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Date: Sun, 14 Dec 97 13:31:51 CST
From: Bob Olsen <>
Subject: Oz: McD moves into Schools as Curriculum
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997
From: Neil Cheney <>
Subject: McDonalds and Education
McDonalds and Education
From: Neil Cheney <>
14 December 1997
Hi there.....
I'm sure you would be aware of this small fact but I thought I'd mention
it to you just in case. The McDonalds Corporation here in Victoria,
Australia have now linked into our formal government education system.
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the final two years of
high school here prior to university entrance. Such progression to uni
is determined by your TER (teritiary entrance ranking) score on your
VCE. As of next year McDonalds employees can earn an additional 10
bonus TER points simply by being assessed by their bosses at McDonalds.
Believe me 10 TER points is a hell of an addition to kids fighting for
university places. The Victorian government has so far limited this
corporate prostitution of our education system to only one company,
McDonalds, but more of the bigger companies are waiting in the wings.
The public outcry has been fairly muted - most of the protest coming
from trained teachers who oppose the assessment of children by untrained
McDonalds crew bosses.
As I said, you probably know all this, but I thought it was worth
mentioning - just in case.
Cheers and keep up the information flow -
Neil Cheney,