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Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9803212100.C26277-0100000@queen>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 21:14:03 -0500
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: "P. K. Murphy" <bi008@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA>
Subject: Philippine Greens Protest Bill Gates' Visit (1 of 2)
Philippine Greens protest the visit of #1 U.S. cyberlord Bill Gates
From the Philippine Greens 20 March 1998
The Philippine Greens protest the unwelcome presence in our
country of William Gates III and his company Microsoft Corporation.
Why a protest against Bill Gates?
A year ago, it was unthinkable for local police to raid our
schools. Today, Microsoft regularly threatens to raid Philippine
schools that don't subscribe to Microsoft's
one-computer/one-software-purchase demand. At least one school has
actually been the victim of a Microsoft-initiated raid. School
administrators feel threatened by the raids, and are now forced to buy
expensive software for their computers, one copy per computer. This
huge expense will probably be passed on to students, which will
increase the cost of education and make it less affordable
particularly to poor students.
Several years ago, thanks to compulsory licensing, we were
enjoying low-cost reprinted textbooks, making education and
self-learning somewhat more accessible to Filipino students and
professionals. Today, a new intellectual property law has removed
genuine compulsory licensing and made it very hard to reprint foreign
textbooks. Microsoft, other U.S. firms, and the U.S. government
exerted tremendous pressure on the Philippine government to pass this
law. Visit bookstore now; what we see are expensive reprints whose
prices are set by foreign firms instead of local publishers.
We protest against a software monopoly that controls more than
90% of the market for personal computer operating systems in the
Philippines and worldwide. We also protest against information
monopolies in general emerging out of the global information economy.
Bill Gates, number one U.S. cyberlord and the world's richest person
with a net worth of around $36 billion, is the top representative of
these information monopolies. He has used his monopoly position in
computer operating systems as leverage to extend his monopoly to
computer applications software, programming languages and utilities,
Internet server software, financial software and other areas. He is
also moving into electronic reproductions of art and literature,
databases and other information services, publishing, genetic
information, and many other areas. His visit to the Philippines can
only mean that he now wants to extend his monopoly position in our
country. We are already feeling his negative presence in the form of
pressure on our government to give him special treatment; to pass
oppressive laws for his sake; to create special court, departmental
and police units for enforcing his monopoly; and to spend precious
government funds raiding local schools, shops and other Filipino
Piracy: good or bad?
The U.S. accuses us of piracy, whenever we try to access
technologies and knowledge on our own terms. They call us pirates when
we reprint or photocopy foreign textbooks, share expensive software
with each other, copy a video casette, or manufacture a patented
pharmaceutical product.
The U.S. has no moral authority to stop us. In the 19th century,
they were the number one pirate of British books and publications. As
we do today, they also dipped freely into the world's storehouse of
knowledge when they were a developing nation themselves. Even today,
the U.S. and Europe lead in pirating our intellectuals, in pirating
indigenous knowledge, and in pirating the genetic resources of the
Third World. Piracy seems to be alright when done by the U.S. to
enrich itself further, but not when we do it because we cannot afford
their monopoly prices.
The U.S. cites the GATT agreement to justify their protectionist
calls in favor of IPR. Yet, the U.S. continues to violate GATT
provisions with brazen impunity by resorting to unilateral measures
(such as "Super 301" and "Special 301" provisions of the U.S. Trade
Act) and unilateral actions (such as watchlisting, blacklisting, or
threatening to withdraw GSP status) against weaker and poorer nations
like the Philippines. The U.S. relied on these threats and other
bullying tactics, rather than any moral arguments, to pressure the
Philippine government to adopt a new intellectual property law that is
good for U.S. companies but bad for Filipinos.
Neither has our government any moral authority, in so far as
software copying is concerned, because it is actually one of the
biggest copy centers of commercial software. And rightly so, because
we are a poor country. Why should we hand over millions of dollars to
U.S. companies for short-lived overpriced software which can be had at
much lower cost under genuine compulsory licensing? Why should we be
expected to enrich further one who is already the world's richest,
when software companies themselves admit that 50% of software used in
the U.S. are unauthorized copies?
