![[World History Archives]](../bin/title-c.png)
The history of the cosmos
Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in
World History Archives and does not
presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to
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[The relation of cosmology and human history is that
dissipation of the original Big Bang creates structures that make
possible the emergence of human life and determine the probability of
its possible outcomes.]
- A Picture Worth a Thousand Answers:
Scientists Capture Best Image Ever of Universe's
- By Rob Stein, Washington Post, Wednesday 12
February 2003. A powerful satellite has captured the best
picture ever taken of the infant universe, an image so
detailed that scientists said it answers some of the most
important questions about the cosmos, including when it
was born and how it will probably die.
- Technology Offers View of Early
- By Curt Suplee, Washington Post, Thursday
27 April 2000. Astronomers have obtained the first
detailed images of the universe as it was nearly 15
billion years ago, long before stars or galaxies had begun
to form. Primordial background radiation reveals the
super-faint ripples that were the first seeds of the
structure of the cosmos.
- Survey Offers Glimpses Into Nascent
- By Kathy Sawyer, Washington Post, Monday 23
June 2003. Rare snapshots of the growing universe are some
of the initial findings from the broadest in-depth survey
ever conducted of the evolution of the largest cosmic
building blocks—galaxies. This is the first time
that the cosmic tale of how galaxies build themselves has
been traced reliably to such early time.