Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 06:07:37 -0400
Sender: Progressive News & Views List <PNEWS-L@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU>
From: PNEWS <>
Subject: Human Rights and The New World Order
To: Multiple recipients of list PNEWS-L <PNEWS-L@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU>
From: Richard K. Moore <>
[to be published in New Dawn magazine]
The phrase New World Order
(NWO) is used widely these days,
without an agreed general definition of what it means. As in
Common Sense and The New World Order
(New Dawn,
September-October, 1995), this author uses the term to refer to the
increasing centralization of global power under the control of
transnational corporations and their proxies: primarily the
international financial community and a variety of commissions, treaty
mechanisms, and multilateral military arrangements.
By this definition, the NWO is an observable phenomenon, already firmly entrenched and growing visibly more powerful each day. No conspiracy theories are needed to describe its nature or to observe its consequences. The daily news (despite its bias and selectivity) provides most of the information needed. In addition, many excellent analyses have been published which deal with this subject. This article contains only a few references, but the following pieces provide background material for those who would like further substantiation of the points made here:
The Big Buy
NAFTA and Human Rights
After NAFTA: Global Village or Global Pillage?
Time Bombs
The Phoenix Rises
Get Off the GATT Track
Corporate States
Beating the Multinationals
Chiapas A Year Later
Mexico & The Banks
C.I.A. Death Squad
Guatemala '46/'95
A recap of the NWO will help set the stage for a discussion of its effects on human rights.
The NWO's ideological and economic agendas are
globalized laissez-faire capitalism, hiding under the rhetoric of
free trade
and increased competitiveness
. Not to be
confused with free enterprise, entrepreneurial capitalism, or
classical free market economics, free trade
treaties are not about trade, but about opening up
the world's economies, resources, and labor pools to unregulated
exploitation by the multinationals.
The NWO's political agenda is the erosion of national sovereignty and democracy, with power being transferred by various treaties (such as GATT, NAFTA, and Maastricht) to various commissions and organizations. These entities exhibit few or no democratic characteristics, but are designed to represent the interests of the NWO corporate elite. See William Greider's Who Will Tell the People? (Simon & Schuster) for a brilliant investigation into the systematic corporate undermining of the American democratic process, the growing detachment of corporate loyalties from their traditional national home bases, and the shift of power to technocratic commissions beyond the jurisdiction of any democratic process.
The NWO's social agenda can be summarized as no more
or expressed more poignantly, Let them eat
This agenda is being implemented with alarming rapidity
worldwide. In Britain and the U.S., for example, we see the
dismantlement of social programs and regulatory agencies,
privatization (at give-away prices) of service infrastructures to
large corporations, increasing unemployment and impoverishment as a
result, and an emphasis on more prisons and law enforcement to deal
with the problems created by this (anti-)social agenda. In the Third
World, we see even more draconian social disruption, impoverishment,
and heavy-handed suppression, dictated by the International Monetary
Fund's inhumane guidelines
, and facilitated by assistance
to Third-World police forces by the U.S., Britain, Israel, and other
First World regimes.
The propaganda branch of the NWO is the global mass media,
with ownership increasingly concentrated in a small number of
corporate conglomerates. These news, entertainment and propaganda
vendors provide a highly biased and selective interpretation of world
events, aligned with the interests and agendas of the NWO. Again see
Chomsky (Manufacturing Consent
) or Michael Parenti (Make
Believe Media
) for a treatment of how this propaganda machine
operates, and to what ends. Or pay attention to your everyday news
sources, and think about what's being left out of the stories
you're being told.
Example: when Croatia launched its invasion of Krajina, forcing the
greatest migration of refugees in Europe since World War II, where
were the pictures and interviews with the refugees? Where was the
condemnation of Croatia's overrunning of areas which were
homelands of Serbs for centuries? Where was the concern with shelling
of fleeing refugees, and with the rampages of drunken, revenge-hungry,
fascist-minded Croation troops? Instead the cameras were focused on
the plight of Muslims being forced out by the influx of the Serbian
refugees. Meanwhile Peter Galbraith (U.S. ambassador to Croatia),
put forward the NWO's spin for these events on BBC (August 9),
rejecting British and Serbian charges that Croatia was guilty of
ethnic cleansing. Galbraith: ...ethnic cleansing is a practice
supported by Belgrade and carried out by Bosnian and Croatian Serbs
forcefully expelling local inhabitants and using terror tactics.
Why doesn't a full scale military invasion by Croatia count as
terror tactics
How Orwellian can you get? —? Galbraith went on:
...the Croatian military
success could prove to be a positive step in resolving the conflict
through negotiations.War is
, classic Newsspeak.
Don't misunderstand: I'm not saying the Serbs should be
portrayed as innocent victims, but the media treatment of the Krajina
invasion was beyond merely biased news
—it was blatantly
slanted propaganda, intentionally distracting attention from the major
news of the day. This one-sided demonization of one of the parties in
a civil war serves to justify the establishment of the NWO's
military agenda.
That NWO military agenda, as demonstrated in Iraq, Ethiopia
and now Bosnia, is the creation of a multinational strike force,
ostensibly under international
control, but in fact controlled
primarily by the United States, its client states, and closest allies.
