[Documents menu]Bougainville independence movement
From: Norbert Braumann <i0080109@ws.rz.tu-bs.de>
Subject: [BougI-xL NZ-Gov.] McKinnon Welcomes Withdrawal of PNGDF Troops (fwd)
To: brownh@ccsu.edu
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 22:26:37 +0100 (MESZ)
Reply-To: N.BRAumann@tu-bs.de

Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 17:45:57 +0200
From: Norbert BRAumann <N.BRAumann@tu-bs.de>
Organization: Technical University Braunschweig (Germany)
To: Bougainville Info eXcerpts <N.BRAumann@tu-bs.de>
Subject: [BougI-xL NZ-Gov.] McKinnon Welcomes Withdrawal of PNGDF Troops

McKinnon Welcomes Withdrawal of PNGDF Troops

By Rt Hon Don McKinnon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
3 June 1998

"Papua New Guinea's decision to withdraw its Defence Force personnel to create a neutral zone in Bougainville township of Arawa, is welcome news," Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Don McKinnon said today.

Mr McKinnon, speaking from Brazil during a two-week visit to South America, said the move was another important step forward in the peace process.

As part of the Bougainville Ceasefire Agreement signed on April 30, the PNG Government was required to consider the withdrawal of the PNGDF from Arawa to create a demilitarised neutral zone. Papua New Guinea has also rescinded the eight-year-old "call out" order which gave them the powers to enforce law and order in the township.

"Prime Minister Skate's announcement that the PNGDF would be withdrawn from Arawa, and that the `call out' order would end is a timely reminder of the PNG Government's commitment, as well as Prime Minister Skate's personal commitment, to the peace process on Bougainville," Mr McKinnon said.

"The decision opens the door for the restoration of civilian policing on Bougainville. This is a significant step forward in the peace process."

Mr McKinnon said the creation of a neutral zone in Arawa would create a positive environment for the next Leaders' Meeting, scheduled to be held in Arawa before the end of June.

This meeting will bring together key political figures from the PNG Government and all the Bougainvillean factions to discuss issues such as the future political status of the island.

Jo Coughlan, Press Secretary,
ph. 471 9811, 025 405 082, 475 7203 (hm)

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