The history of World War III in the Republic of the Sudan

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Paramilitary Operation in The Sudan—the International Committee of the Red Cross
By Ralph McGehee, Wednesday 1 January 1997. A CIA paramilitary operation in early December 1996 backfired when an American pilot was captured when returning CIA-backed wounded rebels from a field hospital in northeast Kenya to their base. The involvement of the Red Cross in clandestine activities.
Clinton Orders Military Strikes
Associated Press, Thursday 20 August 1998. Before vacationing, Clinton ordered U.S. armed forces to strike at terrorist facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan in retaliation for the embassy bombings in Africa. Hit was what he called a chemical weapons facility in Sudan [which actually destroyed the major source of legitimate pharmaceuticals in the Sudan].
US Evidence of Terror Links to Blitzed Medicine Factory was ’Totally Wrong’
By Andrew Marshall, The Independent (UK), 15 February 1999. In last year’s US missile attack on a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan there was no evidence to link the facility or its owner to international terrorism.
US Taking Hard Line On Sudan Peace Talks
By Kevin J. Kelley in New York, The East African (Nairobi), 9 September 2002. The US threatens to punish the Khartoum government if an end to the country’s civil war is not negotiated within the next six months. This would involve sanctions that would deny all international financial aid to Sudan’s Islamist government and provide $300 million in aid to the country’s main opposition.