![]() Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 12:41:16 EDT Sender: Internationally-Oriented Computer-Assisted Reporting List <<INTCAR-L@AMERICAN.EDU> Comments: Originally-From: "Joseph W. Roberts" <Joseph.Roberts@M.CC.UTAH.EDU> Subject: Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide To: Multiple recipients of list INTCAR-L <INTCAR-L@AMERICAN.EDU> Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide[Publisher's note: In 1994 this was a valuable resource, but today it is seriously dated. However, there may be material still of use.This very impressive guide was posted by Joseph Roberts to the Human Rights list (HRS-L@bingvmb.bitnet). It is not one of the ones prepared by my students. --CS ----------------------------Original message------------------ The attached file lists all available resources on the Middle East available on the internet. Please feel free to forward it to other lists that are appropriate. | Joseph W. Roberts | Phone: (801) 581 - 6181 | | Middle East Center | Fax: (801) 581 - 6183 | | University of Utah | E-Mail: Joseph.Roberts@m.cc.utah.edu | | Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 | | THE MIDDLE EAST-NORTH AFRICA INTERNET RESOURCE GUIDE VERSION 4 MAY 1994 JOSEPH W. ROBERTS =20 MIDDLE EAST CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH E-MAIL ADDRESS: JOSEPH.ROBERTS@M.CC.UTAH.EDU ************************************************ This guide was created to serve the needs of scholars, students, and interested individuals in finding and using internet resources dealing with the Middle East. In this document the Middle East is defined as broadly as possible. It includes: MAURITANIA IN THE WEST, PAKISTAN IN THE EAST, SOMALIA IN THE SOUTH, AND CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICS IN THE NORTH. This document is correct to the best of my knowledge but there are undoubtedly errors. I would appreciate any corrections. Please send them to me at the above E-Mail address. In the section on Mailing Lists the reader will note that the descriptions vary from nothing at all to a very detailed description. It is impossible for me to contact all of the mailing lists so I would appreciate it if any subscribers would send me a brief description of the lists that are not described, partially described, or described inaccurately. With your help this resource guide will be useful for everyone.=20 ***** ***** ***** TABLE OF CONTENTS ***** ***** ***** ***** SECTION 1: GOPHER SERVERS SECTION 2: TELNET SITES SECTION 3: FTP SITES SECTION 4: ORGANIZATIONS ONLINE SECTION 5: USENET NEWSGROUP SECTION 6: MAILING LISTS SECTION 7: CONDITIONS OF USE SECTION 8: BIBLIOGRAPHY **************** ***** SECTION 1: GOPHER SERVERS ***** ISLAMIC RESOURCES GOPHER SERVER is available using through gopher by selecting the following directory path from your home gopher: Other Gopher Servers/North America/USA/New York/Islamic Resources Gopher. It is available by telnet or gopher client at latif.com 70, login as gopher. There are a number of resources available here and it is growing steadily. Among the items available are this guide, Mas'ood Cajee's Cybermuslim 2.0 Resource guide, the Qur'an, and many other Islamic resources. For more information on the gopher contact Yaakob Abdullah, the system administrator, at yaakob@latif.com. THE ISRAEL INFORMATION SERVICE is an experimental service from the Information Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. It is available at israel-info.gov.il by telnet or gopher, login as gopher. The Gopher server includes material and documents from Israeli official and governmental sources. In the future a listserv, E-Mail, and FTP archives will be available.=20 THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND maintains a gopher that also allows searches of the Qur'an. Use the following directory path from your home gopher: Other Gopher Servers/North America/USA/Maryland/University of Maryland. It is also available by telnet or gopher client to info.umd.edu ( ). The directory path to the Qur'an is: Educational Resources/Reading Room/Religion/Koran. MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION maintains a gopher that includes the Tables of Contents and notes on 'research resources' beginning with the December 1992 (Vol. 26, No. 2) issue. Connect by telnet or gopher client to gopher.cua.edu. It is located at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Please direct questions to mesabul@cua.edu. THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA GOPHER is available by telnet or gopher client at gopher.upenn.edu 70 or under the following directory path from your home gopher: Other Gophers/North America/USA/Pennsylvania/University of Pennsylvania. The gopher includes Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies information from the University of Pennsylvania's Middle East Center. Select the following directory path: PennInfo via the Gopher->PennInfo Gateway/PennInfo/Interdisciplinary Programs/Middle East Center. It is maintained by Darlene Jackson (darlene@mec.sas.upenn.edu). RUTGERS UNIVERSITY maintains an on-line search utility for the Qur'an that is available by the following directory path from your home gopher: Other Gopher Servers/North America/USA/New Jersey/Rutgers Gopher. It is also available by telnet or gopher client to info.ru tgers.edu ( The directory path to the Qur'an utility is: Libraries, Information Resources, Reference Material, Publications/Online Dictionary and Other Reference Material. ******************************************* SECTION 2: TELNET SITES THE BIRON SYSTEM: THE ESRC'S ONLINE