The U.S. plays a central role in the NWO, but the NWO is not merely a
disguise for traditional American imperialism. Being firmly under the
thumb of corporations, the U.S. Government serves as a useful agent
for NWO interests, and being the only super power, U.S. military
muscle forms the invincible nucleus of the NWO's enforcement
branch. But enforcement is not limited to traditional U.S. national
interests, it extends to the more general interests of the global
corporate elite. American taxpayers, being both misinformed and
uninformed by the media, largely foot the bill for the NWO's
global military operations—at least thus far. Look for
increased funding and participation, especially by Germany, under the
auspices of NATO and fueled by the understandable citizen outrage
generated by the media's one-sided demonization of Serbs, Iraqis,
and whoever else stands in the way of NWO objectives.
Human rights, the subject of this article, are affected adversely by every one of these NWO agendas, as the above considerations already begin to reveal. There are four primary reasons why the NWO is—and must be—at its very core, anti-human rights.
First, the NWO is inherently socially amoral—its only imperatives are the expansion of corporate power, the accumulation of wealth, and the establishment of a global political system that facilitates those objectives. This single-minded (yet far-reaching) agenda includes no concern for human rights or welfare, and will naturally and without qualms tend to roll over any person, culture, or institution that stands in its way. You might be tempted to say this aspect of the NWO is neutral to human rights, but consider this parallel situation: if a murderer shows no concern for the life of his/her victims, he or she is considered to be a sociopath and is generally viewed with even more horror than one who kills out of hatred or passion. I submit the NWO's social amorality should be judged similarly as being dangerously sociopathic and anti-human rights. This amorality is an enabling factor: it unleashes the NWO to pursue its agendas irresponsibly, without any internally-imposed restraints.
Second, the NWO, like all flavors of capitalism, is insatiably
expansionist—like a cancer, it must grow to survive.
Corporate managers are taught explicitly: If you stand still, you
Capital must continually seek new realms for investments and
create new markets for its products. The resulting
development-oriented initiatives (such as land commercialization and
oil/mineral exploitation) inevitably run up against competing uses for
those same resources, as we see in Chiapas, Honduras, Ethiopia,
Brazil, etc. The people (along with their rights) who stand in the
path of the NWO must be killed or swept aside to make room for the
never-ending growth. The murder and forced dislocation of people and
cultures, and the dismemberment of their economic infrastructures,
strikes directly at the very heart of human rights.
Classic examples of this were the British Enclosure Acts (sixteenth
century) and the western expansion of the United States (primarily
nineteenth century). The land-use patterns of the Native Americans
(and earlier, the British peasantry) were inconsistent with maximal
capitalist exploitation of those same lands. The people therefore
had to go
, and (in the American case) were demonized by the
media, massacred by the army, and pushed into concentration camps
)—despite their historic claim to the lands,
their God-given right to life and livelihood, and the numerous
treaties concluded with them, only to be ignored. In the British
case, the peasants were pushed into urban centers to form a cheap
industrial workforce. Both of these development patterns continue to
operate identically today throughout the world, fueled by
multinational investments and pressure applied to Third-World
governments by international financial interests.
Third, the NWO is inherently anti-democracy—this is a
classic case of conflicting class interests, the two classes in this
case being people and corporations. A government
beholden to people is democratic, while a government beholden to
corporations is essentially fascist. It is no accident that those
nations most directly controlled by corporations—the smaller
Third World countries—are frequently ruled by overtly fascist
military dictatorships. People, if they have the power, naturally
have a tendency to promote their own self-interest, which includes
things like social welfare legislation, minimum wages, imposition of
taxes on corporate profits, health and safety regulation of industry,
collective bargaining, etc. For this reason, the NWO and its
corporate constituency stridently oppose effective democratic
governance. In some cases this means supporting overtly
non-democratic forms of government, in other cases this means
subverting so-called Democracies
through bribery, election
funding, intensive lobbying, media propaganda, control of political
parties, supportive media coverage for favored citizen pressure
groups, etc. This anti-democratic activism attacks human rights both
directly and indirectly: it directly undermines the human right to
control one's own government, and it indirectly undermines other
rights, since corporate-dominated, undemocratic governments tend to
undermine human rights generally.
Fourth, the NWO naturally opposes national sovereignty and
promotes unaccountable internationalism—this is where
the NWO stands out in comparison to earlier manifestations of
capitalist power. Whereas, capitalists have traditionally supported
strong national sovereignty in their home-base countries, the NWO
stands apart from parochial
national interests and actively
promotes a technocratic, super-national, investment-friendly World
Order. This attacks human rights by undermining the meaning and value
of citizenship and by depriving people of life and livelihood through
NWO-sponsored armed conflicts. It further attacks human rights
indirectly by its strangulation of national budgets so that nations do
not have the means to to pursue beneficial economic development.
