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Subject: The History of Labor Day (fwd)
To: (carolyn aflabor)
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 10:10:43 +0800 (WST)
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Message-ID: <SETHW.950503185301@maine.maine.EDU>
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:53:01 EDT
Sender: H-Net Labor History discussion list <H-LABOR@MSU.EDU>
From: Seth Wigderson <>
Subject: The History of Labor Day
The History of Labor Day
From Judson MacLaury, Departmental Historian, U.S. Dept. of Labor
<JMacLaur@DOL.GOV> 3 May 1995
Thanx to Judson MacLaury for this note.
There does seem something oxymoronic in network
reality checks. Seth Wigderson, H-Labor Moderator
From: MacLaury Jud <JMacLaur@DOL.GOV>
Thank you for forwarding Mr. Gaylord's very interesting post on May Day. I
agree with him that it is a sadly neglected holiday and I can well
understand his partiality toward it. I just have one quibble with the piece,
and that is regarding Labor Day. He implies that the holiday was created by
the federal government and that it has no historical significance. In fact,
the first Labor Day parade occured in New York City on Tuesday, Sept. 5,
1882. It was sponsored by the Central Labor Union of New York and included
as many as ten thousand working people. After that a number of states
recognized the holiday. Finally, in 1894, 12 years after the first Labor
Day, the federal government made it a holiday for federal workers.
My principal authority on this is an article titled "Who is the father of
Labor Day?", published by my office in the Sept. 1972 issue of the Monthly
Labor Review. The title may ring a bell with readers of this list as it
gained brief national notoriety in March when CBS News did a RealityCheck
segment on federal historians (and a nasty piece of work it was). The
article was the very first item cited by the reporter as an example of a
ridiculous/useless product of my profession. In fact, it is frequently sent
out to grateful media, including CBS News, around Labor Day when they call
the Department of Labor for background.
Judson MacLaury
Departmental Historian
U.S. Dept. of Labor