The history of intervention into West Asia as a whole
following the Gulf War

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The Terrorists' Summit
The Militant, 1 April 1996. Washington assembled a true terrorist summit in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt, March 13—a conference aimed at backing up the main perpetrator of terror in the Middle East. Clinton took the unprecedented step of openly backing this collective punishment by the Israeli regime against Palestinians.
Congress tightens sanctions
By Sara Flounders, Workers World 4 July 1996. Without one dissenting vote or any national debate or discussion, Washington extended its global use of sanctions on June 20. The U.S. House of Representatives imposed harsh new economic sanctions on Iran and Libya. The new legislation attacking Iran and Libya is much like the Helms-Burton Act, which punishes foreign companies that invest in or trade with Cuba.
Muslim jihad against Americans and supporters; A real possibility?
Mid-East Realities, 12 March 1998. U.S. and Israelis policies in the Middle East, supported by key Western European states especially Great Britain, do not come without a price, a possible jihad. The fatwa, Kill the Americans; The fatwa, Urging jihad.
Subdue Palestine, wage war on Iraq: Twin pillars of U.S. strategy to dominate Middle East
By Richard Becker, Workers World, 27 June 2002. The Israeli decision to reoccupy Palestinian territories and settle inside them represents an open invitation to the Palestinian people to practice all sorts of resistance against the occupation. What is the connection between Bush's proposal for an interim Palestinian state and the CIA's authorization to assassinate President Hussein?
Iraq And Jordan Will Become One Hashemite State
By Alex Fishman, Yediot Aharonot, 6 September 2002. The American strategy as seen in Pentagon docunents: The military attack on Iraq is just the first goal, Saudi Arabia is the strategic goal and Egypt is The Big Prize. Democratization in societies that spawn the wild growths of Al-Qaida. The Palestinians will have to find their place in Jordan. How the loving American hug may become a source of big troubles for Israel.
War Now!
By Uri Avnery, Palestine Chronicle. 7 September 2002. Criticism of the emerging Bush war plan. Iraq would break into three parts (Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center, Shiites in the south), the Middle East would be exposed to the onslaught of Iranian fanaticism, pro-Western Arab regimes would collapse. Israel would be surrounded by aggressive Islamic fundamentalism.
US War Hawks Have Plans to Reshape Entire Mideast
By John Donnelly and Anthony Shadid, The Boston Globe, 10 September 2002. A sweeping vision for the Middle East that sees the overthrow of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq as merely a first step in the region's, pushed for years by some Washington think tanks. After Hussein's ouster, the US will have more leverage to act against Syria and Iran, will be in a better position to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and will be able to rely less on Saudi oil.
Bush's Mideast plan: Conquer and divide
By Eric Margolis,, 8 December 2002. Comment on Tariq Aziz, Iraq's deputy prime minister, forthright and chilling interview with ABC News. What the U.S. wants is not regime change in Iraq but rather region change. The Bush administration's reasons for war against Iraq: Oil and Israel.