![]() Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 17:37:44 -1000 (HST) Message-Id: <l03110735b0331e016bff@[]> From: Hawaii Nation Info <info@hawaii-nation.org> Subject: Anti-Annexation Rally 100 Years Ago Today... 100 Years Ago Today... 100 Years Ago Today. . . Mass Anti-Annexation Rally in Hawai`i7 September 1897In the spring of 1897, President McKinley agreed on an annexation treaty with the haole (foreign/white) oligarchy called the Republic of Hawaii. The large patriotic organizations, Hui Aloha 'Aina o Na Kane (for men), Hui Aloha 'Aina o Na Wahine (for women) and Hui Kalai'aina organized rallies and a great petition drive in response. On September 7, 1897, there was a mass rally at Palace Square --thousands of Kanaka Maoli attended. James Keauiluna Kaulia, President of Hui Aloha 'Aina gave a speech, and so did David Kalauokalani, President of Hui Kalai'aina. Kaulia said that the makua Ali'i--the Kamehamehas--had established Hawai'i as an independent nation, and that independence is a "pono hooilina no ka lahui" an inherited (inherent!) right of our people. It is also what the annexationists wish to bury. He said if the people agree to annexation they are agreeing to be buried alive. He warned that annexation would open the door to many other people to move here and take jobs and resources away from the Kanaka Maoli. He asked, then, "I hea kakou e noho ai?" "Where will we live?" The crowd shouted their answer: "I ka mauna!" "In the mountains!" Which can be interpreted as a metaphor for homelessness--when one can't farm or fish on one's land, one has to go gathering in the mountains for food. He said, we must show the people of the United States that we are all opposed to annexation. (It was understood that the U.S. was supposedly a democracy, and that the people have a right to choose their own form of government). He said "If we remain steadfast in our opposition to annexation, they can keep trying until the walls of Iolani Palace crumble, and never will we be annexed." At the end, he said: "No laila, mai makau, e kupaa ma ke Aloha i ka Aina, a e lokahi ma ka manao, e kue loa aku i ka hoohui ia o Hawaii me Amerika a hiki i ke aloha aina hope loa!" "Therefore, do not be afraid, remain steadfast in your Love for the Land, and be of one mind, forever protest the annexation of Hawaii'i to America until the very last Aloha Aina." (aloha aina, of course, means loyal Kanaka Maoli--a patriot). David Kalauokalani explained the treaty to the crowd. This rally kicked off the petition drive. The Petition of Hui Aloha Aina was called "Palapala Hoopii Kue Hoohui Aina a Ka Lahui" Petition of the Nation Protesting Annexation. Members of the Hui Aloha Aina traveled to the various islands gathering signatures. At the end there were over 10,000 signatures on the men's petition, and over 10,000 more on the women's petition. On October 8, 1897 there was another mass rally, partly because Senator John Morgan of Alabama, a racist and dedicated annexationist, was here in Hawai'i trying to convince the Kanaka Maoli that annexation was good for them. Instead, they showed him their mind in mass rally. Kaulia, Kalauokalani, with William Auld as secretary, and with John Richardson, traveled to Washington D.C. to present the petitions. They met with Senator Hoar, and Senator Pettigrew. The petitions were spoken about on the Senate floor, the whole Senate heard about them. They were sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. They remain now in the National Archives of the United States, in D.C. on the Mall, in the files of that committee. There are 566 pages of signatures. Assistance is currently being sought to obtain all 566 pages, and to put a copy into a public library, the archives at UH Manoa, so that researchers in Hawaii can access these historical documents.
For more information please contact: For more information on the illegality of Hawaii's annexation see: http://hawaii-nation.org/mauidemo.html Read Queen Lili`uokalani's Official Protest to the Treaty of Annexation: http://hawaii-nation.org/treatyprot.html And find links to other related web resources at: http://honolulu.miningco.com/library/weekly/aa090197.htm
Ho`ohui `aina pala ka mai`a |