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Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 13:08:54 GMT+0100
Reply-To: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: "P. Waterman" <waterman@ISS.NL>
Organization: Institute of Social Studies
Subject: Re: Eric Lee's book on Internationalism
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From National Place to Electronic Space: Labour's New International Arena
By P. Waterman <waterman@ISS.NL> 22 June 1998
That's funny, Joao, I don't think we can revive internationalism by
going back to Marx, but I also thought Eric's was a great book. I
have recently reviewed it within a much longer article. Let's
see if the section on Eric is short enough to append here. Although
longer than the usual Labor-L mailing, I hope it will be considered
relevant enough to justify this immediate and general availability. I
have only edited for clarity and comprehension:
1. Real virtuality welcomes new internationalists
Eric Lee's little book on electronic labour internationalism is a
remarkable piece of work. The book includes a historical overview of
labour internationalism, an account of the rise of international
labour communication by computer, an overview of the technology,
information on the best electronic sites and experiences, and a
conclusion on problems and prospects. It is also the best technical
handbook on any kind of `alternative' international computer
networking I have read. Lee's book, moreover, provides us with a link
between internationalism in the `real world' and in `virtual
reality'. Manuel Castells (1996), some light years ahead of most of
us, refers to the second as `real virtuality', and recognises it as
an increasingly central terrain of international democratic struggle.
This is recognised by the highly computer-conscious Korean labour
movement, which is translating Lee's book for local use.
Eric Lee runs the most-sophisticated labour site on the Web - and one
that gives those with internet access further access, via the usual
touch-and-go linkages, to the wider world of electronic labour
internationalism. At the moment of writing I am consumer-testing his
Labour Start feature for use as my homepage (what first comes up on
your screen when enter the worldwide web). Lee is evidently the right
person (a cosmopolitan), at the right time (end of millennium) and
right place (cyberspace). He has experience in US socialist
movements, in the International Federation of Worker Education
Associations, and as a self-educated computer professional (within an
Israeli kibbutz). He gives a lively and erudite account of the rise
and fall of the old labour and socialist internationalism. He
stresses as major reasons for its fall 1) world wars, 2) communism
and 3) fascism. I find this explanation over-political. I would
rather stress, as already suggested, 1) the changing nature of
capitalism, 2) the equally changing structure of the working
class(es), and 3) the rise and rise, over two centuries, of
2. Alternative histories with alternative implications
Lee's useful account of the rise and rise of the labour nets is
marred marginally, for me, by his sanctification of Charles Levinson,
one-time General Secretary of the International Chemical Workers
Federation. Levinson may have been one pioneer of international
labour communication by computer (ILCC), but his role was quite
literally unremarked by myself at the time and, I am sure, unknown to
many of the others involved in this effort. There were such others,
both at the core of the national and international union
organisations and on their periphery. It is, of course, to our
discredit that we did not know or take account of Levinson's efforts,
but this must have been because of his institutionalised base and
address. My own reading of the short history of ILCC is as follows.
There were some major initiatives from within the international union
organisations in the 1970s-80s. These failed because the attitude of
these organisations towards information was that of bankers rather
than broadcasters. The project took off at the international labour
and union periphery in the 1980s, at the instance of those involved
in `the new labour internationalism'. Neo-liberalisation undermined
this independent effort, and the two streams merged in the 1990s.
Lee's work is an emblem of this coming together, but it does not
identify the tensions between the streams, which now flow through the
project as a whole. But, then, Lee is centrally concerned with union
networking whilst I am with 1) the necessary dialectic under
globalisation between labour and NSM networking, and 2) the new
attitudes and messages necessary and appropriate to the new networked
Lee's evident enthusiasm and enthusiasms do not lead him into any
left computer utopianism. His last chapter, The New
Internationalisms, deals with all the obstacles to effective labour
presence on, and use of, the net (money, equipment, language,
training, etc.). He then considers ideas and experiments being
promoted by webmasters (no post-macho netweavers here) within the
most-advanced national and international union movements
(international councils of workers in specific TNCs, an International
Labour University). He continues with `three crazy ideas' (178): an
international on-line labour press, an online archive, discussion
group and journal, and an early-warning network on union rights.
These are not crazy ideas at all: they are simply new to the
international union organisations, since these or similar facilities
are well-established in or around the women's/feminist, ecological,
human rights and other such movements. Lee does not end with a
revolutionary internationalist proletariat rising from the ashes. But
he certainly declares that `the international has been reborn' (185).
Lee's words, as this review may have already suggested, are still a
considerable way beyond a complex and contradictory labour reality.
3. Newer! Faster! Cheaper!...Different?
We might start by considering the judgement of Mark Poster (1995) on
cyberspace and the public sphere. Poster says of cyberspace that it
is less like a hammer (something for doing something to something)
than like Germany (a peopled, cultured community). I would argue that
it is both things - although I might have chosen a country with less
blood and iron in its history. But cyberspace is additionally a
utopia, a non-existing but desirable place and still to be created
future. Within the institutional core of the labour movement, email,
the internet, the worldwide web, are still primarily seen as Newer!,
Faster!, Cheaper!, More-Effective! means to old union ends. In the
subaltern spirit of `countervailing power' (Levinson again) they
customarily say, `if employers have them, we should have them'. Even
whilst engaged in a major labour conflict, receiving massive
international electronic coverage and political support, the Maritime
Union of Australia had little or no information about, or links to,
such on its well-designed website. Most national and international
union websites continue to remind me of those union journals
guaranteed to bore the pants off anyone but their editors. They are
thinking in terms of one-way, top-down information rather than those
of a multi-directional, feedback culture. They still have little idea
of the new meanings, feelings and attitudes possible or necessary if
labour is to even defend itself against a globalised and networked
capitalis (GNC). If and where they do provide support or links to
other social movements or campaigns, their sites can hardly be said
to be spaces for broad, creative and open consideration of an
alternative global future.
Even if the alternative ILCC people of the 1970s-80s have merged with
the institutions they once criticised and challenged, I do not see
this as a major problem. We really should now, I think, dispense with
the left's programmed responses to its repeated or permanent
(self-)isolation: `sell-out', `betrayal', `bourgeoisification',
`bureaucratisation' and `social democrat' (as an epithet, of course,
not as used by my good self). On the one hand, there is always the
possibility for the recreation of a periphery - particularly in the
infinitely expanding and flexible space offered by the ether.
Self-peripheralisation is, under the new networked capitalism,
different from self-marginalisation or self-isolation. It is a
strategic option, a privileged position from which one can both look
out and be seen. And, on the other hand, in a rapidly-changing world,
that escapes the railway-line and steam-train categories of the
traditional left, there are those individuals, groups or tendencies
within the core of the old international labour organisations, who
are learning from the new social movements (NSMs). In so far as the
old institutions are increasingly penetrated by or porous to the
non-institutionalised, working from within can be just as (or almost
as?) subversive as working from without.
Lee's own work is, as suggested above, a place where labour core and
periphery meet again - as they will whenever they recognise a
community of fate greater than the distance or attitudes that
separate them. I am talking here about both Lee's book and his
website. In so far as the new internationalisms are communicational
and cultural ones, Lee's book actually surpasses the masculine and
labourist borders within which he has constructed it. Utopians will
feel quite comfortable here.
`Communication is the nervous system of internationalism
and solidarity' (Jose Carlos Mariategui, Lima, c.1923)
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