CATALOGUE AND SUBJECT INDEX is a search tool that prompts you to enter a topic for which you are seeking data. Your term is matched against a list of several thousand descriptive terms arranged in associated groups. If an exact match is found, you are told how many datasets have been indexed with the matching term and are offered other associated terms which might assist you in focusing your search. If no exact match is found, lists of similarly spelled words are offered for your selection and the process of matching is repeated. The data in the archive cover most areas of social and economic life including: > Agriculture and rural development > Child development and child rearing > Computer programs, teaching packages and reference sources > Economic behavior > Education > Elites and leadership > Ethnic minorities and race relations > Health, health services and medical care > Housing, enviromnent and town planning > Industrial relations > International systems, linkages, relationships and events > Language and linguistics > Management and organization studies > Mass political behavior and attitudes > Media studies > National characteristics and policies > Population studies and censuses > Social issues and values > Social structure and social stratification > Social welfare: use and provision of social services To access telnet to solb1.essex.ac.uk ( or biron.essex.ac.uk, login as biron. The password is norib. Datasets may be ordered by sending an E-Mail message to archive@essex.ac.uk with the data set number. For more information contact sheil@erssex.ac.uk or alan@essex.ac.uk. =20 THE CLEVELAND FREENET maintains an Islamic School that provides introductory information on Islam, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), and other frequently asked questions. Telnet to freenet-in-a.cwru.edu ( Select Visitor from the main menu, then se lect Explore. At the menu type "go islam" to enter the Islamic School. I was unable to test this because the service is extremely busy. The maintainers of the Islamic school are: Sysop Eusat Mercan (aa722@freenet-in-a.cwru.edu) Co-Sysop Sukru Gultop (sxg12@freenet-in-a.cwru.edu) Co-Sysop Mesut Sahin (mxs44@freenet-in-a.cwru.edu). THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS maintains a site to browse documents relating to the former Soviet Union. All fifteen republics are represented. Telnet to ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu ( Login as either history or ex-ussr. The ex-ussr login provides lists of political parties and individuals within the republics. The history login provides historical and other information about the republics. ******************************************** ***** SECTION 3: FTP SITES ***** The following FTP sites allow you to download the Qur'an. FTP to them and login as anonymous with your e-mail address as the password. The majority of these sites use the M. H. Shakir translation. The sites preceded and followed by ***** carry either the A. Yusuf Ali or M. Marmaduke Pickthall translations. Directories are given in parentheses and are case sensitive the / indicates a new directory.=20 ARIEL.UNM.EDU (/PUB/MISC)=20 ***** CS.BU.EDU ***** (/AMASS/QURAN)=20 CS.UBC.CA (/MIRROR1/NEXT/LITERATURE/WORKING) ETLPORT.ETL.GO.JP (/PUB/NEXT/LITERATURE/WORKING) FTP.UU.NET (/DOC/LITERARY/OBI/RELIGION) GATEKEEPER.DEC.COM (/.8/MISC/SCRIPTURE/QURAN) NOVA.CC. PURDUE.EDU (/PUB/NEXT/LITERATURE/WORKING) OCF.BERKELEY.EDU (/PUB/RELIGION/QURAN) PHOENIX.OULU.FI (/PUB/QURAN) PINUS.SLU.SE (/PUB/ETEXT/MISC) PRINCETON.EDU (/PUB/QURAN.TAR.Z) ROXETTE.MTY.ITESM.MX (/PUB/NEXT/LITERATURE/WORKING) SLOPOKE.MLB.SEMI.HARRIS.COM (/PUBS/DOCS/BOOKS/RELIGIOUS) SONATA.CC.PURDUE.EDU (/PUBS/DOCS/BOOKS/RELIGIOUS) UNIX.HENSA.AC.UK (/PUB/UUNET/DOC/LITERARY/OBI/RELIGION) UXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU (/PUB/QURAN.TAR.Z) The following sites have other software, sounds, graphics, and documents available to be downloaded. A general description of the material and the general directory will be included in parentheses.=20 CS.ARIZONA.EDU (QuranRef:/pub/icon/) CS.BU.EDU (ArabTeX, Macintosh software, sounds, American-Arab Scientific Society Newsletter (AMASS the owner of the archive): /amass/). This is one of the best collections. CS.UBC.CA (ArabTeX: /pub/local/arabtex) CSD4.CSD.UWM.EDU (Arabic and Islamic software, graphics: /pub/bashar/) FTP.CSE.PSU.EDU or (Tunisian Scientific Society information and documents: /pub/jamoussi/TSS) FTP.DHHALDEN.NO ( (Information on the Levant: pub/levant). FTP.TECHNION.AC.IL (Israeli archive) FTP.UGSC.CAL TECH.EDU (Islamic articles: /pub/cms and Pakistan information, graphics, and documents: /pub/gifs/Pakistan) INF.INFORMATIK.UNI-STUTTGART.DE (ArabTeX: /pub/arabtex) ISRAEL.NYSERNET.ORG (Israeli and Jewish archive: /pub/) LIASUN3.EPFL.CH (ArabTeX: /pub/tex and Kaaba, Hajj, Lebanon, Syria, Arab music, graphics, and sounds: /users/choueiri). This is also one of the best collections.