The microwave gun (ADS)
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- Effects of GHz radiation on the human nervous
system: Recent developments in the technology of political
- Paper presented by Harian E. Girard, Phliadelphia, NATO
Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent
Phenomena in Biomolecular Systems, The University of
Arizona, January 15–1991. The effect of gigahertz
radiation pulsed at ultra-low frequencies on the human
brain and neuromuscular system. Domestically, the new
communications equipment is being used to torture and
murder persons who match profiles imagined to be able to
screen a given population for terrorists.
- Crowd-control cookery: Microwaves among new
non-lethal weapons
- By John Yaukey, Gannett News Service, [9 April
2000]. Police and soldiers have at their disposal a new
arsenal designed to sting, stun, entrap, immobilize,
sicken, knock the wind out of—but not
kill—assailants, suspects, agitators or
enemies. What's in the U.S. R&D pipeline raises
eyebrows. The new methods may be counterproductive.
- The Pentagon's People Zapper
- By Martin A. Lee, smygo, 15 April 2002. Supposedly the
perfect nonlethal crowd control device—a high-powered
energy beam that can disperse an unruly mob without
killing, maiming, or harming anyone. Targets of this
concentrated electromagnetic pulse briefly experience
intense pain and confusion, prompting them to leave the
area in hurry. For use where a small number of American
troops or military police are confronted by a horde of
angry civilians. Use of hallucenigenic gas Vietnam War a
- Medium rare: the mobile microwave
- By George Smith, The Village Voice,
4–10 December 2002. The Department of Defense's
calls its electronic heat ray the Vehicle-Mounted Active
Denial (VMAD) system. The microwaver's target is unarmed
civilians. The Defense Department calls VMAD the biggest
breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic
- Microwaving Iraq: ‘Pacifying’
Rays Pose New Hazards In Iraq
- By William Thomas, 25 January 2005. Once activated, each
hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of invisible
energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human
skulls up to half a mile away. “They are saturating
the area with ULF, VLF and UHF freqs with equipment derived
from US Navy undersea sonar and communications.
- Official Touts Nonlethal Weapons for
- By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press, Tuesday 12
September 2006. Nonlethal weapons such as high-power
microwave devices should be used on American citizens in
crowd-control situations before they are used on the
battlefield, the Air Force secretary said. Domestic use
would make it easier to avoid questions in the international
community over any possible safety concerns.