Beyond these inherent characteristics—which guarantee that an unchecked NWO must always be on a collision course with human rights —we can look at the actual record. We can examine specific programs, actions, and behaviors of the NWO, and observe the appalling consequences for human rights. These are even worse, it turns out, than what one might expect from a straightforward unfolding of the NWO agendas. The NWO's inherent sociopathic amorality seems to somehow encourage an almost demonic mentality in its operatives, leading to capricious torture, brutality, and murder on a colossal scale. In the case of Native Americans, to return to that foreshadowing precedent, the army didn't just massacre the natives, it massacred them with relish—burning babies before the eyes of parents, raping women, cutting trophy-parts from corpses, etc. There is enough racism, sadism, and intolerance buried in the human psyche that when political permission is given for it to be unleashed, it seems, alas, to run amok.
In the 1950s Nelson Rockefeller undertook an official good-will tour
of Latin America. Almost everywhere he went he was greeted by angry
crowds and shouts of Yankee go home
. It was made abundantly
clear that the roles played by the U.S. and multinational corporations
was deeply resented by the people of the region, and that Rockefeller
was seen as a symbol of those roles. When Rockefeller returned home,
he formed one of his many influential study commissions
evaluate the response he had encountered. Rather than concluding that
the U.S. should respond to the complaints of the Latin Americans, and
adopt more acceptable policies, the conclusion was instead that the
U.S. should undertake a massive program of training and arming the
police forces of the region. As per the standard NWO pattern, if
there's a conflict between people and the investment interests of
the multinationals, it's the people who must give way. In this
case, stronger police forces were seen as the way to accomplish this
These recommendations became U.S. policy, both openly and covertly,
and large amounts of military and security
assistance were
provided to many Latin American countries. There followed decades of
police brutality, torture, disappearances
, and death
squads—all frontal assaults on human rights. The U.S didn't
officially endorse such practices, and frequently condemned them in
public speeches, but the arms, funding, and training assistance
continued to flow. Only recently has it officially been
that CIA agents participated directly in these brutal
activities, although the revelation was no surprise to attentive
Other similar examples over the past several decades include the massacre of millions of Chinese in Indonesia, slave labor in Brazil, countless civil wars in Africa, toleration and support of the former racist government of South African, and the acceleration of trade with a Chinese government that operates slave labor camps and executes democracy advocates.
As a final example, consider the events unfolding at this moment in Chiapas, Mexico. One of the results of the Mexican Revolution (early this century) was the dedication of Mayan homelands to their traditional use for communal farming. This showed respect for the human rights of the natives, both individually and collectively, to retain their traditional way of life and economic activity. An essential policy in making this system work was a proviso that the land must be held in common, and not divided up into individual plots, which would inevitably be sold off to outside interests. This system lasted up until very recently, when Chiapas became one of the latest frontiers of NWO expansionism.
What happened is that NAFTA came along. One of the central goals of NAFTA, in support of U.S. agribusiness interests, was to open up Mexico as a market for U.S. agriproducts, and to open up Mexico's farmlands for exploitation by American agricultural operators. President Clinton succeeding in pressuring Mexico into abrogating the communal land policy as a condition of adopting the NAFTA treaty. NAFTA, a typical NWO-sponsored initiative, spelled the doom of the indigenous way of life, and probably death for many of the indigenous peoples. Not only does the partitioning of the land make the system vulnerable to dissolution, but the influx of discounted, surplus, American agriproducts undercuts the traditional markets served by the natives, forcing the natives to sell their land to survive.
But that's not the end of the NWO's role in this drama. The
Chiapas Indians rose to protect their human rights and to resist this
onslaught against them. Together with sympathetic allies from the
rest of Mexico, they organized themselves under the banner
and began active resistance. The Mexican government
was somewhat hesitant in responding to this situation. It didn't
want to spark more widespread resistance through precipitous
suppression, and it didn't want to suffer damage to its
international reputation. But at the same time, it had no intention
of backing out of its NAFTA commitments.
So into the fray came Riordan Roett, advisor to Chase Manhattan Bank, writing a memo which includes, ominously:
While Chiapas, in our opinion, does not pose a fundamental threat to Mexican political stability, it is perceived to be so by many in the investment community. The government will need to eliminate the Zapatistas to demonstrate their effective control of the national territory and of security policy.
As reported by Ken Silverstein and Alexander Cockburn in Counterpunch,
February 1, 1995, Major U.S. Bank Urges Zapatista Wipe-Out:
‘A litmus test for Mexico's stability’
, this
statement was incorporated by the bank into its Jan. 13 1995
Political Update on Mexico,
and serves as a green light to
encourage military suppression of those who are fighting to retain
their way of life. Here we see the whole pattern of NWO operations in
microcosm. We see the sociopathic amorality of this multinational
bank in its cold-blooded decision that elimination
of a group
of people is the rational action to be taken when corporate
investments are at risk. We see the undermining of Mexican
sovereignty by NWO-sponsored treaties and dictates from the NWO
financial community. And we see that human rights carries no weight
in the NWO balance sheet.
Ultimately the prime movers of the NWO—both individual and corporate—must bear responsibility for the excesses of their operatives and client states, whether intended or not, especially when the practices continue year after year. In a case such that in Chiapas, the chain of responsibility and intention turns out to be very short indeed.