=20 PITT-MANAGER.MIT.EDU (Documents about the state of Israel and the Middle East. Includes the Israeli "Declaration of Independence," articles about the PLO, and political relations in the Middle East: /pub/israel) RAMA.POLY.EDU ( RTFM.MIT.EDU (Internet information guides and frequently asked question guides (FAQs): various sub-directories) SUNSITE.UNC.EDU (Internet information guides and frequently asked question guides (FAQs): various sub-directories) *************************************************** ***** SECTION 4: ORGANIZATIONS ONLINE ***** NOTE: Any information about the organizations listed here would be greatly appreciated. Please send me a few lines describing the service or organization so that the listing will be complete. AL-QUDS has a domain name of alquds.org. It appears that ydoleh@alquds.org is the maintainer of this site but I cannot confirm this. The AMERICAN-ARAB ANTI-DISCRIMINATION COMMITTEE can be reached at adcnatl@igc.apc.org. The ARAB AMERICAN INSTITUTE can be reached at aii@igc.apc.org. ARAB WORLD AND ISLAMIC RESOURCES (AWAIR) publishes a quarterly on-line newsletter MIDDLE EAST RESOURCES for pre-collegiate educators. Other informational mailings are also common. Contact awair@igc.apc.org for more information. BARAKA, a Palestinian Bulletin Board System can be reached at support@baraka.igc.apc.org. This system is for the support of Non-Governmental Organizations. BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY in the West Bank can be contacted through mtaylor@igc.apc.org. DAR AL-ISLAM located in Abiqiui, New Mexico can be reached at rcoburn@igc.apc.org. The ISLAMIC AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS ASSOCIATION located in New York City can be reached through Mohib Durrani at mnd@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu. The ISLAMIC ASSEMBLY OF NORTH AMERICA located in Chicago can be reached at iana@mcimail.com. The ISRAEL/PALESTINE CENTER FOR RESEARCH can be reached at ipcri@igc.apc.org. The MESSAGE MAGAZINE located in Jamaica, New York can be reached at 5577178@mcimail.com The MIDDLE EAST CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA can be reached by contacting Darlene Jackson at darlene@mec.sas.upenn.edu. The MIDDLE EAST CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH can be reached by contacting Joseph W. Roberts at Joseph.Roberts@m.cc.utah.edu. The MIDDLE EAST CHILDRENS ALLIANCE can be reached at meca@igc.apa.org. The MIDDLE EAST JUSTICE NETWORK can be reached at mejn@igc.apc.org. MIDDLE EAST ON-LINE INFORMATION can be reached through Fayez Abu-Hilal at mideastdesk@igc.apc.org. The MUSLIM PUBLIC AFFAIRS COUNCIL located in Los Angeles can be reached at shahed@igc.apc.org. The PAKISTAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION in Norway can be reached by contacting Shazia Mushtaq at shaziam@ifi.uio.no. The PALESTINE SOLIDARITY COMMITTEE located in Chicago can be reached at abster@igc.apc.org. PEACENET MIDEAST can be reached at pnmideast@igc.apc.org. PEACE OPERATION SOMALIA can be reached at pos@igc.apc.org. RELCOM located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan can be reached at vladimir@igc.apc.org. The SEATTLE-TASHKENT SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION can be reached at rhawkins@igc.apc.org. The SOCIETY OF PALESTINIAN ENGINEERS can be reached at foweis@igc.apc.org. UNICEF AMMAN located in Amman, Jordan can be reached at elannert@igc.apc.org. The UNION OF PALESTINIAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA can be reached at upwana@igc.apc.org. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, Geneva, Switzerland can be contacted through Mr. Shunichi Akazawa, Network Manager (manager@who.arcom.ch), Mr. David Berg, Director, Information Technology office (berg@who.arcom.ch), Mr. Jim Duppenthaler, Dissemination of Health Statistics (duppenthaler@who.arcom.ch), or Dr. K. Hata, Information Manager, Tropical Diseases Research (hata@who.arcom.ch or hata@unicc.bitnet). ************************************** ***** SECTION 5: USENET NEWSGROUPS ***** The following newsgroups deal with issues of concern to the geographical boundaries that I have set for this resource guide. These are the newsgroups that are in my news resource f ile at the present time. I am sure I missed some of the groups (out of 3000) that deal with the region. Please send me the names of the ones that I missed. These are also the groups with world-wide distribution. There may be many other newsgroups that deal with the region from a local point of view. I will not include those here because they have only limited benefit.=20 alt.current-events.somalia SOMALIA alt.desert-storm OPERATION DESERT STORM alt.desert-storm.facts OPERATION DESERT STORM alt.desert-thekurds OPERATION PROVIDE COMFORT alt.politics.un.org UNITED NATIONS alt.sect.ahmadiyya AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT misc.activism.progressive ALTERNATIVE NEWS misc.news.rferl-rfe CENTRAL ASIA AND BALKAN NEWS FROM RADIO FREE EUROPE/RADIO LIBERTY soc.culture.afghanistan AFGHANISTAN soc.culture.african AFRICA soc.culture.arabic ARAB AND MIDDLE EASTERN ISSUES soc.culture.iranian IRAN AND PERSIAN ISSUES soc.culture.israel ISRAEL soc.culture.jewish INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CULTURE soc.culture.lebanon LEBANON soc.culture.maghreb COUNTRIES OF NORTH AFRICA soc.culture.pakistan PAKISTAN soc.culture.palestine PALESTINE soc.culture.turkish TURKEY soc.religion.bahai BAHAI RELIGION (MODERATED) soc.religion.christian CHRISTIAN RELIGION (MODERATED) soc.religion.islam ISLAMIC RELIGION (MODERATED) talk.politics.mideast MIDDLE EASTERN POLITICS talk.politics.soviet SOVIET AND CENTRAL ASIAN POLITICS *********************************************** ***** SECTION 6: MAILING LISTS ***** The Mailing Lists are broken down by subject area to make it easier to find resources on specific items. The categories are my own and I am open to suggestions for alternative categories. ***************************************** ***** ***** ***** A: ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES ***** ***** (LISTS FOR SPECIFIC ACADEMIC SUBJECT AREAS) ***** ***** B: AFRICA ***** ***** C: ALGERIA ***** ***** D: CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICS ***** ***** E: EGYPT ***** ***** F: ISLAM ***** ***** G: ISRAEL ***** ***** H: JUDAISM AND JUDAICA ***** ***** I: LANGUAGES ***** ***** J: LEBANON ***** ***** K: MOROCCO ***** ***** L: NEWS SERVICES ***** ***** M: PALESTINE ***** ***** N: PERSIAN GULF ***** ***** O: RELIGION OTHER THAN ISLAM AND JUDAISM ***** ***** P: SPECIAL TOPICS ***** ***** (LISTS THAT DEFY CATEGORIZATION) ***** ***** Q: TUNISIA ***** ***** R: TURKEY ***** ***** ***** ********************************************* ***** INSTRUCTIONS ***** ** To subscribe to any of the mailing lists listed here send the ** following one line e-mail message, making sure that the subject ** line is blank: ** SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME YOURNAME. ** ** To unsubscribe to a list that you have subscribed to send the ** folowing one line e-mail message, making sure that the subject ** line is blank: ** SIGNOFF LISTNAME ** ** In the following listing the listname is given in ALLCAPS. Use=20 ** this name when sending subscription messages. ** ******************************************************* ***** A: ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES ***** ***** (LISTS FOR SPECIFIC ACADEMIC SUBJECT AREAS) ***** Economy of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) List. ECONOMY is a mailing list aimed at analyzing economic problems, theories, policies, social conditions, political settings, etc of LDCs and their relationships with the industrial world. The economy and economic problems of LDCs have become real laboratories for the economic disciln nenmic policy measures. Send subscription request to listserv@tecmtyvm.mty.itesm.mx Economic Development List. ECON-DEV is organized to share information and network with professionals in international economic development. For more information contact Stephanie Neumann at sn@csn.org. Send subscription request to majordomo@csn.org. European Consortium for Political Research E-Conference. ECPR-PILOT is concerned with the development and teaching of poltcal science in Europe. There are approximately 2000 individual members in 154 academic institutons throughout Western Europe. Send subscription reauest to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk. Human Rights Systematic Studies. HRS-L is a discussion list for scholars interested in the scientific study of human rights. Send subscription request to listserv@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu. International Political Economy. IPE is a discussion group that will allow persons around the world interested in International Political Economy to discuss matters of mutual concern. Possible topics for discussion might includes but is not limited to any of the following: NAFTA, regional trade blocks, trade regimes, long cycles, historical world systems, the EEC, currency and market crises, democracy and governance, and commodity negotiations. Send subscription request to mailserv@csf.colorado.edu. Middle East Water List. MEH2O-L is a discussion group for information and research related to water in the Middle East. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: limnology; oceanography; marine biotechnology; aquaculture (marine and freshwater); conservation; reclamation; wetlands development;=20 ecological aspects; shared resource management; notice of upcoming conference and seminars. Send subscription reauest to listserv@taunivm.bitnet or listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il. Middle East Librarians List. MELANET is a discussion forum for administrators of Middle East libraries. Send subscription request to listserv@cornell.edu. Oral Traditions List. ORTRAD-L seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum for open disc ussion and exchange of resources in the general field of studies in oral tradition. All those interested in the world's living oral traditions (e.g., African, Hispanic, Native American, etc.) or in texts with roots in oral tradition (e.g., the Old and New Testaments, the Mahabharata, the Iliad and Odyssey, Beowulf, etc.) are invited to join the conversation. This e-conference should be useful for specialists in language and literature, folklore, anthropology, history, and other areas. Send subscription request to listserv@mizzou1.bitnet or listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu. Politics E-Conference. POLITICS is a very active E-Conference hosted by the University of Central Florida for the serious discussion of politics. Send subscription reauest to listserv@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu. It is also available via the USENET Newsgroup bit.listserv.politics. Political Science Research and Teaching E-Conference. PSRT-L is a moderated E-Conference which deals with issues of interest to professional political scientists, both researchers and teachers. The E-Conference is not intended to serve as a public forum for debate over current issues in politics, as other lists already fill that niche. Send subscription request to listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu. Rural Development Discussion List. RURALDEV is a list intended for the international discussion of community and rural economic development. Send subscription request to listserv@ksuvm.bitnet. Ancient Philosophy. SOPHIA is a discussion group that deals with ancient philosophy from Hesiod to Iamblichus and Spain to Palestine. Send subscription request to listserv@liverpool.ac.uk. Social Science Data Discussion List. SOS-DATA is owned by Jim Cassell at Cassell@unc.edu. Send subscription request to listserv@unc.edu. World List. WORLD-L is a forum for the discussion of the