Date: Mon, 14 Sep 98 14:46:33 CDT
From: MichaelP <>
Subject: America's Holy War
Article: 43124
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Message-ID: <>
Self-defence. That's the principle invoked by the Unites States to justify attacking “terrorist training camps” in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. In an international system in which states are challenging the law of the jungle, the State Department needed a legal cover for the bombings on 20 August 1998 which violated the sovereignty of several states. So it invoked Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. But the article only provides for the use of “self-defence” in the case of “an armed attack… until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security”. Did the US really defend itself from “an armed attack” while waiting for the Security Council to take the “necessary measures”?
It seems not. Indeed, a number of American officials have pointed out that last month's raids marked a turning point in Washington's strategy: the US no longer feels constrained to seek an international consensus or the backing of the United Nations. As one official remarked, “We're in the deterrence business… [and it] is not based on legal niceties or delay” (1). Forget international law. Did sheriffs ever ask permission to shoot bandits?
Anyway, international law was not much help when there was no sure proof of Osama bin Laden's involvement in the criminal attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. But, while FBI chief Louis Freeh was telling the world that “We are still in a fairly preliminary stage” of the enquiry, and his most senior colleague in the field was admitting that the main suspect arrested had neither confessed nor implicated Mr Bin Laden (2), the Tomahawks were already on their way. Never mind that foreign technicians who worked in the bombed Khartoum factory dismissed the notion that it could be used to produce chemical weapons. And the United States' unwillingness to countenance a UN commission of enquiry said little for its good faith.
People in the Muslim world are getting tired of this arrogance. Some of them think President Clinton was trying to turn attention from the Lewinsky affair; others say “a terrorist reaction to a terrorist action is unacceptable (3)”. The most moderate think a military response has its limitations. As an Egyptian editorial put it, “All the Pentagon's power may help in fighting terrorism, but it will never be fully effective as long as discontent and [the Islamic world's] will to resist persist. A better approach would be policy shifts in favour of the oppressed, such as the Palestinians (4).”
This is reminiscent of something said by Robert M. Gates, head of the CIA under the Bush administration: “We can pursue policies and strategies that in the long term weaken terrorism's roots. We can pursue a peace in the Middle East that does not kowtow to Binyamin Netanyahu's obstructionism (5).”
Terrorism is drawing strength from the mounting crises and frustrations in the Muslim world, from Iraq to Kashmir, Palestine to Sudan. Obviously, the United States is not responsible for all the region's woes. But as the world's only superpower, it is accountable for a good number of its dramas: the embargo which is harming the Iraqi people, sanctions against Libya and Sudan, the suffering of the Palestinians, the continuing occupation of East Jerusalem and the Golan, and so on. You don't have to be a Muslim “fanatic” to question Washington's role in each of these events, or to see how the West conveniently overlooks its declarations about democracy when it comes to Saudi and Indonesian dictatorships, or authoritarian rule in Egypt or Pakistan.
Osama bin Laden is now America's public enemy number one. Could the former “freedom fighter” have dreamed of a better role? Thousands of young Muslims will now find a reason for joining his “holy war”. But others will be reduced to silence for fear of being accused of complicity with a power that helps perpetuate an unjust world order.
Willy-nilly, the United States is locking itself into a “war of civilisations” and helping to widen the fracture between the Muslim world and the West. But the old order is on its way out. In a few years time, the Middle East will have lost its main leaders. Yasser Arafat and Kings Hussein and Fahd are ill, as is President Hafez al Assad. There is a particularly dangerous transition ahead, which may re-open the whole question of the borders and states that were put in place by the old colonial powers. Like anywhere else, the peoples of this region want peace, freedom, national independence, democracy. It is by responding to those desires, not launching a holy war against “Islamic terror”, that we can guarantee an orderly transition.
(1) International Herald Tribune, Paris, 24 August 1998.
(2) “US Seeks Proof on Saudi's Role”, International Herald Tribune, 22-23 August 1998.
(3) Al Shark, Qatar, quoted by Mideast Mirror, London, 21 August 1998.
(4) Al Ahram Weekly, Cairo, 13-19 August 1998.
(5) “No Easy Remedies Against Anti-American Terrorism”, International Herald Tribune, 18 August 1998.