From owner-labor-l@YORKU.CA Tue Nov 30 14:15:07 2004
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:59:22 EST
Reply-To: Rolandgarret@AOL.COM
Sender: Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: Roland Sheppard <Rolandgarret@AOL.COM>
Subject: FYI: PR man to Europe's nastiest regimes
Whenever, as this past week, eastern Europe is on the news, so too is
a man called John Laughland. Last Sunday he was playing Ukrainian
expert on the BBC's The World This Weekend, the day before he was
here in the Guardian defending the Ukrainian election result
and at the beginning of the month he was writing for the
Spectator—also on Ukraine.
Laughland's great strength is that he sees what no one else in the
west seems to. Where reporters in Kiev, including the Guardian's
own Nick Paton-Walsh, encounter a genuine democracy movement,
Laughland comes across neo-Nazis
(Guardian), or druggy
skinheads from Lvov
(Spectator). And where most observers report
serious and specific instances of electoral fraud and malpractice on
the part of the supporters of the current prime minister, Laughland
complains only of a systematic bias against (the presumably innocent)
Mr Yanukovich.
A quick trawl establishes this to be the Laughland pattern over the past few years and concerning several countries. Laughland has variously queried the idea that human rights are a problem in Belarus, or that the Serbs behaved so very savagely in Kosovo. He has defended Slobodan Milosevic, criticised the International Tribunal in the Hague and generally argued that the problem in countries normally associated with human rights abuses is, in fact, the intervention of western agencies.
It was the British Helsinki Human Rights Group hat that he was wearing last Sunday. On its website the BHHRG—of which Laughland is a trustee—describes itself as a non-governmental organisation which monitors human rights in the 57 member states of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Laughland is listed as a trustee, the historian Mark Almond (to be found writing about the Ukraine in last week's New Statesman) is its chairman.
Founded in 1992, the BHHRG sends observers to elections and writes
reports which—along Laughlandish lines—almost invariably
dispute the accounts given by better known human rights
organisations. This stance has led to the BHHRG being criticised by
the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (established in
1976) as preferring the role [is to take] PR flak for a new breed
of authoritarian rulers in Europe
to the business of actually
monitoring abuses.
So what on earth is going on here? I know nothing about BHHRG's
finances, but the ideological trail is fascinating. Take the
co-founder of the group, Christine Stone. She was a lawyer before she
helped set up BHHRG. Since then she has written for a number of
publications including the Spectator and Wall Street Journal on
eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
This information comes from a US website called where, for
a while, Stone had a regular Thursday column. But was not
a leftwing site opposing the Iraq war. It was a rightwing site set up
to oppose the Kosovo intervention in 1999. Its editorial
was a man called Justin Raimondo who was active in the
small US Libertarian party before joining the Republican party. In the
1992, 1996 and 2000 elections he supported the campaigns of Pat
Buchanan, the far-right isolationist candidate.
Raimondo is also an adjunct scholar
with the Ludwig von Mises
Institute. This is a libertarian think-tank in Auburn, Alabama,
founded by one Lew Rockwell, who describes himself as an opponent
of the central state, its wars and its socialism
. A contributor to
Rockwell's own site is Daniel McAdams, who is— in his own
words honoured to be associated
with the British Helsinki Human
Rights Group.
Trail 2. Laughland is also European Director of the European
Foundation (patron, Mrs M Thatcher), which—judging by its
website—seems to spend most of its time and energy sending out
pamphlets by arch-Europhobe Bill Cash. A synopsis of one of
Laughland's own books, however, notes his argument that,
Post-national structures ... and supranational organisations such
as the European Union—are ... corrosive of liberal values (and)
the author shows the ideology as a crucial core of Nazi economic and
political thinking.
Beginning to get the picture now? Trail 3 leads us to Sanders Research
Associates, a risk consultancy
for which Laughland is,
according to their website, a regular contributor
and to which
companies can subscribe for information and advice. The
is a Chris Sanders. The kind of steer Sanders gives
his customers can be adduced from this report on the morning of the US
presidential election. We will be very surprised,
he wrote,
if on Wednesday John Kerry has not won a clear majority of
electoral college votes and that his supporters are not nursing
substantial post vote celebration hangovers, if not still drinking the
Lots of people got that one wrong, and some blamed their own
judgment. Not Sanders. Our bet,
he says following the results,
is that we will soon be adding an investigation into the biggest
vote fraud in history.
Sanders, it seems, is not beyond the odd
bit of conspiracising. In a bulletin from June 2002 he also has
something to suggest about the Twin Towers atrocity. It was obvious
then, and it is obvious now,
he writes, that something besides
the brilliance of a band of terrorists or the incompetence of
America's security apparatus was responsible for the disaster of
But he doesn't tell us what that something
Sanders on America and Laughland on Ukraine, however, are not the most
amazing features of Sanders Research Associates. That distinction
belongs to the report on Rwanda written for Sanders by a Canadian
lawyer named Chris Black. Black is the only person I have ever seen
putting the word genocide in quotation marks when applied to
Rwanda. Rwanda, you see, was all the US's fault, and wasn't
carried out by Hutus in any case. It was all got up to justify US
intervention in the region. He condemns the demonising (of) the
Hutu leadership
Since 2000 Black has been the lead counsel representing General
Augustin Ndindiliyimana, chief of staff of the Rwandan gendarmerie, at
the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He is also chair of
the legal committee for the international committee for the defence of
Slobodan Milosevic. Last year (though not for Sanders) Black went on a
delegation to North Korea. The report he wrote on his return is full
of references to happy peasants, committed soldiers and delightful
guides. The North Korean system, he suggested, being
, was in many ways more democratic than
parliamentary systems in the west.
This is weird company. And what we seem to have in Laughland and his associates is a group of right-wing anti-state libertarians and isolationists, suspicious of any foreign entanglements, who have somehow morphed into apologists for the worst regimes and most appalling dictators on the planet.
And where does it all end up? A couple of weeks ago Sanders commended
to his clients John Laughland's series of articles [showing
that] the attack on Iraq is just the southern offensive of a larger
campaign to tighten the noose on Russia.
And he continued, What
is less well understood are the risks that the unravelling political
compact in Israel poses for the United States and Great Britain, whose
political processes, intelligence services, military, media and
financial establishments are so thoroughly enmeshed with
Read that last sentence again and then ask yourself: in what way are
Britain's media and financial interests thoroughly enmeshed
with Israel's?