teaching, methodology, and theory of a scientific and non-eurocentric world history. It aims to hold regular electronic conferences related to the purpose of the list. Send subscription request to listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu. ******************************************************* ***** B: AFRICA ***** Africa List. AFRICA-L is a forum for the discussion of the interests of African peoples (in Africa, and expatriate), and for those with an interest in the African continent and her peoples. News, light-hearted discussions, and cultural and educational items are welcome. Send subscription request to listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu. *************************************************** ***** C: ALGERIA ***** Algeria-Net. ALGERIA-NET contains news and discussion of Algeria in French and English. Send subscription request to algeria-net-request@monte.svec.uh.edu. Algeria News List. ALGNEWS contains news about Algeria in French. Material reflects official Algerian positions and is potentially biased as it but it is very informative. Send subscription request to listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu. Algerian Peace Association. APA-NET os a forum for coordinating the efforts of all people interested in solving the actual Algerian Crisis through peaceful means. It contains articles, news, discussions, and organizational information for APA. Send subscription request to apa-net@mail.msen.com. ************************************************** ***** D: CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICS ***** Russian Agriculture List. RUSAG-L discusses all aspects of agriculture in the former Soviet States, not just Russia. It is maintained by James Gage (gage@umail.umd.edu), Douglas S. MacDiarmid (douglas_s_macdiarmid@umail.umd.edu), and Beth M. Gerard (beth_m_gerard@umail.umd.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@umdd.umd.edu. Russia and Her Neighbors E-Conference. RUSSIA is dedicated to the civil and thoughtful exchange and analysis of information relating to Russia and her neighbors. Send subscription reauest to listserv@arizvm1.bitnet or listserv@arizvm1.ccit.arizona.edu. ************************************************** ***** E: EGYPT ***** Egypt-Net. EGYPT-NET is a lively newletter published daily. E-mail submissions are compiled by the administrator into one long newsletter that is sent to all subcribers. Typical information is lively debate and news on Egypt. Send subscription request to egypt-net-request@das.harvard.edu. *********************************************** ***** F: ISLAM ***** Islamic Movement Network. IMNT provides news and discussion on Islamic movements. Submissions should be sent to imnt@stein.u.washington.edu. Send subscription request to imnet2@max.u.washington.edu. History of Islam. ISLAM-L is a moderated list focused on the scholarly discussion and debate from various historical perspectives on issues concerning Islam and the Arab world. The list is owned by Jim Cocks at JACock01@ulkyvm.louisville.edu. The moderators are Joseph W. Roberts (Joseph.Roberts@m.cc.utah.edu), Jim Cocks (JACock01@ulkyvm.louisville.edu), and Mike Berdine (MBerdine@ccit.arizona.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu. Muslim Student Association Listserv. MSA-L provides information from the Muslim Student Association. Send subscription request to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu.=20 Muslim Student Association Net. MSA NET is a mailing list to meet the communication needs of Muslim Student Associations in North America. Issues related to Islam, and MSAs are discussed between Muslim Students on the list. The current maintainer is Aalim Fevens (fevens@qucis.queensu.ca). Send subscription request to msa-request@htm3.ee.queensu.ca. Muslim Bay Net. MUSLIM BAYNET is a list for Muslims in the San Fransisco area to share information and ideas on activities, events and local issues. It is maintained by Munes Tomeh (tomeh@ocf.berkeley.edu). Send subscription request to muslimbaynet-request@ocf.berkeley.edu. ************************************************** ***** G: ISRAEL ***** Israel Bulletin Board for Advertisements. IL-ADS provides a forum for Israeli classified advertisements. Send subscription request to listserv@taunivm.bitnet.=20 Israel Bulletin Board. IL-BOARD is a general purpose bulletin board dealing with Israeli academia. Send subscription request to listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il. ************************************************** ***** H: JUDAISM AND JUDAICA ***** Baal t'shuva List. BALTUVA focuses on issues and questions of concern to observant Jews. Baal t'shuva is often used to refer to "newly religious Jews." Send subscription request to listserv@mcgill1.bitnet or listserv@vm1.mcgill.ca. Hebrew List. HEBREW-L is a subset of judaica@uminn1 that deals with Jewish and Near Eastern Studies. It is maintained by Professor Tzvee Zahavy (maic@uminn1.bitnet). Send subscription request to list serv@uminn1.bitnet. First Century Jewish Studies. IOUDAIOS (Greek for "Jew") is an electronic seminar devoted to the exploration of first-century Judaism its special interest is in the writings of Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. The Philonic and Josephan corpora are extensive enough that they invite all sorts of analysis =D1 from literary, historical, and philosophical perspectives, to name a few. There is also considerable interest, among participants, in the social realities that lie behind these texts. Prospective members are warmly welcomed. (The discussion assumes a significant background in first-century Judaism and also the ability to read Greek). Send subscription request to listserv@yorkvm.bitnet or listserv@vm1.yorku.edu. Jewish Electronic Mail. JEM is a primarily English language list that discusses Jewish Electronic mail issues. Send subscription request to jem@israel.nysernet.org.