Nepad has been imposed on the continent by the few governments and
elites, supported by the countries of the North and the Bretton Woods
institutions [World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World
Trade Organisation]. Africa and her people have not been involved in
devising this path of development.
So says the breakaway Civil Society Indaba, which claims to include delegates from some rural and urban communities, youth, women, First Nations Indigenous People and some NGOs, writes Glenda Daniels.
The New Partnership for Africa's Developmenty (Nepad) embraces the
forces of neo-liberal globalisation
and promotes these forces
as a cure for Africa's ills, while at the same time embracing the
World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade
The Indaba believes the development path adopted by Nepad will push Africa and her people further into poverty, ill-health, hunger and marginalisation. It interprets the policies of Nepad as:
destruction of Africa's industries and the livelihoods of its people.
profound food insecurity on the continent.
failed to live up to the promise of more jobs and prosperity for the continent.