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Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:33:02 -0400
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From: Art McGee <>
Subject: [BRC-NEWS] Cash Strapped African Leaders Beg To Be Re-Colonized
Cash Strapped African Leaders Beg To Be Re-Colonized
By Ron Daniels, The Black World Today, 1 August 1999
As I was channel surfing on the television recently, I caught a glimpse of
a high level official from the Republic of Tanzania in East Africa
extolling the virtues of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (H.R. 434)
now being considered by the House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress.
It struck me as ironic that Tanzania, a nation which under leadership of
the venerable Julius K. Nyerere, was a prime proponent of Uhuru Ny Ujama,
Freedom and Socialism. It was Nyerere who constantly exhorted Africans to
uphold and live by the values of self-help, self-reliance, and
self-determination, to organize the societies and economies in the
post-colonial era in a way that would maximize benefits to the masses of
African people while lessening Africa's dependence on Europe and America.
Now I was witnessing an official from the nation which he led as its
President appealing to the Congress of the United States to pass a bill
that most progressive African American leaders fear would lead to the
economic re-colonization of Africa. Nelson Mandela is among the few
African leaders who has had the courage to call this bill "unacceptable."
How ironic, tragic even, that as we prepare to enter a new century and
millennium Africa, the motherland, is so afflicted by poverty,
underdevelopment, hunger, disease, corruption and debt that African
leaders, out of desperation and expediency, are in effect begging to be
re-colonized, How ironic that the continent whose historical
underdevelopment under slavery and colonialism, whose vast human and
material resources contributed mightily to the enrichment and development
of Europe and America must now turn to the former slaver-masters, and
colonizers for a "bail-out" which will strengthen the stranglehold of
Europe and America over the human and material resources of Africa well
into the 21" century.
The African Growth and Opportunity Act, which was the "gift" which Clinton
came bearing during his highly ballyhooed presidential visit to Africa
last year, is a product of the collapse of bi-polar competition in the
post Cold War era where countries in the developing world have far less
leverage in dealing with the U.S. because of the demise of the Soviet
Union and the Eastern bloc of communist/socialist nations. The U.S. is now
the sole superpower and what it has to offer to the world, particularly
the so called Third World, is its own capitalist free market model of
economic development; a model which is designed to compel nations that
receive U.S. aid and trade to accept "structural adjustments" that make it
easier for American multinational corporations to penetrate and benefit
from their economies. The will of the U.S. is often carried out through
the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which imposes conditions
on nations conducive to promoting "foreign investment." Already racked by
foreign debt and highly dependent on the western industrialized nations in
the post Cold War era, many countries in the Third World feel they have no
alternative but to accept aid from Europe and America on their terms or
Though the Congressional Black Caucus is split on the issue of support of
the African Growth and Opportunity Act, with the majority favoring the
bill, fortunately a courageous minority within the caucus led by members
like Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. have formulated and introduced an
alternative bill, H.R. 772, the Human Rights, Opportunity, Partnership and
Empowerment for Africa Act (HOPE), which would be far more conducive to
Africa's development. A comparative summary of the two bills prepared by
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch says that "the African Growth and
Opportunity Act adopts the NAFTA formula for Africa: giving foreign
corporations broad new rights that will increase their capacity to profit
from control of African resources, while doing nothing to ensure that
benefits actually accrue to the African nations and people," In contrast
Global Watch suggests that HOPE "was conceived to address the real needs
and concerns of sub-Saharan African nations It adopts a holistic approach
to the elements essential to ensuring a mutually successful U.S.-
sub-Sahara Africa economic policy, including business facilitation, debt
relief, aid and AIDS prevention and treatment."
While this is probably an overgenerous assessment of the positive impact
on Africa, at least HOPE was drafted by African American congressional,
religious and civic leaders and liberal-progressive allies with a more
critical eye towards promoting and protecting the interests of African
nations. For example, the Growth Act includes no provisions for debt
relief, assistance in the form of foreign aid grants or allocations to
assist Africa to cope with the AIDS epidemic. The bill provisions for
labor and environmental rights are also weak to non-existent.
The current debate raging in Congress over what approach should be taken
to assist Africa's development is critical. The confusion and split among
members of the Congressional Black Caucus clearly suggests the need for a
clear progressive economic development paradigm to guide the formulation
of policies, which will affect Africa. Without such a vision and paradigm,
African American policy makers wittingly or unwittingly will fall into the
trap of promoting policies which will lead to the economic re-colonization
of Africa; policies which our brothers and sisters on the continent may
fall prey to simply because they feel they have no other viable
Copyright (c) 1999 The Black World Today
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