The working-class history of the modern Arab world

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Tunisian-Lebanese labor joint statement, 24 September 1999. The public labor union in Lebanon and the Tunisian public union for labor—emphasized the importance of enhancing joint Arab positions and boosting cooperation to reach greater Arab integration to serve Arab causes, especially liberation cases, growth and comprehensive development.
Arabs are in need of 4 million job opportunities every year, 21 January 2002. The director general of the Arab Labor Organization said that the Arab states have to ensure between 3 to 4 million job opportunities per year until the year 2010. The International Federation of the Arab Trade Union will prepare a national plan to deal with the unemployment problem in the Arab states.
Inter-regional workshop on occupational safety and health in agriculture, 20 May 2002. The Inter-regional Workshop on Occupational safety and Health in Agriculture was held on May 13–16, 2002 in Damascus in collaboration with the international Labor organization, and the ministry of social affairs and labor, Syria and the Arab Labor Organization.
Ebb, flow of trade unions in Arab world
By Dr. Marwan Asmar, Gulf News Online, 11 September 2003. All Arab unions are affiliated to the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU), a pan-Arab organisation established in 1956 in Cairo but based in Damascus since 1977. The independence and activities of these organisations vary with the degree of government control over trade union practices.
Arab unions set agenda for dealing with globalisation
International Transport Workers' Federation, ITF News Online, 23 July 2004. Transport unionists in the Arab world demand participation in economic decision-making to combat the negative effects of globalisation. 28 representatives, including five women, from transport unions in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen met at an International Confederation of Free Trade Unions-ITF workshop in Amman, Jordan, on 12-14 July.