Burned to
- 14 October 1995. 16th-century shrines of
Buganda's first king, Sekabaka Kintu, burnt by an
Modern history of central Africa
- Kenyans say Uganda backed raid on
- Did Museveni know about the raid? From Insight,
World Intelligence Briefing 19 November 1990. Major
concerns are being expressed in Kenya and other African
countries about the September 30, 1990 invasion of Rwanda
by Tutsi and Ankole tribesman who had been living as
refugees in neighboring Uganda. Some Kenyan government
officials are convinced that the invasion was fully
supported by President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.
- New plan to invade Rwanda
- By Philip Ochieng, in Kenya Times 15
December 1990. The Ugandan Government is planning a new
and vastly more massive invasion of Rwanda. This decision
was taken at a meeting of the top brass of the National
Resistance Army (NRA) last week, after the failure by
NRA-sponsored rebels to overthrow overnight the government
of Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.