The political history of imperialism in general
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The history of imperialism in general
and political globalization
The history of economic imperialism
and globalization
- “The Great Game:” The Comeback of
Brasen Empire
- By Fred Goldstein, in Workers World,
18 January 1996. The U.S. government poured trillions of dollars
into the Cold War. Instead of spending the money to address social
needs, the money was thrown into the Pentagon, the CIA, political
subversion and economic blockade, the politics of imperialist
- Internationalism versus
- By Jeremy Seabrook, Third World Network Features, 8
August 1996. Globalisation has eclipsed and usurped
internationalism; indeed sometimes masquerades as
if it were the same thing. It is time to rescue what
internationalists have always worked for from the clutches
of a rapaciously expansive and ultimately, colonising,
- The great war machine
- By Riccardo Petrella, Le Monde
diplomatique, May 1997. To be opposed to the kind
of aggressive globalisation typical of a market economy
that is capitalist, liberalised, deregulated, privatised,
highly technocratic and competitive does not imply
opposition to other forms of government and globalisation
that rely on cooperation.
- Chapter One: The World Situation
- PKK Party Program, [3 January 1998]. The reactionary
violence of colonialism vs. the progressive violence of
revolution. When the capitalist-imperialist world system
had fully formed itself by the last quarter of the 19th
century, no countries existed which were outside of this
system. The unequal development of a handful of
imperialist nations, together with the crisis of that
system, led to a new comprehensive world
division. Socialism and the role of the party.
- The Dawn Of The Imperialist System
- By Argiris Malapanis, The
Militant, 9 February 1998. Addresses the question,
If the Roman Empire was an imperialist power, it seems
that the wars against Native Americans were a classic
example of imperialism. In the Marxist sense, the term
is limited to a final stage of
capitalism in which capital export is the focus.
- The TNCs and arms production: Military
alliances serve as enforcers of TNC domination.
- By Mark Frank, CCPA Monitor, March 1998. One of the
essential conditions for transnational corporations in
developing their investment strategies is the assurance of
political stability and security. Among the many tools at
hand for TNC domination is the use of military force,
either from abroad or within the country targeted for