The history of Puntland
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The history in general of Somalia
- Puntland Elders Discuss Elections
- UN Integrated Regional Information Network, 15 June
2001. Over 60 traditional elders from the self-declared
autonomous region of Puntland, northeastern Somalia meet
in Garowe, the regional capital, to discuss whether to
extend the mandate of the administration. President
Abdullahi Yusuf said that before elections were held, time
was needed to conduct a referendum on a new constitution
and carry out a population census.
- Captain Arrested Over Yemen
- UN Integrated Regional Information Network, 16 June
2001. Arrest of boat captain who smuggled Somalis to Yemen
after collapse of central government in 1991.
- Puntland President sworn in
- UN Integrated Regional Information Network, 5 July
2001. The President and vice-president of Puntland took
the oath of office. Abdullahi Yusuf, whose mandate expired
on 30 June, obtained the extension of his
mandate from clan representatives and the Puntland House
of Representatives on 27 June. The extension was, however,
challenged by opposition candidates.