=20 Jewish Global Information Network Project. JEWISHNT. Send subscription request to listserv@bguvm.bitnet. Jewish Political Mailing List. JPOL is an unmoderated forum for discussing political activities of Jews in Israel and the dias pora. Send subscription request to listserv@nysernet.org.=20 Judaic Studies Newsletter. JUDAICA includes information, work-in-progress, electronic applications, and new approaches which relate to Judaic Studies. Questions are welcome, and participation of the broadest possible audience is encouraged. Send subscription request to listserv@taunivm.bitnet or listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il. Jewish and Near Eastern Studies. JUDAICA deals with Jewish and Near Eastern Studies. It is maintained by Tzvee Zahavy (maic@uminn1.bitnet). Send subscription request to listserv@uminn1.bitnet. Old Testament Studies. OT-HEBREW provides a scholarly forum for the discussion of the Old Testament in English, Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Send subscription request to othebreq@virginia.bitnet or ot-hebrew-request@virginia.edu. Progressive Jewish Activities List. PJAL is a moderated list that advertises activities dealing with progressive Judaism and is a forum for discussing the organization and running of activist programs for social justice. The list is moderated by Steve Carr (carr@utxvm.bitnet or rthr427@emx.cc.utexas.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@utxvm.bitnent or listserv@utxvm.edu.=20 Progressive Jewish Mailing List. PJML is a moderated list that links activist Jews and their allies. The list provides information on how to inspire positive action. The list is moderated by Steve Carr (carr@utxvm.bitnet or rthr427@emx.cc.utexas.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@utxvm.bitnent or listserv@utxvm.edu. Sefarad, The Sephardic Newsletter. SEFERAD is a monthly newsletter in English and Judeo-Spanish that deals with Sephardic Jewry. Send subscription request to sefarad@israel.nysernet.org. ************************************************* ***** I: LANGUAGES ***** Arabic Linguistics and Language Teaching. ARABIC-L deals with issues of concern to Arab linguists and teachers of Arabic. Send subscription request to mailserv@byu.edu. Electronic Hebrew User Group. E-HUG is for users who use the Hebrew language electonically. Send subscription request to listserv@dartcms1.bitnet.=20 Hebrew Grammar and Etymology. HEBLANG is a discussion group on the Hebrew language. Send subscription request to heblang@israel.nysernet.org.=20 It Is Arabic Language And Technology (ITISLAT). ITISLAT. Send subscription request to listserv@guvm.bitnet. Hebrew Tex List. IVRITEX is a list for users of the Hebrew version of the Tex word processor. Send subscription request to listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il. Discussion Forum on Personal Comuters Arabization. PCARAB-L is a list of mostly Saudi users. Send subsciption request to listserv@sakfu00.bitnet. Script on Computer. READER is a list that deals with Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, and other scripts on computer. Submissions should be sent to reader@tasha.poly.edu. Send subscription reqiest to alex@dt.uh.edu. Turkish Tex Users Group. YUNUS deals with Turkish text processing. Send subscription request to listserv@trmetu.bitnet.=20 ************************************************* ***** J: LEBANON ***** Lebanon-Net. LEB-NET is a discussion list for news relating to Lebanon. It is monitored by boudi@cumesa.mech.columbia.edu. Send subscription request to leb-net-request@cumesa.mech.columbia.edu. ************************************************ ***** K: MOROCCO ***** Maghrebian Scientific Institute. MIAST is a forum for the discussion of science and technology in the Arab Middle East. Send subscription request to listserv@uiucvmd.bitnet. ************************************************ ***** L: NEWS SERVICES ***** Ar-Rassed. AR-RASSED provides news and analysis from an Islamic perspective. Send subscription request to eabdelr@uofto2.utoledo.edu.=20 Azerbaijan News Service. AZERBAIJAN NEWS SERVICE provides news from the Turan News Agency in Baku, Azerbaijan. This list is run by the Azerbaijan Aydinlig Association of Berkeley California and is maintained by Farid H. Miandoab (farid@mem.odu.edu). Send subscription request to the maintainer. Islamic World News. IMNET is issued twice per week and provides news updates, analysis, book reviews, essays and opinions from readers. It is published by the International Muslim Student Union, Seattle Washington. It is maintained by Ahmed E. Souaiaia (no e-mail address available). Send subscription request to imnet2@max.u.washington.edu. IPM Tehran News List. IPM-L is a news service from Tehran. Send subscription request to listserv@irearn.bitnet.=20 Islam News. ISLAM-NEWS provides news related to Islam in English. Submissions should be directed to islam-news@iastate.edu. Send subscription request to spectre@uiuc.edu.=20 Israeline. ISRAELINE is a compilation of Israeli press coverage in English. Coverage is somewhat biased but is generally good. It is compiled by the Israeli Consulate. Send subscription request to listserv@israel.nysernet.org. Israel-Mideast. ISRAEL-MIDEAST deals with Israeli and Middle Eastern issues, including media clips, editorials, and information, from an Israeli persepctive. Send subscription request to listserv@israel.nysernet.org.