Comparative history

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Historical Comparisons and Connections at the AHA
By Andre Gunder Frank, 27 October 1996. Frank regrets the fixation on comparative [diachronic] history at the expense of connections [synchronic] in world history. Reflects historians’ unsucessful effort to represent world history as process.
The Unfinished Revolution
By Boris Kagarlitsky, 27 October 1997. Nice example of comparative history: Argues the Jacobin and Russian Revolution had a comparable role in the contradictory process of modern [European bourgeois] history, and our understanding of them helps define our task for the future.
US: a disputed history of identity
By Edward W. Said, Le Monde diplomatique September 2004. Argues that in general, cultures are contested. Example of the U.S., where cultural identity has been particularly fluid.
Trying to evaluate civilizations
By Haines Brown, contribution to a dialog, 24 October 2004. Argues that evaluation of cultures in terms of their relative superiority is impossible.
Reaching across cultural divides
By Haines Brown, contribution to a dialog, 5 July 2005. Argues that there are inevitable cultural barriers bocking mutual intelligibility, but being in a universal class (working class), opens a potential for cross-cultural communications.