![[World History Archives]](../bin/title-c.png)
The history of Pan-africanism
Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in
World History Archives and does not
presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to
release their copyright.
- Pan-Africanism: Agenda for African Unity in
the 1990s
- An address by Julius O. Ihonvbere, 27 May 1994.
- Where do we go from here?
- By Ayize Atiba, 8 March 1995. A call for pan-African
- The 1945 Pan-African Congress and its
- By Simon Katzenellenbogen, 2 May 1995. Manchester will
celebrate the anniversary of the 1945 Pan-African congress
held there fifty years before.
- Address by Mandela to the National Assembly
of Mali
- Mamako, 2 March 1996. African unity and Republic of
South Africa's role.
- Women's Contribution to the Pan-African
Struggle: Revisited
- By M. Mason, 27 March 1997. Focus on the Fourth Pan
African Congress held in New York City, August 1927, but
also conferning the First Congress, Paris 1900.
- Creation of a Pan-African Senate: A Call
for Action
- 6 May 1997. A call for a Pan-African Senate and a letter
to President Mugabe, incoming head of the OAU.
- Africans on the Move
- From the Nkrumaist, by Sis. Marpessa
Kupendua, 19 February 1998. Pan-Africanism in the
perspective of the African diaspora.