The contemporary political history of Eritrea
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The history in general of Etritrea
- Translating votes into seats
- By Daniel Mebrahtu, Etritrean
Profile, 21 January 1995. ’Electoral
Systems’ was one of the issues discussed in the
International Symposium on the Making of the Eritrean
Constitution held in Asmara from January 7-12. Democracy
and electoral systems.
- Achieving global human security:
Eritrea’s view
- Etritrean Profile, 21 January
1995. International cooperation is perceived as and
upgraded to evolve into true partnership. Our independence
of decision should not be encroached by conditionalities
of aid. Biennial International Development Conference (IDC)
convened in Washington, DC, from January 16-18.
- Eritrea: International Aid Detailed
- From Indian Ocean Newsletter,
4 February 1995. World Bank and IMF use Eritrean national
debt to curtail the Eritrean government’s social
commitments to make the country more permeable to
capitalist penetration.
- Jehovah’s Witnesses have lost citizenship
- Eritrea Ministry of the Interior, 4 March 1995. Witnesses
recognize Eritrean law only to extent compatible with
their personal religious views. Implicitly, instead of
the jihad being the highest duty to God and country, self
interest comes first.
- Eritrea-Ethiopia Joint Communique
- Eritrean Profile—Electronic, 8
April 1995. 1995—In accordance with the Agreement
concluded on 23 September, 1993, the third round meeting
of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Joint High Ministerial Commission
(JHMC) was held in Asmara from April 3-4, 1995. The
high-level delegation reviewed the status of
implementation of the various agreements and protocols
signed between the two countries and expressed
satisfaction on the progress made.
- Eritrea—Hope For Africa’s
- From Kurdistan Report,
1996. The struggle of the Eritrean people against the
annexation of Eritrea by Ethiopia more than 30 years ago
developed into a liberation movement which defeated the
strongest army in Africa, an army which was first supplied
by U.S. imperialism and later by the Soviet Union. In May
1991, the Mengistu regime in Ethiopia gave up after 30
years of war. That opened the way for Eritrea to develop
into an independent, democratic state.
- Out of the Wreckage of War, Eritrea Finds
Reason to Hope
- By Nora Boustany, Washington
Post, Friday 15 December 15, 2000. following the
signing of a formal peace agreement Tuesday in Algiers,
there is an agreement to demarcate the border. Was the 2
1/2-year Ethiopia-Eritrea war for control of an arid patch
of wasteland worth it for the Eritreans? The war resulted
in thousands of dead, almost a million displaced Eritreans
and losses running to millions of dollars.
What was
lost in terms of opportunities is much more difficult to
- Country profile: Eritrea
- BBC News Online, Thursday 5 April 2001. A brief
chronology of key events, briefly described, in Eritrea's