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Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 01:49:58 CDT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
From: NY Transfer News Collective <>
Subject: Campaign for Justice for Indigenous Australians/GL Weekly
Campaign for justice for indigenous Australians
By Nigel D'Souza, in Green Left Weekly
#233 (29 May 1996)
MELBOURNE - The election of the Howard government has had an inauspicious
start for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.
The recent attacks against Aboriginal organisations under the rubric of
"accountability" have a great deal more to do with the ideological
motivation of this government than with the proper expenditure of funds in
Aboriginal affairs.
After a period of relative advancement in indigenous rights in this
country, we are seeing the early signs of a government undoing these,
based on an apparent erosion in support for indigenous rights.
The Howard government has another agenda behind its ostensible concern for
the "accountability of taxpayers' funds", one that is closely linked
with its aim of retracting native title gains, land rights and other
indigenous rights. It may also be associated with its policy of abandoning
restrictions on uranium mining.
Attacks on a group of its own citizens by the federal government is an
extraordinary event that should be a serious concern for all fair-minded
Justice For Indigenous Australians is a group that has been formed to
defend gains in indigenous rights, support the advancement of indigenous
people through organising public events such as meetings, and produce and
distribute educational information that counters the negative publicity
that has been generated about indigenous people. It plans, for example, to
produce a booklet and pamphlets that debunk some of the myths about the
"privileged status" of indigenous people and the supposed corruption in
their organisations.
Justice For Indigenous Australians will be launched on June 3 - the fourth
anniversary of the High Court's native title judgment, also known as
"Mabo Day" - at 1pm at the Uniting Church Building, 130 Little Collins
St, Melbourne. Regular organising committee meetings will be held every
Thursday at 7.30pm at 171 Smith St, Fitzroy. For further information phone
9417 6744 or 9489 2543.
Six-month airmail subscriptions (22 issues) to Green Left Weekly
are available for A$80 (North America) and A$90 (South America,
Europe & Africa) from PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia e-mail: