The individual as historical agent
Hartford Web Publishing is not
the author of the documents in World
History Archives and does not presume to validate their
accuracy or authenticity nor to release their copyright.
- Top 100 Influential People
- A discussion from the PhilOfHi list, October
1998. Portions of a discussion touching upon a variety of
issues, including the great man theory of history.
- Social Change and Human Nature
- By Will Miller, 30 November 1998. Human nature
represented as seizing upon opportunities offered by the
marketplace of options is here criticized. The issue is
not human nature, but the kind of system within which
humans must act.
- Influence/founders/propagators
- A dialog from the PhilOfHi list, November 1998. The
question of how we recognize historical greatness. The
suggestion that it is a function of being a necessary
condition for an important historical change. This
suggestion is criticized as well as the alternative view
that it all depends on the circumstance of action.
- The Decisive Role of the Individual in
- By Rob Sewell, In Defense of Marxism, 9
December 2005. It is the task of Marxism to uncover the
dialectical relationship between the individual (the
subjective) and the great forces (objective) that govern the
movement of society. Historical materialism does not dismiss
the role of the individual, of personality, in history, but
sees this role in its historical context.