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Message-ID: <35E6CE55.2781@tu-bs.de>>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 17:35:49 +0200
From: Norbert BRAumann <N.BRAumann@tu-bs.de>
Organization: Technical University Braunschweig (Germany)
To: Bougainville Info eXcerpts <N.BRAumann@tu-bs.de>

Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 10:05:15 GMT-1000
From: Vikki John <V.John@uts.edu.au>
To: Bougainville.Updates@lexsun.law.uts.edu.au
Subject: Bougainville - Media Release 23/8/98

Buin Declaration of the Pan Bougainville Leaders Congress

20-22 August 1998

The Pan Bougainville Leaders Congress ("the Congress") representing the peoples of Bougainville, having met in Buin, South Bougainville from 20-22 August, 1998.

Reaffirming the Burnham Declaration, the Lincoln Agreement and the Arawa Implementation of Cease-fire Agreement.

Concerned that the peace process has slowed down due to misunderstanding between the parties, but appreciating the positive decision made by the Government of Papua New Guinea, made on 19 August 1998, for the total rescinding of the call-out order.

Aware of the need for a process which takes into account the right of the people to self-determination.


1. Political Issue

The Congress believes that the people of Bougainville are untied in their common aspiration for an independent homeland.

To this end, the Congress calls upon the Government of Papua New Guinea to give the people of Bougainville, as a matter of principle, the chance to exercise their individual and collective rights to self-determination.

The Congress acknowledges, however, that a peaceful resolution is only possible through peaceful negotiations with the Government of Papua New Guinea. It will continue to support only peaceful means, and calls on all communities on Bougainville to respect this principle.

The Congress, therefore, calls on its leaders to present Bougainville's case for self-determination at the next round of the all-parties negotiations.

2. Bougainville Reconciliation Government

Consistent with the Lincoln Agreement, the Congress re-affirms the need to immediately establish the Bougainville Reconciliation Government by the end of 1998 - be it elected, appointed or nominated, or both.

It calls for the establishment of this Government under a new Interim Constitution.

The Congress, therefore, endorses the appointment of a Working Committee to prepare the structure for presentation to the PPCC.

3. Other Issues

The Congress also noted concerns over the issues of development, immigration and disposal of arms. It, therefore, mandates the Working Committee to present these issues as matters of priority at the next PPCC Meeting.

Declared at Buin, this 22 August, 1998.


Representing the chiefs of Central Bougainville
Peter Mekea, Peter Kalasoi, Samuel Kopa, Amos Toroama, Bibi Narunsi, Ikea Kakito, Robert Abara

Representing the chiefs of South Bougainville
Hera Potunga, Paul Kaile, Daniel Tsibim, Linus Konukung, James Mita, John Monko

Representing the chiefs of North Bougainville
Joel Banam, Carolus Ketsimur, John Tabinaman, Amos Toromiur, Dennis Sareke, Avo Sini, Joe Toarats, Osborne Tomi

Representing the women of Bougainville
Theresa Jaintong, Josephine Kauona

Witnessed by:
Honourable Reverand Leslie Boseto CMG, MP
Minister for Home Affairs & Chairman of Solomon Islands Bougainville Peace Committee
Government of Solomon Islands.

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