Census Figures
Migration by train |
Year | Numbers |
1900 | 1887 |
1910 | 1745 |
1920 | 4199 |
1930 | 6510 |
Migration by train, car & bus |
1940 | 7090 |
1950 | 12654 |
1960 | 24855 |
These census figures indicate that the rate of immigration almost tripled in the era of World War I, which
marks the beginning of the second wave of immigration. Labor recruiters worked the South, offering
free transportation and the promise of jobs, and this certainly contributed to the influx. However, it was
a wave that crested in the 1960s, after which Hartford shrank, as it continues to do today. The pattern
closely correlates with the City's economic growth, which in turn correlates with manufacturing. The loss
the City's manufacturing base after the Second World War (due to the inept planning and myopia of the
City's banking and insurance interests, it must be admitted) meant a loss in the quality and quantity of
jobs in the City. Because of racism or an anti-urban bias, often much the same thing, more than three
quarters of the jobs now go to overwhelmingly white suburban commuters.
Social Differentiation
Around the turn of the century, there begins to a social differentiation within the Black population that
left the majority to continue in difficult circumstances, but opened the way for a minority to ape the
values and life-style of whites. This is a controversial issue that has given rise to quite different attitudes.
If one chooses to emphasize the positive aspects of that rising middle class life-style, then the families
that ascended into it are to be admired; if, on the other hand, one feels there was need for the entire
Black population to struggle as one to improve its lot, then the emerging Black middle class is to be
judged on the extent to which it joined or even led that struggle. Of course, things are usually more
complex than this simple dichotomy, but at least we might conclude that the social differentiation
within the Black community is ambivalent.
Since the 1960s, Black families have imitated the white flight to the suburbs, not only to further
their own interests, but to escape deteriorating urban conditions. But before then, partly because of
racism, the Black bourgeoisie remained in the Black neighborhoods and so maintained social and political
contact with their less fortunate brothers and sisters. It would be hard to exagerate the importance of
this for understanding Hartford's Black history.
We therefore need to contrast the life styles of Black working class and the rising Black
bourgeosie. The employment situation for Blacks at the time of World War I was not particularly
attractive, although the growing economy at least meant there were some opportunities. Blacks
tended to be excluded from manufacturing jobs because, in the face of progressive legislation, the
owners needed a way to keep the working class divided, and racism served that purpose very
well. Blacks continued to fill the traditional menial jobs, as in agriculture (especially the Sumatra
shade-grown tobacco fields in Granby) so that whites could think of themselves as superior, and
this made them more docile toward the owners. Unfortunately, the labor movement
fell into this trap of national chauvinism, racism and sexism. Doing so did bring some benefits to
white workers, but only to a certain degree and for a certain period of time; the price for that
cooperation is now being paid and organized labor is coming to realize that without the solidarity
of white and Black, men and women, everyone looses.
However, there is a more positive note. The enormous growth of government at the beginning of the
century meant opportunities in civil service employment. The tradition in the Black community of a
military career and of private service probably lent itself to employment in public service, and, of
course, ordinary whites would then have Blacks waiting on them much as the elite had enjoyed
before, which was politically advantageous to the town élite. So, while we certainly admire the
first Black policeman or fireman, more is involved than simply their personal achievement that might
serve as a model for others to emulate. So we begin appropriately with a photo of a Black public
servant. He is driving a road machine for the Hartford Street Department that apparently smoothed
and watered the surface of dirt roads.
Of course, Hartford had brick roads (one is visible in the photo of AME Zion Church on Pearl
Street, for example), and in some cases cobblestones (to some extent, the old coblestones and trolley
rails still lie under the macadam around the train station), and so it is interesting so see that dirt roads
still existed downtown when this picture was taken in about 1925. This would be the case in less central
parts of town that were just developing or did not have industry, such as as Park Street, or in older
sections that did not participate in the City's industrial and commercial rise.
This photo illustrates the
latter case, for it is supposed to show 2 Commerce Street which was the old commercial focus of town
along the River shore, but which declined with the rise of railroads in the mid-nineteenth century. That
it flooded every spring also discouraged development, and eventually Commerce Street was largely
replaced by dyke and highway. Only a small southern section remains today.
Because of the regular spring floods that affect the meadow north and south of Hartford
and the City itself before the dykes built after the flood of '38 (when the water reached the G. Fox
building), the East Side of the City was called the "Bottoms." Few if any people actually lived
on Commerce Street for that reason, but the next street uphill, Front Street (of which only a small
section survives north of the footbridge over the railroad line) and then Market Street, was an
important neighborhood of Blacks and immigrant Jews and Italians. This varied community, that
many insist was Hartford's soul, was obliterated by commercial interests after 1957. Had it been
redeveloped as housing for people of modest income, the City would have had quite a different,
and perhaps happier, history. Because the East End provided poor working-class housing, the rising
Black bourgeoisie apparently avoided it, preferring instead such neighborhoods as that of Windsor
Here is a photograph of the John O. Taylor family made in about 1890. Although the family is obscure (perhaps
a product of the old Black population in Hartford rather than the wave of more familiar immigrant families
from the South), it well illustrates how the rising Black bourgeoisie adopted white values.
First is the cult of domesticity, where the male is represented as the head of a household rather
than, say, at work or at play, as would be broadly traditional. In such domestic photographs, it is best that
the couple and their children huddle together physically. Although the compulsory idiot smile for the camera
had not yet come into fashion, nevertheless a certain benign demeaner was appropriate, indicating the
domestic tranquility that resulted from the rule of a civilizing wife. The washed and well-behaved children
are the empirical evidence of the success of that civilizing mission. A fundamental trait of the ideology of
civilization is literacy, and so naturally the family is here representing as sharing a book (not the Bible,
as the new families from the South might have). The husband follows the standard bourgeois dress code
that had just emerged during the century, including the mandatory tie. The young child has her toy, and
she is at the focus because of the bourgeois cult of childhood. The women present all have custume
jewellery - which is as mandatory for the bourgeoisie as the oriental carpet on the floor. Not shown here
was an upright piano, but this seems to be a studio photograph rather than one taken in the parlor at
home. Being light-skinned, of course, as is the father and daughter here, also helped.
Here is an appealing 1892 photograph of a Hartford High School graduate. She would have been among
the first Blacks to have achieved that honor, and she probably exemplifies the rising Black bourgeoisie
for whom a formal education was particuarly important. She is anonymous, unfortunately, which again
hints that the Black bourgeoisie were more from the old families than the new immigrants, and so often
not linked to Harford's major twentieth century families.
The sketch here of the social dynamics in Hartford's Black community around World War I is
only tentative and in serious need of development. Any interpretation would depend on being able to
identify the immigrant families, where they settled, their modes of employment and social relations.
Likewise, one would have to develop criteria by which to identify the rising Black Bourgeois families,
and then determine where they lived, how they made a living, and with whom they associated. These
social dynamics shaped the outlook of the parents and grandparents of the people of Hartford today,
and although that outlook is probably dying out, an awareness and understanding of it is necessary in
order to construct a viable alternative.