=20 Muslim Student Association News MSANEWS provides complete coverage of Islam, Muslims, and the Muslim world. This is perhaps the single largest source of news coverage on the Middle East available on the internet. It is maintained by Rached Zantout (rzantout@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu). Send subscription request to msanews-request@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu. Islamic Information and News Network. MUSLIMS is a weekly Islamic news and information service that provides news, essays, and opinions on issues of concern to Muslims. It is maintained by Asim Mughal (mughal@iago.caltech.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@asuacad.bitnet or listserv@asuvm.inre.asu.edu or listserv@psuvm.psu.edu. Pakistan News Service. PAKISTAN provides news articles on Pakistan. Send subscription request to listserv@asuacad.bitnet or listserv@asuvm.inre.asu.edu. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. RFERL-L is a digest from the RFE/RL Research Institute in Munich Germany that provides news and infromation on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. It is published Monday through Friday (except German holidays). Information can be obtained from Dawn Mann (mannd@rferl.org). Send subscription request to listserv@ubvm.bitnet or listserv@ubvm.vm.cc.buffalo.edu. Somalia News Update. SNU is an irregular newletter devoted to critical discussion of events in Somalia. It is maintained by antbh@strix.udac.uu.se. Send subscription request to the above address. Back issues are available from ftp.uu.net in /doc/politics/ umich-poli/SNU.=20 Turkish News. TRKNWS-L is a more news oriented offshoot of the Turkish E-Mail List managed by the Turkish Radio Hour, KUSF-FM. News is in both English and Turkish. Send subscription request to toprak@mcimail.com with a copy to toprak@clg.com. Tunisia Information TUNINFO contains potentially biased news and information from the Tunisian Information Office primarily in French. Send subscription request to listserv@psuvm.bitnet. ************************************************* ***** M: PALESTINE ***** =20 Palestine-Net. PNET is a very lively and active discussion list for friends of the Palestinian people. News, debates, and friendly discussion is the norm. Send subscription request to: palestine-net-request@banumusa.csl.uicu.edu. Other important addresses are: GENERAL (Palestine-net@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu); GENERAL (P-Net@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu); GENERAL (Pnet@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu); NEWS ITEMS (Pnet-news@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu) P-NET STEERING COMMITTEE (Pnet-sc@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu); and UNSUBSCRIBE (Pnet-unsub@banumusa.csl.uiuc.edu). **************************************************** ***** N: PERSIAN GULF ***** Aljazirah-List. ALJAZIRAH-LIST discusses issues of interest to students from the Persian Gulf courtries studying in the United States and Europe. Study problems, adjusting to new surroundings, community activities and other topics are discussed. The list is maintained by badr@cs.washington.edu. Send subscription request to aljazirah-list-request@cs.washington.edu. Camel Forum Discussion. CAMEL-L discusses the field of Camel research. It is maintained at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia by Abdullah Altaher(facmab76@sakfu00.bitnet). Send subscription request to listserv@sakfu00.bitnet. *********************************************** ***** O: RELIGION OTHER THAN ISLAM OR JUDAISM ***** Baha'i Faith List. BAHAI-FAITH is a non-threatening forum for discussingand sharing information about the Baha'i faith. Send subscription request to bahai-faith-request@oneworld.wa.com. Christian Liturgy List. LITURGY provides an academic forum for discussion of all aspects of Christian liturgy. The list does not confine itself to any one historical period, geographical area or Christian tradition. Therefore contributions are welcome from all historical and theological fields. We also welcome discussion from those involved in other disciplines such as literary analysis, comparative religions and sociology of religion. Send subscription request to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk. Objective Discussion of Religion. OBJ-REL is intended to meet the needs of those who seek information and intelligent discussion on religion. Discussion on OBJ-REL is intended to be centered around such topics as: the existence of God or gods, creationism versus evolution, reasons for the existence of religions, epistemology, religion and government, etc. This discussion is ** NOT ** intended to be a forum for emotional appeals to convert others to your faith, but discussions about the content of your beliefs ** AND THE REASONS BEHIND THOSE BELIEFS **. Send subscription request to listserv@emuvm1.cc.emory.edu. Orthodox Christianity. ORTHODOX is dedicated to the thoughtful exchange of ideas concerning Orthodox Christianity worldwide. Particular attention is paid to the rise of Christianity in Russia and her neighbors. Send subscription request to listserv@arizvm1.bitnet or listserv@arizvm.ccit.arizona.edu. ******************************************************* ***** P: SPECIAL TOPICS ***** ***** (LISTS THAT DEFY CATEGORIZATION) ***** Amazigh-Net AMAZIGH-NET is a forum for discussions on any issue related to the Amazigh language, history, and culture. The goals of Amazigh-net is to promote and preserve the Amazigh culture and language. It is hoped that this network will serve as a factor in order to create a constant and cohesive effort towards giving Tamazight and the Amazigh culture the international status they deserve. Send subscription request to amazigh-net@ensisun.imag.fr to receive subscription information. Middle Eastern Music List. MIDDLE-EASTERN-MUSIC discusses all aspects of music in the Middle East. Send subscription request to middle-eastern-music-request@nic.funet.fi. *********************************************** ***** Q: TUNISIA ***** Tunisian Scientific Society Activities List. TSSACT-L. Send subscription request to listserv@utkvm1.bitnet.