The WTO and the trade of Africa as a whole
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- Trying Not to Be Caught Napping in
- From IPS, 13 April 1998. In Harare, African trade
ministers and experts of the OAU and African Economic
Community (AEC) have their first meeting in preparation
for the WTO summit in Seattle, at which they say that they
must be prepared to play an active part in designing the
agenda of trade negotiations affecting Africa and shaping
their results.
- African nations against new issues in
- By Martin Khor, Third World Network Features, 15 May
1999. A new round of negotiations at the WTO would entail
an ‘unsustainable burden’ on developing
countries, and if there is such a round it should not
include new issues. So concluded a workshop in Kampala,
with the participation of over 40 senior trade policy
officials from 21 Eastern and Southern African
- Civil Society Rejects Attempts To Expand WTO
- By Lewis Machipisa, IPS, 9 September 1999. A group of civil
society rejects attempts to expand the powers of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) and calls for a review of the
existing agreements and an assessment of the world trade