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Date: Sun, 14 Dec 97 13:31:51 CST
From: Bob Olsen <>
Subject: Oz: McD moves into Schools as Curriculum
McD moves into Schools as Curriculum
From: Pat Thomson <>
11 November 1997
Dear Mc Spotlight,
I am not sure if anyone else has told you but young people who work for
McDonalds in the Australian state of Victoria can now do a Year 12
subject while they work. Its a Mc Subject for the Victorian Certificate
of Education. They get credit for the in house training.
The vocational education and training system in Australia requires
that an accreditation panel examine the curriculum to make sure it
meets the national standards. Because Mctraining is a commercial product,
the entire accreditation process had to be conducted in secret and
schools cannot find out what is actually taught because the Mc course is
only available in store. It is assessed by Mcstaff not teachers.
There are serious issues about this including:
1 the possibility that it violates Australian fair trading laws and
national competition policy
2 the likelihood that other fast foodies will mount their own courses
3 serious concerns about knowledge - I bet there'll be no McLIbel
information able to be talked about in schools...and this is hardly
what most people consider school 'stuff'.
4 the hold that McDonalds will have over their staff - not only pay but
also school credentialling
5 possible unfair advantage in recruiting staff Nobody knows if this
means that McDonalds now is able to claim that school students are
officially classified as trainees - so that Mc Donalds can claim a
hefty government subsidy - thus making them almost free of charge to
the company. The difficulty is that it is really difficult to find out
There is quite a lot of discussion about this nationally. Most other
Australian states are pretty hostile to it, but the Federal conservative
Education Minister is claiming credit for the whole thing.
I live in another state but may be ale to track down other information
if it is helpful