Date: Sat, 28 Jun 97 00:27:37 CDT
From: (Rich Winkel)
/** justice.usa: 202.0 **/
** Topic: < TRANSNATIONAL #13 > (fwd) (long) **
** Written 7:17 AM Jun 24, 1997 by mphillips in cdp:justice.usa **
From: "Margaret B. Phillips" <>
Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 97 9:20:47 ITA
#13, June 16TH, 1997
Paris: NPSW's First Confence
On June 19-20 the first of several conferences will take place in Paris on the establishment of the International Criminal Court. This, the first conference organized by No Peace Without Justice, which is federated to the Transnational Radical Party, has as its objective to reinforce and support the creation of the first segment of international justice, which would establish the International Criminal Court. This campaign should conclude itself after a series of international appointments in South America, North America, Africa, and Asia, with the convocation in Rome, in the spring of 1998, of a Plenipotentiary Conference for the establishment of the International Criminal Court. It is a long journey, of which the Paris meeting is only the first of many important steps. The work schedule follows.
Presidency: Ms. Emma BONINO, European Commissioner, Mr. Robert Badinter, Senator with the contribution of the "Open Society Institute".
a) Thursday June 19th
* Opening Session
- Ms. Emma Bonino, European Commissioner
- Mr. Robert Badinter, Senator
* Round Table: "From Nuremburg and the ad hoc Tribunals to the International Criminal Court"
Chairman Mr. Michael Rocard, member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister ( France);
* Keynote Speakers
- Mr. Cherif Bassiouni, Professor of International Law, President of the "International Human Rights Law Institute De Paul University", Vice-Chairman of the UN Preparatory Committee for the establishment of an ICC;
- Mr. Antonio Cassese, President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia;
- Mr. Giovanni Conso, former Minister of Justice;
- Mr. Benjamin Ferencz, former Nuremberg Prosecutor, NGO Coalition for an ICC;
- Mr. Larry Kama, President of the Rwanda ad hoc Tribunal
- Mr. William Schabas, Professor of Law, University of Quebec.
*Round Table: "Towards the convening of the 1998 Diplomatic Conference for the establishment of an International Criminal Court"
Chairman: Mr. Gijs de Vries, President of the Group of the European Liberal, Democratic and Reform Party at the European Parliament
Keynote Speakers
- Mr. Adriaan Bos, Chairman of the UN Preparatory Committee on the establishment of the International Criminal Court;
- Mr. Christofer Hall, Legal Advisor, Amnesty International;
- Mr. Mauro Politi, Professor of International Law, Legal Advisor to the Permanent mission of Italy to The United Nations;
- Mr. John Shattuk, US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour;
b) Friday June 20th
* Round Table: "A worldwide campaign for the establishment of the International Criminal Court"
Chairman: Mr. Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Memver of the European Parliament;
Keynote Speakers
- Ms Louise Arbour, Chief Prosecutor, international Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda;Closing Session: "Adoption of an International Appeal for the establishment of the International Criminal Court.
- Mr. William Bourdon, Secretary General, Federation International des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme;
- Mr. Marino Busdachin, Secretary General, No Peace Without Justice;
- Ms. Herta Daubler Gmelin, Member of the German Parliament
- Mr. Olivier Dupuis, Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party and Member of the European Parliament;
- Ms. Daniela Napoli, Chief of the Human Rights and Democratization Unit of the European Commission;
- Mr. Thomas Warrick, NGO Coalition for International Justice.
Chairman: Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Former UN Secretary General.
- Mr. Robert Badinter, Senator;
- Ms. Emma Bonino, European Commissioner