Bill Gates granted "amnesty" to Pres. Ramos and the Philippine
government for their use of pirated software. Now, supposedly, all
Microsoft products in government use are legal and as good as paid
for, and the government may now hypocritically conduct police raids on
others who continue to do as the government did, copying commercial
We consider this amnesty no different from a bribe by Microsoft,
to entice our government to protect Microsoft's monopoly in the
Why should our government protect the interests of the richest
man in the world, while it refuses protection for Filipino workers, or
even Filipino businesses? How many raids have we heard against foreign
firms who pirate employees from Filipino firms? Against businesses
that pay below the minimum wage law? Or against polluters and illegal
loggers and polluters? Why the special protection for Bill Gates?
Why is the president of the Philippines, a former general, acting
as sheriff for Bill Gates, number one U.S. cyberlord and the richest
man in the world?
Our demands
We ask Mr. Bill Gates to:
1) order his company Microsoft and its Philippine subsidiary to
stop initiating or threatening police raids against our schools, shops
and local businesses;
2) stop demanding special treatment for his company or the
software industry; and
3) submit to genuine compulsory licensing of software, in which
the our government would grant to local businesses licences to copy
foreign software and sell these to the local market at affordable
prices and based on reasonable margins, with the licensees being
required to pay the original copyrights holders a reasonable royalty
based on selling price and set by our laws.
The Philippine Greens also remind President Ramos that his
government has more important things to do than spending precious time
and money protecting monopolies like Microsoft. We ask President Ramos
1.) refuse any amnesty grant from Microsoft, because such grant
is in reality a bribe to entice the government in giving the software
firm special treatment;
2) implement genuine compulsory licensing on major technologies
and products, like books, software and pharmaceutical products;
3) repeal the new Intellectual Property Law, which expands the
monopolistic privileges in the Philippines of foreign companies like
Microsoft, and reinstitute genuine compulsory licensing;
4) abolish the special court, departmental and police units whose
exclusive assignments are to enforce or try IPR cases; and
5) order all government agencies to avoid monopolistically-owned
software like Windows and to consider alternatives like the shareware
Digital DOS for workstations, the free Linux software for servers, and
other shareware programs.
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9803212115.H26277-0100000@queen>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 21:20:58 -0500
Subject: Philippine Greens (2 of 2)
Another Pie for Bill Gates in Manila
MANILA, March 20 -- Around twenty Filipino protesters had a local pie
ready for Bill Gates of Microsoft, whom they called "the number one
U.S. cyberlord," when Gates paid a brief one-day visit here today.
The protesters, however, had to content themselves picketing the
Manila Peninsula Hotel where Gates stayed, and throwing their
specially-made pie at a Bill Gates impersonator whom they brought with
them. The real Gates stayed inside the tightly-guarded Manila
Peninsula Hotel, taking time to go out by helicopter only for his
brief meeting with President Ramos at the latter's presidential palace
in Malacanang.
The protesters, who belonged to the local Greens, blamed Microsoft for
the anti-piracy raids against Philippine schools and for the new
Intellectual Property Code removing "genuine compulsory licensing"
which, they said, will lead to higher book prices. The Philippine
Greens asked Gates to:
1. order Microsoft's local subsidiary to stop initiating police raids
against Philippine schools and shops;
2. stop demanding special treatment for his company; and
3. submit to genuine compulsory licensing, in which the Philippine
government would grant to local businesses licences to copy foreign
software and sell these to the local market at affordable prices and
based on reasonable margins, with the licensees being required to pay
the original copyrights holders a reasonable royalty based on selling
price and set by local laws.
In their official statement, the protesters called the U.S. "the
number one pirate of British books and publications" in the 19th
century, and accused it of "pirating our intellectuals, indigenous
knowledge, and the genetic resources of the Third World." They
questioned the strict enforcement of the GATT intellectual property
rights (IPR) provisions, while the U.S. itself continued violating
GATT by threatening unilateral action against other countries.
The protesters also accused their own government of hypocrisy. "The
Philippine government is actually one of the biggest users of
unauthorized commercial software," their statement said. "Why should
we be expected to enrich further one who is already the richest man in
the world, when according to software companies themselves, 50% of
software in use in the U.S. itself is an unauthorized copy?" they
asked. They called the Microsoft grant of amnesty to the Philippine
government a "bribe to entice the government to protect the Microsoft
The protesters chided President Ramos, a former general, for "acting
as sheriff for Bill Gates, number one U.S. cyberlord and the richest
man in the world."
The Philippine Greens' picket was led by Roberto Verzola, a local
computer pioneer who is credited with designing the first Filipino
computer in 1981 and is known among local protest groups for his
anti-IPR advocacy and his critical view of the Internet.