Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 13:13:35 -0600
Sender: Archaeology List <ARCH-L@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU>
From: Matt Tomaso <Tomaso@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: historical settlement pattern reference list
To: Multiple recipients of list ARCH-L <ARCH-L@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU>
Thanks a ton to all who responded to my query on quality historical/documentary approaches to settlement pattern research. The following is an excerpted and fragmentary bibliography which presents the references as they were recommended to me. It may be useful for keyword searches, or whatever. I have also tried to give credit to those who made the recommendations by mentioning their contributions.
William Adams' work at Silcott, Washington was suggested by Sean Hess.
Archaeology of the Roman Economy (Univ Calif Press 1986) by Kevin T. Greene was recommended by K. T. Greene.
Robin Mills added Kenneth Lewis' Frontier Settlement Pattern Book, 1984.
Bill Green suggested David H. Thomas' stuff from St. Catherine's Island in Georgia. As did Matthew Hill and Karl Steinen.
Steinen also added Gerald Milanich's works (de Soto project, etc), Ken Johnson's Northern Floridian work, and materials form the Columbian Consequences series.
And Hill also suggested Robert McC Adams' _Land behind Baghdad_.
Mikhail Petrov chimed in with: Aetolia and the Aetolians: towards the interdisciplinary study of a Greek region. Utrecht 1987
and an article of Peter Doorn in 'Halbgraue Reihe zur Historichen
Fachinformatik'-series which is published by Max-Plank Institut fur
Geschichte in Goettingen, Germany. The volume with this article was
published probably in 1993
Other interesting ideas came from Chris Berry:
Lipe, W. D., Editor
1992 _The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A progress report._
Occaisional Paper 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, CO
and Soil, Water, Biology and Belief
, edited by Toll, published by New Mexico
Arch. Council (P.O. Box 1023, Albequerque (sic), NM, 87103, $22 +3 S&H).
Last but by no means least, Matthew Johnson added the remainder: Roberts, BK. The Making of the English Village. the journals Landscape History and Journal of the Medieval Settlement Research Group
Hoskins, WG. Fieldwork in Local History.
Aston, M. Interpreting the Landscape.
Papers by M. Johnson in _An Archaeology of Capitalism_ (Blackwells).
Matt Tomaso
U. Texas Austin