=20 Tunisian Scientific Society News. TSSNEWS. Send subscription request to listserv@athena.mit.edu. The Tunisia List. TUNISIA LIST was created to encourage contact among Tunisian students and researchers throughout the world. The list is owned by Maher Hamdi (hamdi@rsm.enst-bretagne.fr. Send subscription request to hamdi@rennes.enst-bretagne.fr. The Tunisia Network. TUNISNET provides discussion and news about Tunisia. There is also substantial discussion about the sciences in Tunisia. Send subscription request to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu. *************************************************** ***** R: TURKEY ***** Bilim be Felsefe Uzerine Tartisma Listesi. BILFEL is a discussion group on science and philosophy i Turkish. Send subscription to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Genel Amacli Duyuru ve Tartisma Listesi. DUVAR-L is a general discussion list in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. European Community List. EC is a discussion group of primarily Turkish users on the European Community. Send subscription request to listserv@indycms.bitnet. Kitaplar Uzerine Tartisma Listesi. KITAP-L is a discussion group on books in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Turk Siyaseti Uzerine Tartisma Listesi. POLITIKA is a discussion group on Turkish Politics in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Turkish Issues List. PTT-L provides English and Turkish news and discussion of Turkey and Turkish issues. Send subscription request to listserv@trearn.bitnet. Sanat Uzerine Tartisma Listesi. SANAT-L is a discussion group on the arts in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Haftalik Guncel Yorum Dergisi. SENFONI is a weekly online magazine in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@trearn.bitnet. Sinema Uzerine Tartisma Listesi. SINEMA-L is a discussion group on films in Turkish. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Turkish E-Mail List. TEL is a list of often heated discussions on issues of concern to Turkey including Cyprus, Kurds, and Turks in the Central Asian Republics. Send subscription request to listserv@uscvm.bitnet. Bilib Dili Olarak Turkce List. TURKCE-L deals with the Turkish language. Send subscription request to listserv@tritu.bitnet. Turkish Comics Magazine. VM-SHOW. Send subscription request to listserv@trearn.bitnet. Turkish Scientists Discussion Group. DOST. Send subscription request to listserv@trearn.bitnet.=20 Turkish Studies Association. TSA-L is organized to foster communications among members of the Turkish Studies Association. It is maintained by Alan Fisher (alan@ah2.cal.msu.edu). Send subscription request to listserv@msu.edu. Turkish Student Assistance Association. TSAA-L is organized to help Turkish students abroad. Send subscription request to listserv@purccvm.bitnet. Turkiye Internet Tartisma Listesi. INET-TR lists networks available in Turkey. Send subscription request to listserv@trmetu.bitnet.=20 ************************************************** ***** SECTION 7: CONDITIONS OF USE ***** This guide may be adapted, within the limits of fair use, provided that a citation is given. Single copies of any document citing this guide would be much appreciated. The suggested citation is: ** Roberts, Joseph W. "The Middle East-North Africa Internet ** Resource Guide" Version # (Date). Available via Gopher at ** University of Utah Gopher and via anonymous FTP at ** sunsite.unc.edu.=20 Any questionable use should be discussed in advance with the author. This guide may not be sold for profit, in either the original or an adapted form, without permission from the author. Every attempt is made to keep the information in this guide up-to-date and correct. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. The official copy will be posted on the University of Utah Gopher regularly. ************************************************ ***** SECTION 8: BIBLIOGRAPHY ***** Cajee, Mas'ood. "CyberMuslim: A Guide to Islamic Resources on the Internet" (July 1993). Available by anonymous FTP at cs.bu.edu. Hashem, Basil. "Islamic Computing Resource Guide" (December 1992). It is available by anonymous FTP at cs.bu.edu. Kehoe, Brendan P. " Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to the Internet," (February 1992). It is available by anonymous FTP from ftp.cs.widener.edu Kovacs, Diane. "ACADLISTS, 7th Revision" (1993) Available by anonymouys FTP from mcs.kent.edu. "Middle East Studies Association Bulletin" Three issues, Vol. 26, No. 2 (December 1992); Vol. 27, No. 1 (July 1993); and Vol. 27, No. 2 (December 1993), have provided me with a great deal of information about internet resources. Yanoff, Scott. "Special Internet Connections: Internet Services List" (May 1994). It is available in alt.internet.services newsgroup or by anonymous FTP drom csd4.csd.uwm.edu. |