Brussels March 10 2000 (ICFTU OnLine): 100 days after the Seattle WTO
conference broke down, the ICFTU said today that the continuing
paralysis in trade discussions at Geneva showed that the
WTO$(B!G(Bs members had failed to grasp the lessons of the
battle of Seattle.
The Seattle Conference demonstrated the overwhelming suspicion of
globalisation, both in the developing and the industrialised
, commented Bill Jordan, ICFTU General
Secretary. Popular confidence in the multilateral trading system is
at an all-time low. Unless there are changes to WTO rules to
incorporate social, developmental and environmental considerations,
such public opposition to WTO trade talks will only increase.
The ICFTU, International Trade Secretariats and TUAC (1) have long argued that freer trade needs to lead to better working and living conditions for workers all around the world. As competition in export markets and for inward investment becomes increasingly global it is vital that this does not lead to downward pressure on basic human rights. Developing country governments, in particular, are feeling mounting pressure to repress labour standards and artificially lower labour costs to increase their short-term competitiveness. One consequence is the proliferation of export processing zones where the workforce of mostly young women is denied the chance to join trade unions for their protection and in consequence is severely exploited and subject to poor and often dangerous working conditions.
The WTO must demonstrate its responsiveness to social and
development concerns in order to avoid a repeat of the debacle at
, stressed Mr. Jordan. In order to rebuild popular
support for the multilateral trading system, progress is needed at the
WTO on the issue of basic human rights at the workplace, through a
working group or forum of the WTO together with the ILO.
The ICFTU has also emphasised that measures are needed to give developing countries the guarantee that they too can get benefits from the international trade system. They need increased technical and financial development assistance and debt relief. In particular, all WTO members must be represented adequately in the Geneva negotiations. The industrialised countries must provide the necessary assistance to help those 30-odd developing countries too poor to have any representation there at all.
Preventing a continuation of the stagnation after Seattle
concluded Mr. Jordan, will require the construction of an alliance
for progress at the WTO on all fronts simultaneously: to protect basic
labour standards during globalisation, to tackle the concerns of
developing countries about fair treatment in the multilateral trading
system, and to make the trading system environmentally
sustainable. Only that way will it be possible to build a consensus in
support of the world trading system.