Dakar—The Bishop of Sarah, Chad, has revealed the existence of a unique and mutually beneficial partnership between the church and the government to save the country's poor educational system.
He told PANA Wednesday that thanks to the new experience, the Catholic Church can survive and is prospering, even though the environment is essentially Islamic.
The experience, he said, consists in a partnership between the Church, the parents and the government.
Through the understanding, the state provides teachers and the church provides the structures and runs the schools while parents chip in the bit they can to supplement for the teaching staff.
Hence our school system is neither wholly Catholic nor public
he said.
The state can then be sure of having at least, the basis of what it need to run the administration in terms of personnel, he explained.
He said the experience has so far produced probably the best results in the educational system of the country.
Mgr Edmond Djitangar is attending a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar which opened in Dakar Tuesday.
since the entire administration is held by the Moslems, we train
most of the youth who later on serve the state,
he explained.
He said the strategy of the catholic church is to remain open to other religious groups of the country by preaching to Christians and by teaching right from the primary schools the virtues of tolerance.
In our preaching, we tell our faithful of the necessity to live in
harmony with their brothers and sisters of Islamic faith
, he said.
But Mgr Djitangar added that the country was still in dire need of senior level, or in some sectors, qualified technicians to man the main areas of the economy.
This will make it impossible for most Chadians to benefit from the
present oil boom in the country
He equally deplored the total absence of a precise oil policy in the
country, saying that for most people in Chad, oil money is already
in good hands
, far away from Chad
It will certainly benefit only the leadership, family members and
their cronies
, he predicts.
Mgr Djitangar is very sceptical of the political and even the economic future of Chad, in spite of oil wealth.
The entire nation is going through a serious crisis and stagnation:
economic, social and political.
Chadians have remained perpetual casualties of the different and
successive leadership of Chad, essentially because of the way leaders
have acceded to power since independence
, he explained.
He deplored the absence of a democratic culture in Chad and agreed
with Chadian President Idriss Derby who ridiculously described the
system as fixed up democracy
or democracy packaged in the
The result of all this is total demobilisation of the population.
Take for example the coming presidential election
, he said,
because pass experience shows that results of such exercises are
known before hand, very few people bothered to register, at all
He said the present regime takes advantage of that disengagement of the population to organise it the way it wants.
Up to now there is no challenger in the opposition. And even if
there were any, would he have th means to face a government which has
the entire state apparatus at it disposal?
, he asked.
He said the Church had been trying to persuade people to put their
names in election registers but they are toatally discouraged and
behave as if there will be no election at all....
The situation is so terse that most people appear to be expecting
some dramatic change. Which? No one can say
He said the entire political class in Chad had come to realise the limits of military regimes.
Fortunately the civil society is becoming more and more organised
and more forthcoming with political debate in issues of human rights
free speech
The Church
, he said, is also playing its own part through
diocesan committees on Justice and Peace, to make people realise and
accept the fact that it is possible to get to power by means other
than arms and govern effectively
We pray for the message to bear fruits
, he concluded.