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Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 22:35:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Collectif des Congolais du Canada <>
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Subject: [BRC-NEWS] Collectif des Congolais du Canada
Collectif des Congolais du Canada
From the Collectif des Congolais du Canada 7 March 1999
The Congolese Collective of Canada, a non-governmental organization with
humanitarian purposes, was created in Montreal in December 1998, following
the dramatic events from civil war in the Congo Republic. We've been
struck by lack of coverage from the media regarding this drama suffered by
the Congolese populations.
As a remedy to this lack of information, we have created the Congolese
Collective of Canada. It includes Congolese from various background. Its
purpose is to promote national peace, reconciliation and solidarity. The
Congolese Collective of Canada has undertaken the burden of informing the
NGOs, international institutions and Canadian media about the real
situation in the Congo-Brazzaville.
In 1992, for the first time in history, Congolese people chose the road to
democracy, leaving behind 29 years of dictatorship. Unfortunately, this
new-born and fragile democracy was shaken by internal violence from 1993
through 1994. The same picture of violence is seen in 1997 and again today
(since December 1998). Civilians have always been the favorite target of
this violence which has today reached unacceptable limits. Armed groups in
the conflicts have used weapons of terror without hesitation toward these
populations (killing, raping, looting, kidnapping and murdering...).
The Congolese people are deprived of protection by a State that no longer
exists. They are even deprived of basic rights: right to shelter, food,
medical care, and education. Indeed the terror caused by the bombing, and
horrors committed by armed groups have forced people out of their homes,
walking long miles to find a refuge, most of the time in the forest or
neighboring countries.
Since mid-December, the international community and media are watching in
a complete indifference as the dramatic situation is unfolding for the
Congolese populations. In Canada, the USA, France, England, as well as in
Africa, the media coverage for the Congo is brief; yet this situation of
extreme gravity in the Congo is destroying human and social structures.
People are spotted, chased, raped, kidnapped, murdered and homes looted,
yet the international community is in a complete indifference. The silence
surrounding these murders and horrors is intolerable. It is dangerous to
watch the unfolding of such a situation and remain silent, as this makes
comfortable the murderers in their gruesome enterprise. The situation is
intolerable and not bearable for the populations.
In the Congo, media and NGO are submitted to caution and are localized in
the capital where humanitarian conditions are worsening. However we are
also concerned about populations in the regions between Brazzaville and
Pointe-Noire. These populations are submitted to extreme horrors. They are
forced out of cities and villages, reduced to shelters in the forest, and
living in dramatic medical conditions, with less hope of any assistance.
The consequences of this exodus are two fold: on one hand, there are
diseases, famine, and epidemic in these rural zones where the conditions
were already worse before civil war. On the other hand, there's the
persistence of famine for the poor populations of Brazzaville,
Pointe-Noire, Dolisie, Nkayi, Sibiti...
We want to force the Congolese government to distance itself from these
acts of barbary committed in its name. In order to bring security to the
populations, we demand that the fundamental human rights be respected in
this country. In order to force the Congolese government to take into
consideration these requests, and to have our voice heard, we implore your
assistance and action in favor of the Congolese people.
Considering all the above and other general matters in addition to the
murdering impulse that left the country in a bloodbath in 1993-994, and
which continues to prevail today, an international contribution is
required to prevent a failure that can compromise social peace, national
unity and the acquisitions of our recent history.
Other countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra-Leone,
Angola, Guinea Bissau, Ethiopia, and Eritrea are shaken by the same
situation like in the Congo. However the deteriorating situation in the
Congo-Brazzaville is considered of least importance by the rest of the
That is why the Congolese Collective of Canada is presenting the following
1. Surveillance of human rights conditions in the Congo-Brazzaville
2. The use of all means to improve these human rights conditions
3. Necessary measures to bring the Congolese authorities to conform to the
universal declaration of human rights, to conventions and international
treaties that the Congo freely approved
4. We ask you to simply denounce and quote the Congo among the countries
where human rights are violated. The Congo is undergoing a pre-genocide,
like the saying goes, shout to the wolf to scare the thief.
Please help us eradicate violence before it's too late.
The situation of the Congolese people is very dramatic. No humanitarian
can remain indifferent. The world cannot accept the continuation of these
methods in the Eve of the third millennium. We need you and your action in
favor of the Congolese people.
Please receive the expression of our most distinguished greetings
For the Collective
Appolinaire Attant Ngouari, President.
Pascal Moumbouilou, Charge Commission Humanitaire.
Collectif des Congolais du Canada
CP. 623 - Cote de Neige
Montreal (Quebec) H3S 3V4
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